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Generated at 2024-10-27 03:38:42

We have 212 news from different sources.


1.1《Blood Sweat & Tears》|《英雄联盟:双城之战》动画第二季 安蓓萨英雄主题音乐 | 拳头游戏音乐


2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

拳头游戏音乐 post at 2024-10-26 21:32:43


《Blood Sweat & Tears》音乐MV现已上线,音乐响起,让我们一起跟随安蓓萨踏上狼灵追随者的归宿!

1.2当代学生良好的精神状态 23.0


2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

碧月狐 post at 2024-10-26 09:51:24

芜狐~本视频只是为了娱乐呀awa 又双叒叕叕是学生精神状态良好系列啦~ 喜欢的话,还望三连关注支持下嘛啊哈哈哈哈 !!! 播放三连关注越多!更新该系列频率越快越高!

1.3S14 半决赛 BLG 3:0 淘汰 WBG 队史首次晋级总决赛,如何评价这场比赛?


2024/10/27 03:38 GTM



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2024/10/26 12:19 GTM

不需要额外训练和微调,PersonaTalk 在视频结果的表现上甚至优于学术界最新的定制化训练方案,论文已中稿 SIGGRAPH Asia 2024。



2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

x66ccff:看图 openreview上面看到的 GeoBench



2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

CurryRice:这题我会,主要原因是 Pytorch 调用 CUDA 接口的时候,会创建一个叫 CUDA context 的东西,大概会使用几百至一千不等的显存,具体大小根据 Pytorch, CUDA 版本的不同以及设备的不同会有所改变。也就是说,就算我只申请一条只有 4 bytes 的 Tensor,通过 nvidia-smi 命令去查看也会有个几百 MB 的显存占用。 目前看来他们一直在优化中,我记得之前用 Pytorch 1.8 + CUDA 10.2 的时候,初始的显存占用有 800多MB。 顺便也简单介绍...


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2024/10/26 12:19 GTM



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2024/10/26 12:19 GTM




2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

布吉岛:在现代家庭中,随着生活节奏的加快, 囤上一周的食材也是很多家庭周末必须要做的事情。但是如何选择一款大容量、小身材的冰箱,在寸土寸金的厨房里为全家老小的饮食生活“保鲜“?又如何通过强大的保鲜技术和除菌技术,助力食材的保鲜,提升家庭生活的幸福指数。冰箱的选择绝对不是随随便便的选择。 对比市面众多冰箱品牌热门型号及保鲜技术,我终于摸清楚了 冰箱的“选购命门”,想要找到真正符合现代生活方式的冰箱,不妨收藏此...



2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

日向源 post at 2024-10-22 17:46:44

本期主要聚焦于植物一的诞生历程,以及剧情和结局,这只是PVZ发展历史的一部分,后续PVZ3代正式发布之后,会给大家带来2代游戏详细的发展历程,感兴趣可以点点关注哦~ 当然也不要忘记永劫无间手游,这次的联动也太有诚意了吧~

1.11《 最 干 净 的 鸡 排 》


2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

魔鬼厨房Neo post at 2024-10-24 20:00:00



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2024/10/26 12:19 GTM

这笔资金将被用于进一步扩展 Waymo 的无人驾驶出租车服务。



2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

芦苇十三少 post at 2024-10-25 17:26:10

爆肝了144个小时!!!你没见过从船星版本! 这次没有友情提示!!!全部满满的肝!!!投币越多更新越快!! 点个三联吧!!求三年求三年啊!!!求三年求三年啊!!!求三年求三年啊!!!求三年求三年啊!!!求三年求三年啊!!!求三年求三年啊!!!求三年求三年啊!!!求三年求三年啊!!!求三年求三年啊!!!



2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

老李船长 post at 2024-10-21 17:05:00




2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

minglaihe:写个自然科学基金的标书,得写至少一两个月吧。 人家给你这个单位砸那么多钱,可不是让你做这事的。 你无非是想着有个自然科学基金,以后好跳高校去, 问题是你现在屁股坐在这个单位,当然是要在保证能完成本职工作的前提下, 才可以做那些额外的事情。...



2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

眠眠:一个北京理工大学的男生,醉酒后,被四个男人当成泄欲工具,残忍折磨。 醒来后,他想起了这些年遭受的屈辱,便制定了一个复仇计划。 最终,他连杀 7 人,还一刀一刀地割下,对方的生殖器官。 其中有欺凌他的变态,也有无辜的网友…… 1 1994 年冬季的一个寒夜,新疆小城昌吉的街上,风雪交加。 一个十来岁的初中男生,下完晚自习,顶着风雪往家疾走。 这时已是 10 点左右,路上行人稀少。 90 年代的昌吉更是几乎没有什么路灯。...



2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

林夕邦邦:本来没事。 被她这么一闹,估计只有广州文旅局有政治意识,站位正确了。 这下全国都不好演了。 她是不是xx啊。都不先查查有没有视频就去冲。这不找死吗?...



2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

世界美食official post at 2024-10-24 20:00:00

食客A:小汉堡吃爽了吗? 食客B:爽了! 食客A:再去整点儿饮料? 食客B:整! *嗡嗡嗡....*


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2024/10/26 12:19 GTM




2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

XCSX:案例:合同5,6月到期,基金8月出结果,学校会停两个月工资等你的基金结果,中就续签不中就卷铺盖走人;基金中了,论文差一点(比如在投还在revision),有商榷的余地,可能继续续签;但如果没有基金,那就铁定走人了。 根据我身边考核不过的案例,没有一个是因为论文不达标,100%都是没拿到自然基金。考核条件中一般规定几区论文几篇,而且基本按学科分级的,对绝大多数人能不能达到心里是有底的。但国家级项目是必须的,其实就...



2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

努力的Lorre post at 2024-10-25 19:00:00



2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

神探长探案:在灵台方寸山学艺的孙悟空,偶然间登陆了后世的西游记贴吧,看到里面披露的西游脉络剖析后,他性情大变,进化成了一只低调好学一心修炼的苟王。 从此,齐天大圣没了,只有精通各种术法的苟王孙悟空! 1. 西牛贺洲,灵台方寸山。 菩提老祖坐在讲台上传经讲道,众弟子围坐在下方聚精会神聆听师父授课。 此时菩提老祖看向坐在角落里,画风明显跟周围弟子不太一样的那个身影陷入沉思。 这猴子原本性子急躁,难以管教,动不动便是这也...



2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

赛雷三分钟 post at 2024-10-25 14:25:24




2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

野树长生:只要你搜索了解过洗地机,就一定刷到过这样的直播内容: 直播间摆放各种型号洗地机,地板倒满了面条、头发团、辣椒油、老抽等各种干湿垃圾,主播一边使用洗地机清理,展示洗地机立竿见影的清洁效果,一边喊着活动价、上商品链接带货; 包括很多图文和视频博主,也都热衷于制造极其夸张的脏污场景,用来测试和对比洗地机的极限清洁能力,很多朋友看了洗地机一拖即净的画面,也都忍不住下单。 但洗地机的清洁能力,真的有直播间和...

1.25【医学博士】肾脏给了你四次机会,希望你把握住!| 尿尿起泡是身体出了什么问题?


2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

兔叭咯 post at 2024-10-26 17:30:00

本期视频讲了关于肾衰竭(包括尿毒症)整个阶段的疾病表现。 虽然,尿毒症大部分情况都是一经发现就晚期的... 但在前、中期还是有很多“征兆”值得我们注意。早发现,早治疗! 肾脏给了我们四次机会,希望大家能抓住! peace~ 您可能还喜欢: 【膝盖弹响】 BV1KtmEYWEMb 【选水乳】 BV1MNxmeKEda 【致癌物】 BV1Sdt1egEkJ 【选枕头】 BV1kwtMeQEpN 【大难不死】 BV16BH9eAEiV


2.1Where Am I and What Will I See: An Auto-Regressive Model for Spatial Localization and View Prediction

arxiv html pdf kimi

2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Spatial intelligence is the ability of a machine to perceive, reason, and act in three dimensions within space and time. Recent advancements in large-scale auto-regressive models have demonstrated remarkable capabilities across various reasoning tasks. However, these models often struggle with fundamental aspects of spatial reasoning, particularly in answering questions like “Where am I?” and “What will I see?”. While some attempts have been done, existing approaches typically treat them as separate tasks, failing to capture their interconnected nature. In this paper, we present Generative Spatial Transformer (GST), a novel auto-regressive framework that jointly addresses spatial localization and view prediction. Our model simultaneously estimates the camera pose from a single image and predicts the view from a new camera pose, effectively bridging the gap between spatial awareness and visual prediction. The proposed innovative camera tokenization method enables the model to learn the joint distribution of 2D projections and their corresponding spatial perspectives in an auto-regressive manner. This unified training paradigm demonstrates that joint optimization of pose estimation and novel view synthesis leads to improved performance in both tasks, for the first time, highlighting the inherent relationship between spatial awareness and visual prediction.

2.2Sort-free Gaussian Splatting via Weighted Sum Rendering

arxiv html pdf kimi

2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Recently, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has emerged as a significant advancement in 3D scene reconstruction, attracting considerable attention due to its ability to recover high-fidelity details while maintaining low complexity. Despite the promising results achieved by 3DGS, its rendering performance is constrained by its dependence on costly non-commutative alpha-blending operations. These operations mandate complex view dependent sorting operations that introduce computational overhead, especially on the resource-constrained platforms such as mobile phones. In this paper, we propose Weighted Sum Rendering, which approximates alpha blending with weighted sums, thereby removing the need for sorting. This simplifies implementation, delivers superior performance, and eliminates the “popping” artifacts caused by sorting. Experimental results show that optimizing a generalized Gaussian splatting formulation to the new differentiable rendering yields competitive image quality. The method was implemented and tested in a mobile device GPU, achieving on average 1.23×1.23\times faster rendering.

2.3Binocular-Guided 3D Gaussian Splatting with View Consistency for Sparse View Synthesis

arxiv html pdf kimi

2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Novel view synthesis from sparse inputs is a vital yet challenging task in 3D computer vision. Previous methods explore 3D Gaussian Splatting with neural priors (e.g. depth priors) as an additional supervision, demonstrating promising quality and efficiency compared to the NeRF based methods. However, the neural priors from 2D pretrained models are often noisy and blurry, which struggle to precisely guide the learning of radiance fields. In this paper, We propose a novel method for synthesizing novel views from sparse views with Gaussian Splatting that does not require external prior as supervision. Our key idea lies in exploring the self-supervisions inherent in the binocular stereo consistency between each pair of binocular images constructed with disparity-guided image warping. To this end, we additionally introduce a Gaussian opacity constraint which regularizes the Gaussian locations and avoids Gaussian redundancy for improving the robustness and efficiency of inferring 3D Gaussians from sparse views. Extensive experiments on the LLFF, DTU, and Blender datasets demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.

2.4Schedule Your Edit: A Simple yet Effective Diffusion Noise Schedule for Image Editing

arxiv html pdf kimi

2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Text-guided diffusion models have significantly advanced image editing, enabling high-quality and diverse modifications driven by text prompts. However, effective editing requires inverting the source image into a latent space, a process often hindered by prediction errors inherent in DDIM inversion. These errors accumulate during the diffusion process, resulting in inferior content preservation and edit fidelity, especially with conditional inputs. We address these challenges by investigating the primary contributors to error accumulation in DDIM inversion and identify the singularity problem in traditional noise schedules as a key issue. To resolve this, we introduce the Logistic Schedule, a novel noise schedule designed to eliminate singularities, improve inversion stability, and provide a better noise space for image editing. This schedule reduces noise prediction errors, enabling more faithful editing that preserves the original content of the source image. Our approach requires no additional retraining and is compatible with various existing editing methods. Experiments across eight editing tasks demonstrate the Logistic Schedule’s superior performance in content preservation and edit fidelity compared to traditional noise schedules, highlighting its adaptability and effectiveness.

2.5A Note on Geometric Calibration of Multiple Cameras and Projectors

arxiv html pdf kimi

2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Geometric calibration of cameras and projectors is an essential step that must be performed before any imaging system can be used. There are many well-known geometric calibration methods for calibrating systems comprised of multiple cameras, but simultaneous geometric calibration of multiple projectors and cameras has received less attention. This leaves unresolved several practical issues which must be considered to achieve the simplicity of use required for real world applications. In this work we discuss several important components of a real-world geometric calibration procedure used in our laboratory to calibrate surface imaging systems comprised of many projectors and cameras. We specifically discuss the design of the calibration object and the image processing pipeline used to analyze it in the acquired images. We also provide quantitative calibration results in the form of reprojection errors and compare them to the classic approaches such as Zhang’s calibration method.

2.6VoxelKeypointFusion: Generalizable Multi-View Multi-Person Pose Estimation

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

In the rapidly evolving field of computer vision, the task of accurately estimating the poses of multiple individuals from various viewpoints presents a formidable challenge, especially if the estimations should be reliable as well. This work presents an extensive evaluation of the generalization capabilities of multi-view multi-person pose estimators to unseen datasets and presents a new algorithm with strong performance in this task. It also studies the improvements by additionally using depth information. Since the new approach can not only generalize well to unseen datasets, but also to different keypoints, the first multi-view multi-person whole-body estimator is presented. To support further research on those topics, all of the work is publicly accessible.

2.7MotionCLR: Motion Generation and Training-free Editing via Understanding Attention Mechanisms

arxiv html pdf kimi

2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

This research delves into the problem of interactive editing of human motion generation. Previous motion diffusion models lack explicit modeling of the word-level text-motion correspondence and good explainability, hence restricting their fine-grained editing ability. To address this issue, we propose an attention-based motion diffusion model, namely MotionCLR, with CLeaR modeling of attention mechanisms. Technically, MotionCLR models the in-modality and cross-modality interactions with self-attention and cross-attention, respectively. More specifically, the self-attention mechanism aims to measure the sequential similarity between frames and impacts the order of motion features. By contrast, the cross-attention mechanism works to find the fine-grained word-sequence correspondence and activate the corresponding timesteps in the motion sequence. Based on these key properties, we develop a versatile set of simple yet effective motion editing methods via manipulating attention maps, such as motion (de-)emphasizing, in-place motion replacement, and example-based motion generation, etc. For further verification of the explainability of the attention mechanism, we additionally explore the potential of action-counting and grounded motion generation ability via attention maps. Our experimental results show that our method enjoys good generation and editing ability with good explainability.

2.8Framer: Interactive Frame Interpolation

arxiv html pdf kimi

2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

We propose Framer for interactive frame interpolation, which targets producing smoothly transitioning frames between two images as per user creativity. Concretely, besides taking the start and end frames as inputs, our approach supports customizing the transition process by tailoring the trajectory of some selected keypoints. Such a design enjoys two clear benefits. First, incorporating human interaction mitigates the issue arising from numerous possibilities of transforming one image to another, and in turn enables finer control of local motions. Second, as the most basic form of interaction, keypoints help establish the correspondence across frames, enhancing the model to handle challenging cases (e.g., objects on the start and end frames are of different shapes and styles). It is noteworthy that our system also offers an “autopilot” mode, where we introduce a module to estimate the keypoints and refine the trajectory automatically, to simplify the usage in practice. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the appealing performance of Framer on various applications, such as image morphing, time-lapse video generation, cartoon interpolation, etc. The code, the model, and the interface will be released to facilitate further research.

2.9Real-time 3D-aware Portrait Video Relighting

arxiv html pdf kimi

2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Synthesizing realistic videos of talking faces under custom lighting conditions and viewing angles benefits various downstream applications like video conferencing. However, most existing relighting methods are either time-consuming or unable to adjust the viewpoints. In this paper, we present the first real-time 3D-aware method for relighting in-the-wild videos of talking faces based on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF). Given an input portrait video, our method can synthesize talking faces under both novel views and novel lighting conditions with a photo-realistic and disentangled 3D representation. Specifically, we infer an albedo tri-plane, as well as a shading tri-plane based on a desired lighting condition for each video frame with fast dual-encoders. We also leverage a temporal consistency network to ensure smooth transitions and reduce flickering artifacts. Our method runs at 32.98 fps on consumer-level hardware and achieves state-of-the-art results in terms of reconstruction quality, lighting error, lighting instability, temporal consistency and inference speed. We demonstrate the effectiveness and interactivity of our method on various portrait videos with diverse lighting and viewing conditions.

2.10Probabilistic Language-Image Pre-Training

arxiv html pdf kimi

2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Vision-language models (VLMs) embed aligned image-text pairs into a joint space but often rely on deterministic embeddings, assuming a one-to-one correspondence between images and texts. This oversimplifies real-world relationships, which are inherently many-to-many, with multiple captions describing a single image and vice versa. We introduce Probabilistic Language-Image Pre-training (ProLIP), the first probabilistic VLM pre-trained on a billion-scale image-text dataset using only probabilistic objectives, achieving a strong zero-shot capability (e.g., 74.6% ImageNet zero-shot accuracy with ViT-B/16). ProLIP efficiently estimates uncertainty by an “uncertainty token” without extra parameters. We also introduce a novel inclusion loss that enforces distributional inclusion relationships between image-text pairs and between original and masked inputs. Experiments demonstrate that, by leveraging uncertainty estimates, ProLIP benefits downstream tasks and aligns with intuitive notions of uncertainty, e.g., shorter texts being more uncertain and more general inputs including specific ones. Utilizing text uncertainties, we further improve ImageNet accuracy from 74.6% to 75.8% (under a few-shot setting), supporting the practical advantages of our probabilistic approach. The code is available at

2.113D-Adapter: Geometry-Consistent Multi-View Diffusion for High-Quality 3D Generation

arxiv html pdf kimi

2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Multi-view image diffusion models have significantly advanced open-domain 3D object generation. However, most existing models rely on 2D network architectures that lack inherent 3D biases, resulting in compromised geometric consistency. To address this challenge, we introduce 3D-Adapter, a plug-in module designed to infuse 3D geometry awareness into pretrained image diffusion models. Central to our approach is the idea of 3D feedback augmentation: for each denoising step in the sampling loop, 3D-Adapter decodes intermediate multi-view features into a coherent 3D representation, then re-encodes the rendered RGBD views to augment the pretrained base model through feature addition. We study two variants of 3D-Adapter: a fast feed-forward version based on Gaussian splatting and a versatile training-free version utilizing neural fields and meshes. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that 3D-Adapter not only greatly enhances the geometry quality of text-to-multi-view models such as Instant3D and Zero123++, but also enables high-quality 3D generation using the plain text-to-image Stable Diffusion. Furthermore, we showcase the broad application potential of 3D-Adapter by presenting high quality results in text-to-3D, image-to-3D, text-to-texture, and text-to-avatar tasks.

2.12Interpretable Representation Learning from Videos using Nonlinear Priors

arxiv html pdf kimi

2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Learning interpretable representations of visual data is an important challenge, to make machines’ decisions understandable to humans and to improve generalisation outside of the training distribution. To this end, we propose a deep learning framework where one can specify nonlinear priors for videos (e.g. of Newtonian physics) that allow the model to learn interpretable latent variables and use these to generate videos of hypothetical scenarios not observed at training time. We do this by extending the Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) prior from a simple isotropic Gaussian to an arbitrary nonlinear temporal Additive Noise Model (ANM), which can describe a large number of processes (e.g. Newtonian physics). We propose a novel linearization method that constructs a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) approximating the prior, and derive a numerically stable Monte Carlo estimate of the KL divergence between the posterior and prior GMMs. We validate the method on different real-world physics videos including a pendulum, a mass on a spring, a falling object and a pulsar (rotating neutron star). We specify a physical prior for each experiment and show that the correct variables are learned. Once a model is trained, we intervene on it to change different physical variables (such as oscillation amplitude or adding air drag) to generate physically correct videos of hypothetical scenarios that were not observed previously.

2.13Stable Consistency Tuning: Understanding and Improving Consistency Models

arxiv html pdf kimi

2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Diffusion models achieve superior generation quality but suffer from slow generation speed due to the iterative nature of denoising. In contrast, consistency models, a new generative family, achieve competitive performance with significantly faster sampling. These models are trained either through consistency distillation, which leverages pretrained diffusion models, or consistency training/tuning directly from raw data. In this work, we propose a novel framework for understanding consistency models by modeling the denoising process of the diffusion model as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) and framing consistency model training as the value estimation through Temporal Difference~(TD) Learning. More importantly, this framework allows us to analyze the limitations of current consistency training/tuning strategies. Built upon Easy Consistency Tuning (ECT), we propose Stable Consistency Tuning (SCT), which incorporates variance-reduced learning using the score identity. SCT leads to significant performance improvements on benchmarks such as CIFAR-10 and ImageNet-64. On ImageNet-64, SCT achieves 1-step FID 2.42 and 2-step FID 1.55, a new SoTA for consistency models.

2.14Beyond Color and Lines: Zero-Shot Style-Specific Image Variations with Coordinated Semantics

arxiv html pdf kimi

2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Traditionally, style has been primarily considered in terms of artistic elements such as colors, brushstrokes, and lighting. However, identical semantic subjects, like people, boats, and houses, can vary significantly across different artistic traditions, indicating that style also encompasses the underlying semantics. Therefore, in this study, we propose a zero-shot scheme for image variation with coordinated semantics. Specifically, our scheme transforms the image-to-image problem into an image-to-text-to-image problem. The image-to-text operation employs vision-language models e.g., BLIP) to generate text describing the content of the input image, including the objects and their positions. Subsequently, the input style keyword is elaborated into a detailed description of this style and then merged with the content text using the reasoning capabilities of ChatGPT. Finally, the text-to-image operation utilizes a Diffusion model to generate images based on the text prompt. To enable the Diffusion model to accommodate more styles, we propose a fine-tuning strategy that injects text and style constraints into cross-attention. This ensures that the output image exhibits similar semantics in the desired style. To validate the performance of the proposed scheme, we constructed a benchmark comprising images of various styles and scenes and introduced two novel metrics. Despite its simplicity, our scheme yields highly plausible results in a zero-shot manner, particularly for generating stylized images with high-fidelity semantics.

2.15Personalized Instance-based Navigation Toward User-Specific Objects in Realistic Environments

arxiv html pdf kimi

2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

In the last years, the research interest in visual navigation towards objects in indoor environments has grown significantly. This growth can be attributed to the recent availability of large navigation datasets in photo-realistic simulated environments, like Gibson and Matterport3D. However, the navigation tasks supported by these datasets are often restricted to the objects present in the environment at acquisition time. Also, they fail to account for the realistic scenario in which the target object is a user-specific instance that can be easily confused with similar objects and may be found in multiple locations within the environment. To address these limitations, we propose a new task denominated Personalized Instance-based Navigation (PIN), in which an embodied agent is tasked with locating and reaching a specific personal object by distinguishing it among multiple instances of the same category. The task is accompanied by PInNED, a dedicated new dataset composed of photo-realistic scenes augmented with additional 3D objects. In each episode, the target object is presented to the agent using two modalities: a set of visual reference images on a neutral background and manually annotated textual descriptions. Through comprehensive evaluations and analyses, we showcase the challenges of the PIN task as well as the performance and shortcomings of currently available methods designed for object-driven navigation, considering modular and end-to-end agents.

2.16CorrectionLM: Self-Corrections with SLM for Dialogue State Tracking

arxiv html pdf kimi

2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated self-improvement capabilities via feedback and refinement, but current small language models (SLMs) have had limited success in this area. Existing correction approaches often rely on distilling knowledge from LLMs, which imposes significant computation demands. In this work, we introduce CORRECTIONLM, a novel correction framework that enables SLMs to self-correct using in-context exemplars without LLM involvement. Applied to two dialogue state tracking (DST) tasks in low-resource settings, CORRECTIONLM achieves results similar to a state-of-the-art LLM at a small fraction of the computation costs.

2.173D Shape Completion with Test-Time Training

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

This work addresses the problem of \textit{shape completion}, i.e., the task of restoring incomplete shapes by predicting their missing parts. While previous works have often predicted the fractured and restored shape in one step, we approach the task by separately predicting the fractured and newly restored parts, but ensuring these predictions are interconnected. We use a decoder network motivated by related work on the prediction of signed distance functions (DeepSDF). In particular, our representation allows us to consider test-time-training, i.e., finetuning network parameters to match the given incomplete shape more accurately during inference. While previous works often have difficulties with artifacts around the fracture boundary, we demonstrate that our overfitting to the fractured parts leads to significant improvements in the restoration of eight different shape categories of the ShapeNet data set in terms of their chamfer distances.

2.18Multi-Scale Diffusion: Enhancing Spatial Layout in High-Resolution Panoramic Image Generation

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Diffusion models have recently gained recognition for generating diverse and high-quality content, especially in the domain of image synthesis. These models excel not only in creating fixed-size images but also in producing panoramic images. However, existing methods often struggle with spatial layout consistency when producing high-resolution panoramas, due to the lack of guidance of the global image layout. In this paper, we introduce the Multi-Scale Diffusion (MSD) framework, a plug-and-play module that extends the existing panoramic image generation framework to multiple resolution levels. By utilizing gradient descent techniques, our method effectively incorporates structural information from low-resolution images into high-resolution outputs. A comprehensive evaluation of the proposed method was conducted, comparing it with the prior works in qualitative and quantitative dimensions. The evaluation results demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms others in generating coherent high-resolution panoramas.

2.19Infinity-MM: Scaling Multimodal Performance with Large-Scale and High-Quality Instruction Data

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have recently made significant progress, but the limited scale and quality of open-source instruction data hinder their performance compared to closed-source models. In this work, we address this limitation by introducing Infinity-MM, a large-scale multimodal instruction dataset with 40 million samples, enhanced through rigorous quality filtering and deduplication. We also propose a synthetic instruction generation method based on open-source VLMs, using detailed image annotations and diverse question generation. Using this data, we trained a 2-billion-parameter VLM, Aquila-VL-2B, achieving state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance for models of similar scale. This demonstrates that expanding instruction data and generating synthetic data can significantly improve the performance of open-source models.

2.20AVHBench: A Cross-Modal Hallucination Benchmark for Audio-Visual Large Language Models

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Following the success of Large Language Models (LLMs), expanding their boundaries to new modalities represents a significant paradigm shift in multimodal understanding. Human perception is inherently multimodal, relying not only on text but also on auditory and visual cues for a complete understanding of the world. In recognition of this fact, audio-visual LLMs have recently emerged. Despite promising developments, the lack of dedicated benchmarks poses challenges for understanding and evaluating models. In this work, we show that audio-visual LLMs struggle to discern subtle relationships between audio and visual signals, leading to hallucinations, underscoring the need for reliable benchmarks. To address this, we introduce AVHBench, the first comprehensive benchmark specifically designed to evaluate the perception and comprehension capabilities of audio-visual LLMs. Our benchmark includes tests for assessing hallucinations, as well as the cross-modal matching and reasoning abilities of these models. Our results reveal that most existing audio-visual LLMs struggle with hallucinations caused by cross-interactions between modalities, due to their limited capacity to perceive complex multimodal signals and their relationships. Additionally, we demonstrate that simple training with our AVHBench improves robustness of audio-visual LLMs against hallucinations.

2.21FairQueue: Rethinking Prompt Learning for Fair Text-to-Image Generation

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Recently, prompt learning has emerged as the state-of-the-art (SOTA) for fair text-to-image (T2I) generation. Specifically, this approach leverages readily available reference images to learn inclusive prompts for each target Sensitive Attribute (tSA), allowing for fair image generation. In this work, we first reveal that this prompt learning-based approach results in degraded sample quality. Our analysis shows that the approach’s training objective -- which aims to align the embedding differences of learned prompts and reference images -- could be sub-optimal, resulting in distortion of the learned prompts and degraded generated images. To further substantiate this claim, as our major contribution, we deep dive into the denoising subnetwork of the T2I model to track down the effect of these learned prompts by analyzing the cross-attention maps. In our analysis, we propose a novel prompt switching analysis: I2H and H2I. Furthermore, we propose new quantitative characterization of cross-attention maps. Our analysis reveals abnormalities in the early denoising steps, perpetuating improper global structure that results in degradation in the generated samples. Building on insights from our analysis, we propose two ideas: (i) Prompt Queuing and (ii) Attention Amplification to address the quality issue. Extensive experimental results on a wide range of tSAs show that our proposed method outperforms SOTA approach’s image generation quality, while achieving competitive fairness. More resources at FairQueue Project site:

2.22Diff-Instruct++: Training One-step Text-to-image Generator Model to Align with Human Preferences

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

One-step text-to-image generator models offer advantages such as swift inference efficiency, flexible architectures, and state-of-the-art generation performance. In this paper, we study the problem of aligning one-step generator models with human preferences for the first time. Inspired by the success of reinforcement learning using human feedback (RLHF), we formulate the alignment problem as maximizing expected human reward functions while adding an Integral Kullback-Leibler divergence term to prevent the generator from diverging. By overcoming technical challenges, we introduce Diff-Instruct++ (DI++), the first, fast-converging and image data-free human preference alignment method for one-step text-to-image generators. We also introduce novel theoretical insights, showing that using CFG for diffusion distillation is secretly doing RLHF with DI++. Such an interesting finding brings understanding and potential contributions to future research involving CFG. In the experiment sections, we align both UNet-based and DiT-based one-step generators using DI++, which use the Stable Diffusion 1.5 and the PixelArt-α as the reference diffusion processes. The resulting DiT-based one-step text-to-image model achieves a strong Aesthetic Score of 6.19 and an Image Reward of 1.24 on the COCO validation prompt dataset. It also achieves a leading Human preference Score (HPSv2.0) of 28.48, outperforming other open-sourced models such as Stable Diffusion XL, DMD2, SD-Turbo, as well as PixelArt-α. Both theoretical contributions and empirical evidence indicate that DI++ is a strong human-preference alignment approach for one-step text-to-image models.

2.23WAFFLE: Multi-Modal Model for Automated Front-End Development

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Web development involves turning UI designs into functional webpages, which can be difficult for both beginners and experienced developers due to the complexity of HTML’s hierarchical structures and styles. While Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown promise in generating source code, two major challenges persist in UI-to-HTML code generation: (1) effectively representing HTML’s hierarchical structure for LLMs, and (2) bridging the gap between the visual nature of UI designs and the text-based format of HTML code. To tackle these challenges, we introduce Waffle, a new fine-tuning strategy that uses a structure-aware attention mechanism to improve LLMs’ understanding of HTML’s structure and a contrastive fine-tuning approach to align LLMs’ understanding of UI images and HTML code. Models fine-tuned with Waffle show up to 9.00 pp (percentage point) higher HTML match, 0.0982 higher CW-SSIM, 32.99 higher CLIP, and 27.12 pp higher LLEM on our new benchmark WebSight-Test and an existing benchmark Design2Code, outperforming current fine-tuning methods.

2.24WAFFLE: Multi-Modal Model for Automated Front-End Development

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Web development involves turning UI designs into functional webpages, which can be difficult for both beginners and experienced developers due to the complexity of HTML’s hierarchical structures and styles. While Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown promise in generating source code, two major challenges persist in UI-to-HTML code generation: (1) effectively representing HTML’s hierarchical structure for LLMs, and (2) bridging the gap between the visual nature of UI designs and the text-based format of HTML code. To tackle these challenges, we introduce Waffle, a new fine-tuning strategy that uses a structure-aware attention mechanism to improve LLMs’ understanding of HTML’s structure and a contrastive fine-tuning approach to align LLMs’ understanding of UI images and HTML code. Models fine-tuned with Waffle show up to 9.00 pp (percentage point) higher HTML match, 0.0982 higher CW-SSIM, 32.99 higher CLIP, and 27.12 pp higher LLEM on our new benchmark WebSight-Test and an existing benchmark Design2Code, outperforming current fine-tuning methods.

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Indoor navigation is challenging due to the absence of satellite positioning. This challenge is manifold greater for Visually Impaired People (VIPs) who lack the ability to get information from wayfinding signage. Other sensor signals (e.g., Bluetooth and LiDAR) can be used to create turn-by-turn navigation solutions with position updates for users. Unfortunately, these solutions require tags to be installed all around the environment or the use of fairly expensive hardware. Moreover, these solutions require a high degree of manual involvement that raises costs, thus hampering scalability. We propose an image dataset and associated image-centric solution called NaVIP towards visual intelligence that is infrastructure-free and task-scalable, and can assist VIPs in understanding their surroundings. Specifically, we start by curating large-scale phone camera data in a four-floor research building, with 300K images, to lay the foundation for creating an image-centric indoor navigation and exploration solution for inclusiveness. Every image is labelled with precise 6DoF camera poses, details of indoor PoIs, and descriptive captions to assist VIPs. We benchmark on two main aspects: 1) positioning system and 2) exploration support, prioritizing training scalability and real-time inference, to validate the prospect of image-based solution towards indoor navigation. The dataset, code, and model checkpoints are made publicly available at

2.26Towards Visual Text Design Transfer Across Languages

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Visual text design plays a critical role in conveying themes, emotions, and atmospheres in multimodal formats such as film posters and album covers. Translating these visual and textual elements across languages extends the concept of translation beyond mere text, requiring the adaptation of aesthetic and stylistic features. To address this, we introduce a novel task of Multimodal Style Translation (MuST-Bench), a benchmark designed to evaluate the ability of visual text generation models to perform translation across different writing systems while preserving design intent. Our initial experiments on MuST-Bench reveal that existing visual text generation models struggle with the proposed task due to the inadequacy of textual descriptions in conveying visual design. In response, we introduce SIGIL, a framework for multimodal style translation that eliminates the need for style descriptions. SIGIL enhances image generation models through three innovations: glyph latent for multilingual settings, pretrained VAEs for stable style guidance, and an OCR model with reinforcement learning feedback for optimizing readable character generation. SIGIL outperforms existing baselines by achieving superior style consistency and legibility while maintaining visual fidelity, setting itself apart from traditional description-based approaches. We release MuST-Bench publicly for broader use and exploration

2.27SkillMimicGen: Automated Demonstration Generation for Efficient Skill Learning and Deployment

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Imitation learning from human demonstrations is an effective paradigm for robot manipulation, but acquiring large datasets is costly and resource-intensive, especially for long-horizon tasks. To address this issue, we propose SkillMimicGen (SkillGen), an automated system for generating demonstration datasets from a few human demos. SkillGen segments human demos into manipulation skills, adapts these skills to new contexts, and stitches them together through free-space transit and transfer motion. We also propose a Hybrid Skill Policy (HSP) framework for learning skill initiation, control, and termination components from SkillGen datasets, enabling skills to be sequenced using motion planning at test-time. We demonstrate that SkillGen greatly improves data generation and policy learning performance over a state-of-the-art data generation framework, resulting in the capability to produce data for large scene variations, including clutter, and agents that are on average 24% more successful. We demonstrate the efficacy of SkillGen by generating over 24K demonstrations across 18 task variants in simulation from just 60 human demonstrations, and training proficient, often near-perfect, HSP agents. Finally, we apply SkillGen to 3 real-world manipulation tasks and also demonstrate zero-shot sim-to-real transfer on a long-horizon assembly task. Videos, and more at

2.28Environment Maps Editing using Inverse Rendering and Adversarial Implicit Functions

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Editing High Dynamic Range (HDR) environment maps using an inverse differentiable rendering architecture is a complex inverse problem due to the sparsity of relevant pixels and the challenges in balancing light sources and background. The pixels illuminating the objects are a small fraction of the total image, leading to noise and convergence issues when the optimization directly involves pixel values. HDR images, with pixel values beyond the typical Standard Dynamic Range (SDR), pose additional challenges. Higher learning rates corrupt the background during optimization, while lower learning rates fail to manipulate light sources. Our work introduces a novel method for editing HDR environment maps using a differentiable rendering, addressing sparsity and variance between values. Instead of introducing strong priors that extract the relevant HDR pixels and separate the light sources, or using tricks such as optimizing the HDR image in the log space, we propose to model the optimized environment map with a new variant of implicit neural representations able to handle HDR images. The neural representation is trained with adversarial perturbations over the weights to ensure smooth changes in the output when it receives gradients from the inverse rendering. In this way, we obtain novel and cheap environment maps without relying on latent spaces of expensive generative models, maintaining the original visual consistency. Experimental results demonstrate the method’s effectiveness in reconstructing the desired lighting effects while preserving the fidelity of the map and reflections on objects in the scene. Our approach can pave the way to interesting tasks, such as estimating a new environment map given a rendering with novel light sources, maintaining the initial perceptual features, and enabling brush stroke-based editing of existing environment maps.

2.29Learn 2 Rage: Experiencing The Emotional Roller Coaster That Is Reinforcement Learning

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

This work presents the experiments and solution outline for our teams winning submission in the Learn To Race Autonomous Racing Virtual Challenge 2022 hosted by AIcrowd. The objective of the Learn-to-Race competition is to push the boundary of autonomous technology, with a focus on achieving the safety benefits of autonomous driving. In the description the competition is framed as a reinforcement learning (RL) challenge. We focused our initial efforts on implementation of Soft Actor Critic (SAC) variants. Our goal was to learn non-trivial control of the race car exclusively from visual and geometric features, directly mapping pixels to control actions. We made suitable modifications to the default reward policy aiming to promote smooth steering and acceleration control. The framework for the competition provided real time simulation, meaning a single episode (learning experience) is measured in minutes. Instead of pursuing parallelisation of episodes we opted to explore a more traditional approach in which the visual perception was processed (via learned operators) and fed into rule-based controllers. Such a system, while not as academically “attractive” as a pixels-to-actions approach, results in a system that requires less training, is more explainable, generalises better and is easily tuned and ultimately out-performed all other agents in the competition by a large margin.

2.30Scale Propagation Network for Generalizable Depth Completion

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Depth completion, inferring dense depth maps from sparse measurements, is crucial for robust 3D perception. Although deep learning based methods have made tremendous progress in this problem, these models cannot generalize well across different scenes that are unobserved in training, posing a fundamental limitation that yet to be overcome. A careful analysis of existing deep neural network architectures for depth completion, which are largely borrowing from successful backbones for image analysis tasks, reveals that a key design bottleneck actually resides in the conventional normalization layers. These normalization layers are designed, on one hand, to make training more stable, on the other hand, to build more visual invariance across scene scales. However, in depth completion, the scale is actually what we want to robustly estimate in order to better generalize to unseen scenes. To mitigate, we propose a novel scale propagation normalization (SP-Norm) method to propagate scales from input to output, and simultaneously preserve the normalization operator for easy convergence. More specifically, we rescale the input using learned features of a single-layer perceptron from the normalized input, rather than directly normalizing the input as conventional normalization layers. We then develop a new network architecture based on SP-Norm and the ConvNeXt V2 backbone. We explore the composition of various basic blocks and architectures to achieve superior performance and efficient inference for generalizable depth completion. Extensive experiments are conducted on six unseen datasets with various types of sparse depth maps, i.e., randomly sampled 0.1%/1%/10% valid pixels, 4/8/16/32/64-line LiDAR points, and holes from Structured-Light. Our model consistently achieves the best accuracy with faster speed and lower memory when compared to state-of-the-art methods.

2.31Multi-Draft Speculative Sampling: Canonical Architectures and Theoretical Limits

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

We consider multi-draft speculative sampling, where the proposal sequences are sampled independently from different draft models. At each step, a token-level draft selection scheme takes a list of valid tokens as input and produces an output token whose distribution matches that of the target model. Previous works have demonstrated that the optimal scheme (which maximizes the probability of accepting one of the input tokens) can be cast as a solution to a linear program. In this work we show that the optimal scheme can be decomposed into a two-step solution: in the first step an importance sampling (IS) type scheme is used to select one intermediate token; in the second step (single-draft) speculative sampling is applied to generate the output token. For the case of two identical draft models we further 1) establish a necessary and sufficient condition on the distributions of the target and draft models for the acceptance probability to equal one and 2) provide an explicit expression for the optimal acceptance probability. Our theoretical analysis also motives a new class of token-level selection scheme based on weighted importance sampling. Our experimental results demonstrate consistent improvements in the achievable block efficiency and token rates over baseline schemes in a number of scenarios.

2.32PixelGaussian: Generalizable 3D Gaussian Reconstruction from Arbitrary Views

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

We propose PixelGaussian, an efficient feed-forward framework for learning generalizable 3D Gaussian reconstruction from arbitrary views. Most existing methods rely on uniform pixel-wise Gaussian representations, which learn a fixed number of 3D Gaussians for each view and cannot generalize well to more input views. Differently, our PixelGaussian dynamically adapts both the Gaussian distribution and quantity based on geometric complexity, leading to more efficient representations and significant improvements in reconstruction quality. Specifically, we introduce a Cascade Gaussian Adapter to adjust Gaussian distribution according to local geometry complexity identified by a keypoint scorer. CGA leverages deformable attention in context-aware hypernetworks to guide Gaussian pruning and splitting, ensuring accurate representation in complex regions while reducing redundancy. Furthermore, we design a transformer-based Iterative Gaussian Refiner module that refines Gaussian representations through direct image-Gaussian interactions. Our PixelGaussian can effectively reduce Gaussian redundancy as input views increase. We conduct extensive experiments on the large-scale ACID and RealEstate10K datasets, where our method achieves state-of-the-art performance with good generalization to various numbers of views. Code:

2.33Rethinking Positive Pairs in Contrastive Learning

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Contrastive learning, a prominent approach to representation learning, traditionally assumes positive pairs are closely related samples (the same image or class) and negative pairs are distinct samples. We challenge this assumption by proposing to learn from arbitrary pairs, allowing any pair of samples to be positive within our framework.The primary challenge of the proposed approach lies in applying contrastive learning to disparate pairs which are semantically distant. Motivated by the discovery that SimCLR can separate given arbitrary pairs (e.g., garter snake and table lamp) in a subspace, we propose a feature filter in the condition of class pairs that creates the requisite subspaces by gate vectors selectively activating or deactivating dimensions. This filter can be optimized through gradient descent within a conventional contrastive learning mechanism. We present Hydra, a universal contrastive learning framework for visual representations that extends conventional contrastive learning to accommodate arbitrary pairs. Our approach is validated using IN1K, where 1K diverse classes compose 500,500 pairs, most of them being distinct. Surprisingly, Hydra achieves superior performance in this challenging setting. Additional benefits include the prevention of dimensional collapse and the discovery of class relationships. Our work highlights the value of learning common features of arbitrary pairs and potentially broadens the applicability of contrastive learning techniques on the sample pairs with weak relationships.

2.34DreamClear: High-Capacity Real-World Image Restoration with Privacy-Safe Dataset Curation

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Image restoration (IR) in real-world scenarios presents significant challenges due to the lack of high-capacity models and comprehensive datasets. To tackle these issues, we present a dual strategy: GenIR, an innovative data curation pipeline, and DreamClear, a cutting-edge Diffusion Transformer (DiT)-based image restoration model. GenIR, our pioneering contribution, is a dual-prompt learning pipeline that overcomes the limitations of existing datasets, which typically comprise only a few thousand images and thus offer limited generalizability for larger models. GenIR streamlines the process into three stages: image-text pair construction, dual-prompt based fine-tuning, and data generation & filtering. This approach circumvents the laborious data crawling process, ensuring copyright compliance and providing a cost-effective, privacy-safe solution for IR dataset construction. The result is a large-scale dataset of one million high-quality images. Our second contribution, DreamClear, is a DiT-based image restoration model. It utilizes the generative priors of text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models and the robust perceptual capabilities of multi-modal large language models (MLLMs) to achieve photorealistic restoration. To boost the model’s adaptability to diverse real-world degradations, we introduce the Mixture of Adaptive Modulator (MoAM). It employs token-wise degradation priors to dynamically integrate various restoration experts, thereby expanding the range of degradations the model can address. Our exhaustive experiments confirm DreamClear’s superior performance, underlining the efficacy of our dual strategy for real-world image restoration. Code and pre-trained models will be available at:

2.35Low-Latency Video Anonymization for Crowd Anomaly Detection: Privacy vs. Performance

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Recent advancements in artificial intelligence promise ample potential in monitoring applications with surveillance cameras. However, concerns about privacy and model bias have made it challenging to utilize them in public. Although de-identification approaches have been proposed in the literature, aiming to achieve a certain level of anonymization, most of them employ deep learning models that are computationally demanding for real-time edge deployment. In this study, we revisit conventional anonymization solutions for privacy protection and real-time video anomaly detection (VAD) applications. We propose a novel lightweight adaptive anonymization for VAD (LA3D) that employs dynamic adjustment to enhance privacy protection. We evaluated the approaches on publicly available privacy and VAD data sets to examine the strengths and weaknesses of the different anonymization techniques and highlight the promising efficacy of our approach. Our experiment demonstrates that LA3D enables substantial improvement in the privacy anonymization capability without majorly degrading VAD efficacy.

2.36Meaning Typed Prompting: A Technique for Efficient, Reliable Structured Output Generation

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Extending Large Language Models (LLMs) to advanced applications requires reliable structured output generation. Existing methods which often rely on rigid JSON schemas, can lead to unreliable outputs, diminished reasoning capabilities, and increased computational overhead, limiting LLMs’ adaptability for complex tasks. We introduce Meaning Typed Prompting (MTP), a technique for efficient structured output generation that integrates types, meanings, and abstractions, such as variables and classes, into the prompting process. By utilizing expressive type definitions, MTP enhances output clarity and reduces dependence on complex abstractions, simplifying development, and improving implementation efficiency. This enables LLMs to understand relationships and generate structured data more effectively. Empirical evaluations on multiple benchmarks demonstrate that MTP outperforms existing frameworks in accuracy, reliability, consistency, and token efficiency. We present Semantix, a framework that implements MTP, providing practical insights into its application.

2.37You Only Look Around: Learning Illumination Invariant Feature for Low-light Object Detection

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

In this paper, we introduce YOLA, a novel framework for object detection in low-light scenarios. Unlike previous works, we propose to tackle this challenging problem from the perspective of feature learning. Specifically, we propose to learn illumination-invariant features through the Lambertian image formation model. We observe that, under the Lambertian assumption, it is feasible to approximate illumination-invariant feature maps by exploiting the interrelationships between neighboring color channels and spatially adjacent pixels. By incorporating additional constraints, these relationships can be characterized in the form of convolutional kernels, which can be trained in a detection-driven manner within a network. Towards this end, we introduce a novel module dedicated to the extraction of illumination-invariant features from low-light images, which can be easily integrated into existing object detection frameworks. Our empirical findings reveal significant improvements in low-light object detection tasks, as well as promising results in both well-lit and over-lit scenarios. Code is available at \url{}.

2.38Optimizing Preference Alignment with Differentiable NDCG Ranking

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Aligning large language models with human preferences improves interaction quality and safety by ensuring outputs better reflect human values. A promising strategy involves Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), starting with collecting and ranking responses generated by a supervised fine-tuning model to refine alignment. Current methods (DPO) focus on learning from pairwise preference data, categorizing responses into preferred and less preferred pairs, and optimizing by maximizing pairwise margins. Recent studies have uncovered a substantial discrepancy between the theoretical aspirations of preference learning and its real-world results. Current preference alignment techniques underperform expectations, with ranking accuracies below 60%60\% on standard datasets. This suggests existing methods inadequately capture ideal preference relationships within sequences. To address this challenge, this paper introduces \underline{D}irect \underline{R}anking \underline{P}reference \underline{O}ptimization (DRPO), a novel method that views human preference alignment as a Learning-to-Rank (LTR) task. DRPO leverages NDCG, a widely used LTR metric, to optimize the ranking of responses within lists based on preference data, thereby enhancing ranking accuracies. Due to the nondifferentiability of NDCG, we propose diffNDCG loss, a differentiable approximation facilitated by a sorting network to simulate NDCG. Furthermore, to improve the quality of generated response, we propose a novel margin-based Adaptive Rank Policy Score. Extensive experiments have shown that DRPO outperforms existing baseline methods, enhancing the quality of the generated responses.

2.39FreCaS: Efficient Higher-Resolution Image Generation via Frequency-aware Cascaded Sampling

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

While image generation with diffusion models has achieved a great success, generating images of higher resolution than the training size remains a challenging task due to the high computational cost. Current methods typically perform the entire sampling process at full resolution and process all frequency components simultaneously, contradicting with the inherent coarse-to-fine nature of latent diffusion models and wasting computations on processing premature high-frequency details at early diffusion stages. To address this issue, we introduce an efficient Fre\textbf{Fre}quency-aware Ca\textbf{Ca}scaded S\textbf{S}ampling framework, FreCaS\textbf{FreCaS} in short, for higher-resolution image generation. FreCaS decomposes the sampling process into cascaded stages with gradually increased resolutions, progressively expanding frequency bands and refining the corresponding details. We propose an innovative frequency-aware classifier-free guidance (FA-CFG) strategy to assign different guidance strengths for different frequency components, directing the diffusion model to add new details in the expanded frequency domain of each stage. Additionally, we fuse the cross-attention maps of previous and current stages to avoid synthesizing unfaithful layouts. Experiments demonstrate that FreCaS significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods in image quality and generation speed. In particular, FreCaS is about 2.86× and 6.07× faster than ScaleCrafter and DemoFusion in generating a 2048×2048 image using a pre-trained SDXL model and achieves an FIDb improvement of 11.6 and 3.7, respectively. FreCaS can be easily extended to more complex models such as SD3. The source code of FreCaS can be found at \href\href{\text{}}{}.

2.40LOGO -- Long cOntext aliGnment via efficient preference Optimization

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Long-context models(LCMs) have shown great potential in processing long input sequences(even more than 100M tokens) conveniently and effectively. With significant progress, recent research has pointed out that LCMs can accurately locate token-level salient information within the context. Yet, the generation performance of these LCMs is far from satisfactory and might result in misaligned responses, such as hallucinations. To enhance the generation capability of LCMs, existing works have investigated the effects of data size and quality for both pre-training and instruction tuning. Though achieving meaningful improvement, previous methods fall short in either effectiveness or efficiency. In this paper, we introduce LOGO(Long cOntext aliGnment via efficient preference Optimization), a training strategy that first introduces preference optimization for long-context alignment. To overcome the GPU memory-bound issue caused by the long sequence, LOGO employs a reference-free preference optimization strategy and adopts a position synthesis method to construct the training data. By training with only 0.3B data on a single 8×A800 GPU machine for 16 hours, LOGO allows the Llama-3-8B-Instruct-80K model to achieve comparable performance with GPT-4 in real-world long-context tasks while preserving the model’s original capabilities on other tasks, e.g., language modeling and MMLU. Moreover, LOGO can extend the model’s context window size while enhancing its generation performance.

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

RAG systems consist of multiple modules to work together. However, these modules are usually separately trained. We argue that a system like RAG that incorporates multiple modules should be jointly optimized to achieve optimal performance. To demonstrate this, we design a specific pipeline called \textbf{SmartRAG} that includes a policy network and a retriever. The policy network can serve as 1) a decision maker that decides when to retrieve, 2) a query rewriter to generate a query most suited to the retriever, and 3) an answer generator that produces the final response with/without the observations. We then propose to jointly optimize the whole system using a reinforcement learning algorithm, with the reward designed to encourage the system to achieve the best performance with minimal retrieval cost. When jointly optimized, all the modules can be aware of how other modules are working and thus find the best way to work together as a complete system. Empirical results demonstrate that the jointly optimized SmartRAG can achieve better performance than separately optimized counterparts.

2.42Robust Watermarking Using Generative Priors Against Image Editing: From Benchmarking to Advances

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Current image watermarking methods are vulnerable to advanced image editing techniques enabled by large-scale text-to-image models. These models can distort embedded watermarks during editing, posing significant challenges to copyright protection. In this work, we introduce W-Bench, the first comprehensive benchmark designed to evaluate the robustness of watermarking methods against a wide range of image editing techniques, including image regeneration, global editing, local editing, and image-to-video generation. Through extensive evaluations of eleven representative watermarking methods against prevalent editing techniques, we demonstrate that most methods fail to detect watermarks after such edits. To address this limitation, we propose VINE, a watermarking method that significantly enhances robustness against various image editing techniques while maintaining high image quality. Our approach involves two key innovations: (1) we analyze the frequency characteristics of image editing and identify that blurring distortions exhibit similar frequency properties, which allows us to use them as surrogate attacks during training to bolster watermark robustness; (2) we leverage a large-scale pretrained diffusion model SDXL-Turbo, adapting it for the watermarking task to achieve more imperceptible and robust watermark embedding. Experimental results show that our method achieves outstanding watermarking performance under various image editing techniques, outperforming existing methods in both image quality and robustness. Code is available at

2.43ANAVI: Audio Noise Awareness using Visuals of Indoor environments for NAVIgation

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

We propose Audio Noise Awareness using Visuals of Indoors for NAVIgation for quieter robot path planning. While humans are naturally aware of the noise they make and its impact on those around them, robots currently lack this awareness. A key challenge in achieving audio awareness for robots is estimating how loud will the robot’s actions be at a listener’s location? Since sound depends upon the geometry and material composition of rooms, we train the robot to passively perceive loudness using visual observations of indoor environments. To this end, we generate data on how loud an ‘impulse’ sounds at different listener locations in simulated homes, and train our Acoustic Noise Predictor (ANP). Next, we collect acoustic profiles corresponding to different actions for navigation. Unifying ANP with action acoustics, we demonstrate experiments with wheeled (Hello Robot Stretch) and legged (Unitree Go2) robots so that these robots adhere to the noise constraints of the environment. See code and data at

2.44DMVC: Multi-Camera Video Compression Network aimed at Improving Deep Learning Accuracy

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

We introduce a cutting-edge video compression framework tailored for the age of ubiquitous video data, uniquely designed to serve machine learning applications. Unlike traditional compression methods that prioritize human visual perception, our innovative approach focuses on preserving semantic information critical for deep learning accuracy, while efficiently reducing data size. The framework operates on a batch basis, capable of handling multiple video streams simultaneously, thereby enhancing scalability and processing efficiency. It features a dual reconstruction mode: lightweight for real-time applications requiring swift responses, and high-precision for scenarios where accuracy is crucial. Based on a designed deep learning algorithms, it adeptly segregates essential information from redundancy, ensuring machine learning tasks are fed with data of the highest relevance. Our experimental results, derived from diverse datasets including urban surveillance and autonomous vehicle navigation, showcase DMVC’s superiority in maintaining or improving machine learning task accuracy, while achieving significant data compression. This breakthrough paves the way for smarter, scalable video analysis systems, promising immense potential across various applications from smart city infrastructure to autonomous systems, establishing a new benchmark for integrating video compression with machine learning.

2.45Rectified Diffusion Guidance for Conditional Generation

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Classifier-Free Guidance (CFG), which combines the conditional and unconditional score functions with two coefficients summing to one, serves as a practical technique for diffusion model sampling. Theoretically, however, denoising with CFG cannot be expressed as a reciprocal diffusion process, which may consequently leave some hidden risks during use. In this work, we revisit the theory behind CFG and rigorously confirm that the improper configuration of the combination coefficients (i.e., the widely used summing-to-one version) brings about expectation shift of the generative distribution. To rectify this issue, we propose ReCFG with a relaxation on the guidance coefficients such that denoising with ReCFG strictly aligns with the diffusion theory. We further show that our approach enjoys a closed-form solution given the guidance strength. That way, the rectified coefficients can be readily pre-computed via traversing the observed data, leaving the sampling speed barely affected. Empirical evidence on real-world data demonstrate the compatibility of our post-hoc design with existing state-of-the-art diffusion models, including both class-conditioned ones (e.g., EDM2 on ImageNet) and text-conditioned ones (e.g., SD3 on CC12M), without any retraining. We will open-source the code to facilitate further research.

2.46ChatSearch: a Dataset and a Generative Retrieval Model for General Conversational Image Retrieval

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

In this paper, we investigate the task of general conversational image retrieval on open-domain images. The objective is to search for images based on interactive conversations between humans and computers. To advance this task, we curate a dataset called ChatSearch. This dataset includes a multi-round multimodal conversational context query for each target image, thereby requiring the retrieval system to find the accurate image from database. Simultaneously, we propose a generative retrieval model named ChatSearcher, which is trained end-to-end to accept/produce interleaved image-text inputs/outputs. ChatSearcher exhibits strong capability in reasoning with multimodal context and can leverage world knowledge to yield visual retrieval results. It demonstrates superior performance on the ChatSearch dataset and also achieves competitive results on other image retrieval tasks and visual conversation tasks. We anticipate that this work will inspire further research on interactive multimodal retrieval systems. Our dataset will be available at

2.47A Little Help Goes a Long Way: Efficient LLM Training by Leveraging Small LMs

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

A primary challenge in large language model (LLM) development is their onerous pre-training cost. Typically, such pre-training involves optimizing a self-supervised objective (such as next-token prediction) over a large corpus. This paper explores a promising paradigm to improve LLM pre-training efficiency and quality by suitably leveraging a small language model (SLM). In particular, this paradigm relies on an SLM to both (1) provide soft labels as additional training supervision, and (2) select a small subset of valuable (“informative” and “hard”) training examples. Put together, this enables an effective transfer of the SLM’s predictive distribution to the LLM, while prioritizing specific regions of the training data distribution. Empirically, this leads to reduced LLM training time compared to standard training, while improving the overall quality. Theoretically, we develop a statistical framework to systematically study the utility of SLMs in enabling efficient training of high-quality LLMs. In particular, our framework characterizes how the SLM’s seemingly low-quality supervision can enhance the training of a much more capable LLM. Furthermore, it also highlights the need for an adaptive utilization of such supervision, by striking a balance between the bias and variance introduced by the SLM-provided soft labels. We corroborate our theoretical framework by improving the pre-training of an LLM with 2.8B parameters by utilizing a smaller LM with 1.5B parameters on the Pile dataset.

2.48Fast constrained sampling in pre-trained diffusion models

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Diffusion models have dominated the field of large, generative image models, with the prime examples of Stable Diffusion and DALL-E 3 being widely adopted. These models have been trained to perform text-conditioned generation on vast numbers of image-caption pairs and as a byproduct, have acquired general knowledge about natural image statistics. However, when confronted with the task of constrained sampling, e.g. generating the right half of an image conditioned on the known left half, applying these models is a delicate and slow process, with previously proposed algorithms relying on expensive iterative operations that are usually orders of magnitude slower than text-based inference. This is counter-intuitive, as image-conditioned generation should rely less on the difficult-to-learn semantic knowledge that links captions and imagery, and should instead be achievable by lower-level correlations among image pixels. In practice, inverse models are trained or tuned separately for each inverse problem, e.g. by providing parts of images during training as an additional condition, to allow their application in realistic settings. However, we argue that this is not necessary and propose an algorithm for fast-constrained sampling in large pre-trained diffusion models (Stable Diffusion) that requires no expensive backpropagation operations through the model and produces results comparable even to the state-of-the-art \emph{tuned} models. Our method is based on a novel optimization perspective to sampling under constraints and employs a numerical approximation to the expensive gradients, previously computed using backpropagation, incurring significant speed-ups.

2.49Large Spatial Model: End-to-end Unposed Images to Semantic 3D

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Reconstructing and understanding 3D structures from a limited number of images is a well-established problem in computer vision. Traditional methods usually break this task into multiple subtasks, each requiring complex transformations between different data representations. For instance, dense reconstruction through Structure-from-Motion (SfM) involves converting images into key points, optimizing camera parameters, and estimating structures. Afterward, accurate sparse reconstructions are required for further dense modeling, which is subsequently fed into task-specific neural networks. This multi-step process results in considerable processing time and increased engineering complexity. In this work, we present the Large Spatial Model (LSM), which processes unposed RGB images directly into semantic radiance fields. LSM simultaneously estimates geometry, appearance, and semantics in a single feed-forward operation, and it can generate versatile label maps by interacting with language at novel viewpoints. Leveraging a Transformer-based architecture, LSM integrates global geometry through pixel-aligned point maps. To enhance spatial attribute regression, we incorporate local context aggregation with multi-scale fusion, improving the accuracy of fine local details. To tackle the scarcity of labeled 3D semantic data and enable natural language-driven scene manipulation, we incorporate a pre-trained 2D language-based segmentation model into a 3D-consistent semantic feature field. An efficient decoder then parameterizes a set of semantic anisotropic Gaussians, facilitating supervised end-to-end learning. Extensive experiments across various tasks show that LSM unifies multiple 3D vision tasks directly from unposed images, achieving real-time semantic 3D reconstruction for the first time.

2.50C2C^2: Scalable Auto-Feedback for LLM-based Chart Generation

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Generating high-quality charts with Large Language Models presents significant challenges due to limited data and the high cost of scaling through human curation. Instruction, data, and code triplets are scarce and expensive to manually curate as their creation demands technical expertise. To address this scalability issue, we introduce a reference-free automatic feedback generator, which eliminates the need for costly human intervention. Our novel framework, C2C^2, consists of (1) an automatic feedback provider (ChartAF) and (2) a diverse, reference-free dataset (ChartUIE-8K). Quantitative results are compelling: in our first experiment, 74% of respondents strongly preferred, and 10% preferred, the results after feedback. The second post-feedback experiment demonstrates that ChartAF outperforms nine baselines. Moreover, ChartUIE-8K significantly improves data diversity by increasing queries, datasets, and chart types by 5982%, 1936%, and 91%, respectively, over benchmarks. Finally, an LLM user study revealed that 94% of participants preferred ChartUIE-8K’s queries, with 93% deeming them aligned with real-world use cases. Core contributions are available as open-source at an anonymized project site, with ample qualitative examples.

2.51Weak-to-Strong Preference Optimization: Stealing Reward from Weak Aligned Model

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Aligning language models (LMs) with human preferences has become a key area of research, enabling these models to meet diverse user needs better. Inspired by weak-to-strong generalization, where a strong LM fine-tuned on labels generated by a weaker model can consistently outperform its weak supervisor, we extend this idea to model alignment. In this work, we observe that the alignment behavior in weaker models can be effectively transferred to stronger models and even exhibit an amplification effect. Based on this insight, we propose a method called Weak-to-Strong Preference Optimization (WSPO), which achieves strong model alignment by learning the distribution differences before and after the alignment of the weak model. Experiments demonstrate that WSPO delivers outstanding performance, improving the win rate of Qwen2-7B-Instruct on Arena-Hard from 39.70 to 49.60, achieving a remarkable 47.04 length-controlled win rate on AlpacaEval 2, and scoring 7.33 on MT-bench. Our results suggest that using the weak model to elicit a strong model with a high alignment ability is feasible.

2.52On Model-Free Re-ranking for Visual Place Recognition with Deep Learned Local Features

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Re-ranking is the second stage of a visual place recognition task, in which the system chooses the best-matching images from a pre-selected subset of candidates. Model-free approaches compute the image pair similarity based on a spatial comparison of corresponding local visual features, eliminating the need for computationally expensive estimation of a model describing transformation between images. The article focuses on model-free re-ranking based on standard local visual features and their applicability in long-term autonomy systems. It introduces three new model-free re-ranking methods that were designed primarily for deep-learned local visual features. These features evince high robustness to various appearance changes, which stands as a crucial property for use with long-term autonomy systems. All the introduced methods were employed in a new visual place recognition system together with the D2-net feature detector (Dusmanu, 2019) and experimentally tested with diverse, challenging public datasets. The obtained results are on par with current state-of-the-art methods, affirming that model-free approaches are a viable and worthwhile path for long-term visual place recognition.

2.53Prompting and Fine-Tuning of Small LLMs for Length-Controllable Telephone Call Summarization

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

This paper explores the rapid development of a telephone call summarization system utilizing large language models (LLMs). Our approach involves initial experiments with prompting existing LLMs to generate summaries of telephone conversations, followed by the creation of a tailored synthetic training dataset utilizing stronger frontier models. We place special focus on the diversity of the generated data and on the ability to control the length of the generated summaries to meet various use-case specific requirements. The effectiveness of our method is evaluated using two state-of-the-art LLM-as-a-judge-based evaluation techniques to ensure the quality and relevance of the summaries. Our results show that fine-tuned Llama-2-7B-based summarization model performs on-par with GPT-4 in terms of factual accuracy, completeness and conciseness. Our findings demonstrate the potential for quickly bootstrapping a practical and efficient call summarization system.

2.54Learning Global Object-Centric Representations via Disentangled Slot Attention

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Humans can discern scene-independent features of objects across various environments, allowing them to swiftly identify objects amidst changing factors such as lighting, perspective, size, and position and imagine the complete images of the same object in diverse settings. Existing object-centric learning methods only extract scene-dependent object-centric representations, lacking the ability to identify the same object across scenes as humans. Moreover, some existing methods discard the individual object generation capabilities to handle complex scenes. This paper introduces a novel object-centric learning method to empower AI systems with human-like capabilities to identify objects across scenes and generate diverse scenes containing specific objects by learning a set of global object-centric representations. To learn the global object-centric representations that encapsulate globally invariant attributes of objects (i.e., the complete appearance and shape), this paper designs a Disentangled Slot Attention module to convert the scene features into scene-dependent attributes (such as scale, position and orientation) and scene-independent representations (i.e., appearance and shape). Experimental results substantiate the efficacy of the proposed method, demonstrating remarkable proficiency in global object-centric representation learning, object identification, scene generation with specific objects and scene decomposition.

2.55Gesture2Text: A Generalizable Decoder for Word-Gesture Keyboards in XR Through Trajectory Coarse Discretization and Pre-training

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Text entry with word-gesture keyboards (WGK) is emerging as a popular method and becoming a key interaction for Extended Reality (XR). However, the diversity of interaction modes, keyboard sizes, and visual feedback in these environments introduces divergent word-gesture trajectory data patterns, thus leading to complexity in decoding trajectories into text. Template-matching decoding methods, such as SHARK^2, are commonly used for these WGK systems because they are easy to implement and configure. However, these methods are susceptible to decoding inaccuracies for noisy trajectories. While conventional neural-network-based decoders (neural decoders) trained on word-gesture trajectory data have been proposed to improve accuracy, they have their own limitations: they require extensive data for training and deep-learning expertise for implementation. To address these challenges, we propose a novel solution that combines ease of implementation with high decoding accuracy: a generalizable neural decoder enabled by pre-training on large-scale coarsely discretized word-gesture trajectories. This approach produces a ready-to-use WGK decoder that is generalizable across mid-air and on-surface WGK systems in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), which is evident by a robust average Top-4 accuracy of 90.4% on four diverse datasets. It significantly outperforms SHARK^2 with a 37.2% enhancement and surpasses the conventional neural decoder by 7.4%. Moreover, the Pre-trained Neural Decoder’s size is only 4 MB after quantization, without sacrificing accuracy, and it can operate in real-time, executing in just 97 milliseconds on Quest 3.

2.56Gesture2Text: A Generalizable Decoder for Word-Gesture Keyboards in XR Through Trajectory Coarse Discretization and Pre-training

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Text entry with word-gesture keyboards (WGK) is emerging as a popular method and becoming a key interaction for Extended Reality (XR). However, the diversity of interaction modes, keyboard sizes, and visual feedback in these environments introduces divergent word-gesture trajectory data patterns, thus leading to complexity in decoding trajectories into text. Template-matching decoding methods, such as SHARK^2, are commonly used for these WGK systems because they are easy to implement and configure. However, these methods are susceptible to decoding inaccuracies for noisy trajectories. While conventional neural-network-based decoders (neural decoders) trained on word-gesture trajectory data have been proposed to improve accuracy, they have their own limitations: they require extensive data for training and deep-learning expertise for implementation. To address these challenges, we propose a novel solution that combines ease of implementation with high decoding accuracy: a generalizable neural decoder enabled by pre-training on large-scale coarsely discretized word-gesture trajectories. This approach produces a ready-to-use WGK decoder that is generalizable across mid-air and on-surface WGK systems in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), which is evident by a robust average Top-4 accuracy of 90.4% on four diverse datasets. It significantly outperforms SHARK^2 with a 37.2% enhancement and surpasses the conventional neural decoder by 7.4%. Moreover, the Pre-trained Neural Decoder’s size is only 4 MB after quantization, without sacrificing accuracy, and it can operate in real-time, executing in just 97 milliseconds on Quest 3.

2.57Delving into the Reversal Curse: How Far Can Large Language Models Generalize?

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

While large language models (LLMs) showcase unprecedented capabilities, they also exhibit certain inherent limitations when facing seemingly trivial tasks. A prime example is the recently debated “reversal curse”, which surfaces when models, having been trained on the fact “A is B”, struggle to generalize this knowledge to infer that “B is A”. In this paper, we examine the manifestation of the reversal curse across various tasks and delve into both the generalization abilities and the problem-solving mechanisms of LLMs. This investigation leads to a series of significant insights: (1) LLMs are able to generalize to “B is A” when both A and B are presented in the context as in the case of a multiple-choice question. (2) This generalization ability is highly correlated to the structure of the fact “A is B” in the training documents. For example, this generalization only applies to biographies structured in “[Name] is [Description]” but not to “[Description] is [Name]”. (3) We propose and verify the hypothesis that LLMs possess an inherent bias in fact recalling during knowledge application, which explains and underscores the importance of the document structure to successful learning. (4) The negative impact of this bias on the downstream performance of LLMs can hardly be mitigated through training alone. Based on these intriguing findings, our work not only presents a novel perspective for interpreting LLMs’ generalization abilities from their intrinsic working mechanism but also provides new insights for the development of more effective learning methods for LLMs.

2.58GrammaMT: Improving Machine Translation with Grammar-Informed In-Context Learning

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

We introduce GrammaMT, a grammatically-aware prompting approach for machine translation that uses Interlinear Glossed Text (IGT), a common form of linguistic description providing morphological and lexical annotations for source sentences. GrammaMT proposes three prompting strategies: gloss-shot, chain-gloss and model-gloss. All are training-free, requiring only a few examples that involve minimal effort to collect, and making them well-suited for low-resource setups. Experiments show that GrammaMT enhances translation performance on open-source instruction-tuned LLMs for various low- to high-resource languages across three benchmarks: (1) the largest IGT corpus, (2) the challenging 2023 SIGMORPHON Shared Task data over endangered languages, and (3) even in an out-of-domain setting with FLORES. Moreover, ablation studies reveal that leveraging gloss resources could substantially boost MT performance (by over 17 BLEU points) if LLMs accurately generate or access input sentence glosses.

2.59Task Calibration: Calibrating Large Language Models on Inference Tasks

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited impressive zero-shot performance on inference tasks. However, LLMs may suffer from spurious correlations between input texts and output labels, which limits LLMs’ ability to reason based purely on general language understanding. In other words, LLMs may make predictions primarily based on premise or hypothesis, rather than both components. To address this problem that may lead to unexpected performance degradation, we propose task calibration (TC), a zero-shot and inference-only calibration method inspired by mutual information which recovers LLM performance through task reformulation. TC encourages LLMs to reason based on both premise and hypothesis, while mitigating the models’ over-reliance on individual premise or hypothesis for inference. Experimental results show that TC achieves a substantial improvement on 13 inference tasks in the zero-shot setup. We further validate the effectiveness of TC in few-shot setups and various natural language understanding tasks. Further analysis indicates that TC is also robust to prompt templates and has the potential to be integrated with other calibration methods.

2.60Unbounded: A Generative Infinite Game of Character Life Simulation

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

We introduce the concept of a generative infinite game, a video game that transcends the traditional boundaries of finite, hard-coded systems by using generative models. Inspired by James P. Carse’s distinction between finite and infinite games, we leverage recent advances in generative AI to create Unbounded: a game of character life simulation that is fully encapsulated in generative models. Specifically, Unbounded draws inspiration from sandbox life simulations and allows you to interact with your autonomous virtual character in a virtual world by feeding, playing with and guiding it - with open-ended mechanics generated by an LLM, some of which can be emergent. In order to develop Unbounded, we propose technical innovations in both the LLM and visual generation domains. Specifically, we present: (1) a specialized, distilled large language model (LLM) that dynamically generates game mechanics, narratives, and character interactions in real-time, and (2) a new dynamic regional image prompt Adapter (IP-Adapter) for vision models that ensures consistent yet flexible visual generation of a character across multiple environments. We evaluate our system through both qualitative and quantitative analysis, showing significant improvements in character life simulation, user instruction following, narrative coherence, and visual consistency for both characters and the environments compared to traditional related approaches.

2.61Unbounded: A Generative Infinite Game of Character Life Simulation

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

We introduce the concept of a generative infinite game, a video game that transcends the traditional boundaries of finite, hard-coded systems by using generative models. Inspired by James P. Carse’s distinction between finite and infinite games, we leverage recent advances in generative AI to create Unbounded: a game of character life simulation that is fully encapsulated in generative models. Specifically, Unbounded draws inspiration from sandbox life simulations and allows you to interact with your autonomous virtual character in a virtual world by feeding, playing with and guiding it - with open-ended mechanics generated by an LLM, some of which can be emergent. In order to develop Unbounded, we propose technical innovations in both the LLM and visual generation domains. Specifically, we present: (1) a specialized, distilled large language model (LLM) that dynamically generates game mechanics, narratives, and character interactions in real-time, and (2) a new dynamic regional image prompt Adapter (IP-Adapter) for vision models that ensures consistent yet flexible visual generation of a character across multiple environments. We evaluate our system through both qualitative and quantitative analysis, showing significant improvements in character life simulation, user instruction following, narrative coherence, and visual consistency for both characters and the environments compared to traditional related approaches.

2.62Improving Model Factuality with Fine-grained Critique-based Evaluator

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Factuality evaluation aims to detect factual errors produced by language models (LMs) and hence guide the development of more factual models. Towards this goal, we train a factuality evaluator, FenCE, that provides LM generators with claim-level factuality feedback. We conduct data augmentation on a combination of public judgment datasets to train FenCE to (1) generate textual critiques along with scores and (2) make claim-level judgment based on diverse source documents obtained by various tools. We then present a framework that leverages FenCE to improve the factuality of LM generators by constructing training data. Specifically, we generate a set of candidate responses, leverage FenCE to revise and score each response without introducing lesser-known facts, and train the generator by preferring highly scored revised responses. Experiments show that our data augmentation methods improve the evaluator’s accuracy by 2.9% on LLM-AggreFact. With FenCE, we improve Llama3-8B-chat’s factuality rate by 14.45% on FActScore, outperforming state-of-the-art factuality finetuning methods by 6.96%.

2.63Taipan: Efficient and Expressive State Space Language Models with Selective Attention

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Efficient long-context language modeling remains a significant challenge in Natural Language Processing (NLP). While Transformers dominate language tasks, they struggle with long sequences due to quadratic computational complexity in training and linearly scaling memory costs during inference. Recent State Space Models (SSMs) such as Mamba offer alternatives with constant memory usage, but they underperform in tasks requiring extensive in-context retrieval. We introduce Taipan, a novel hybrid architecture that combines Mamba-2 with Selective Attention Layers (SALs). These SALs identify tokens requiring long-range interactions, remove less important features, and then augment their representations using the attention module. This approach balances Mamba’s efficiency with Transformer-like performance in memory-intensive tasks. By constraining the attention budget, Taipan extends accurate predictions to context lengths of up to 1 million tokens while preserving computational efficiency. Our experiments demonstrate Taipan’s superior performance across various scales and tasks, offering a promising solution for efficient long-context language modeling.

2.64Asynchronous RLHF: Faster and More Efficient Off-Policy RL for Language Models

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

The dominant paradigm for RLHF is online and on-policy RL: synchronously generating from the large language model (LLM) policy, labelling with a reward model, and learning using feedback on the LLM’s own outputs. While performant, this paradigm is computationally inefficient. Inspired by classical deep RL literature, we propose separating generation and learning in RLHF. This enables asynchronous generation of new samples while simultaneously training on old samples, leading to faster training and more compute-optimal scaling. However, asynchronous training relies on an underexplored regime, online but off-policy RLHF: learning on samples from previous iterations of our model. To understand the challenges in this regime, we investigate a fundamental question: how much off-policyness can we tolerate for asynchronous training to speed up learning but maintain performance? Among several RLHF algorithms we tested, we find that online DPO is most robust to off-policy data, and robustness increases with the scale of the policy model. We study further compute optimizations for asynchronous RLHF but find that they come at a performance cost, giving rise to a trade-off. Finally, we verify the scalability of asynchronous RLHF by training LLaMA 3.1 8B on an instruction-following task 40% faster than a synchronous run while matching final performance.

2.65PESFormer: Boosting Macro- and Micro-expression Spotting with Direct Timestamp Encoding

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

The task of macro- and micro-expression spotting aims to precisely localize and categorize temporal expression instances within untrimmed videos. Given the sparse distribution and varying durations of expressions, existing anchor-based methods often represent instances by encoding their deviations from predefined anchors. Additionally, these methods typically slice the untrimmed videos into fixed-length sliding windows. However, anchor-based encoding often fails to capture all training intervals, and slicing the original video as sliding windows can result in valuable training intervals being discarded. To overcome these limitations, we introduce PESFormer, a simple yet effective model based on the vision transformer architecture to achieve point-to-interval expression spotting. PESFormer employs a direct timestamp encoding (DTE) approach to replace anchors, enabling binary classification of each timestamp instead of optimizing entire ground truths. Thus, all training intervals are retained in the form of discrete timestamps. To maximize the utilization of training intervals, we enhance the preprocessing process by replacing the short videos produced through the sliding window method.Instead, we implement a strategy that involves zero-padding the untrimmed training videos to create uniform, longer videos of a predetermined duration. This operation efficiently preserves the original training intervals and eliminates video slice enhancement.Extensive qualitative and quantitative evaluations on three datasets -- CAS(ME)^2, CAS(ME)^3 and SAMM-LV -- demonstrate that our PESFormer outperforms existing techniques, achieving the best performance.

2.66Gazelle: An Instruction Dataset for Arabic Writing Assistance

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Writing has long been considered a hallmark of human intelligence and remains a pinnacle task for artificial intelligence (AI) due to the intricate cognitive processes involved. Recently, rapid advancements in generative AI, particularly through the development of Large Language Models (LLMs), have significantly transformed the landscape of writing assistance. However, underrepresented languages like Arabic encounter significant challenges in the development of advanced AI writing tools, largely due to the limited availability of data. This scarcity constrains the training of effective models, impeding the creation of sophisticated writing assistance technologies. To address these issues, we present Gazelle, a comprehensive dataset for Arabic writing assistance. In addition, we offer an evaluation framework designed to enhance Arabic writing assistance tools. Our human evaluation of leading LLMs, including GPT-4, GPT-4o, Cohere Command R+, and Gemini 1.5 Pro, highlights their respective strengths and limitations in addressing the challenges of Arabic writing. Our findings underscore the need for continuous model training and dataset enrichment to manage the complexities of Arabic language processing, paving the way for more effective AI-powered Arabic writing tools.

2.67Rigid Single-Slice-in-Volume registration via rotation-equivariant 2D/3D feature matching

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

2D to 3D registration is essential in tasks such as diagnosis, surgical navigation, environmental understanding, navigation in robotics, autonomous systems, or augmented reality. In medical imaging, the aim is often to place a 2D image in a 3D volumetric observation to w. Current approaches for rigid single slice in volume registration are limited by requirements such as pose initialization, stacks of adjacent slices, or reliable anatomical landmarks. Here, we propose a self-supervised 2D/3D registration approach to match a single 2D slice to the corresponding 3D volume. The method works in data without anatomical priors such as images of tumors. It addresses the dimensionality disparity and establishes correspondences between 2D in-plane and 3D out-of-plane rotation-equivariant features by using group equivariant CNNs. These rotation-equivariant features are extracted from the 2D query slice and aligned with their 3D counterparts. Results demonstrate the robustness of the proposed slice-in-volume registration on the NSCLC-Radiomics CT and KIRBY21 MRI datasets, attaining an absolute median angle error of less than 2 degrees and a mean-matching feature accuracy of 89% at a tolerance of 3 pixels.

2.68Skywork-Reward: Bag of Tricks for Reward Modeling in LLMs

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

In this report, we introduce a collection of methods to enhance reward modeling for LLMs, focusing specifically on data-centric techniques. We propose effective data selection and filtering strategies for curating high-quality open-source preference datasets, culminating in the Skywork-Reward data collection, which contains only 80K preference pairs -- significantly smaller than existing datasets. Using this curated dataset, we developed the Skywork-Reward model series -- Skywork-Reward-Gemma-27B and Skywork-Reward-Llama-3.1-8B -- with the former currently holding the top position on the RewardBench leaderboard. Notably, our techniques and datasets have directly enhanced the performance of many top-ranked models on RewardBench, highlighting the practical impact of our contributions in real-world preference learning applications.

2.69Speech perception: a model of word recognition

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

We present a model of speech perception which takes into account effects of correlations between sounds. Words in this model correspond to the attractors of a suitably chosen descent dynamics. The resulting lexicon is rich in short words, and much less so in longer ones, as befits a reasonable word length distribution. We separately examine the decryption of short and long words in the presence of mishearings. In the regime of short words, the algorithm either quickly retrieves a word, or proposes another valid word. In the regime of longer words, the behaviour is markedly different. While the successful decryption of words continues to be relatively fast, there is a finite probability of getting lost permanently, as the algorithm wanders round the landscape of suitable words without ever settling on one.

2.70On Explaining with Attention Matrices

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

This paper explores the much discussed, possible explanatory link between attention weights (AW) in transformer models and predicted output. Contrary to intuition and early research on attention, more recent prior research has provided formal arguments and empirical evidence that AW are not explanatorily relevant. We show that the formal arguments are incorrect. We introduce and effectively compute efficient attention, which isolates the effective components of attention matrices in tasks and models in which AW play an explanatory role. We show that efficient attention has a causal role (provides minimally necessary and sufficient conditions) for predicting model output in NLP tasks requiring contextual information, and we show, contrary to [7], that efficient attention matrices are probability distributions and are effectively calculable. Thus, they should play an important part in the explanation of attention based model behavior. We offer empirical experiments in support of our method illustrating various properties of efficient attention with various metrics on four datasets.

2.71Thermal Chameleon: Task-Adaptive Tone-mapping for Radiometric Thermal-Infrared images

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Thermal Infrared (TIR) imaging provides robust perception for navigating in challenging outdoor environments but faces issues with poor texture and low image contrast due to its 14/16-bit format. Conventional methods utilize various tone-mapping methods to enhance contrast and photometric consistency of TIR images, however, the choice of tone-mapping is largely dependent on knowing the task and temperature dependent priors to work well. In this paper, we present Thermal Chameleon Network (TCNet), a task-adaptive tone-mapping approach for RAW 14-bit TIR images. Given the same image, TCNet tone-maps different representations of TIR images tailored for each specific task, eliminating the heuristic image rescaling preprocessing and reliance on the extensive prior knowledge of the scene temperature or task-specific characteristics. TCNet exhibits improved generalization performance across object detection and monocular depth estimation, with minimal computational overhead and modular integration to existing architectures for various tasks. Project Page:

2.72DeCoRe: Decoding by Contrasting Retrieval Heads to Mitigate Hallucinations

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Large Language Models (LLMs) often hallucinate, producing unfaithful or factually incorrect outputs by misrepresenting the provided context or incorrectly recalling internal knowledge. Recent studies have identified specific attention heads within the Transformer architecture, known as retrieval heads, responsible for extracting relevant contextual information. We hypothesise that masking these retrieval heads can induce hallucinations and that contrasting the outputs of the base LLM and the masked LLM can reduce hallucinations. To this end, we propose Decoding by Contrasting Retrieval Heads (DeCoRe), a novel training-free decoding strategy that amplifies information found in the context and model parameters. DeCoRe mitigates potentially hallucinated responses by dynamically contrasting the outputs of the base LLM and the masked LLM, using conditional entropy as a guide. Our extensive experiments confirm that DeCoRe significantly improves performance on tasks requiring high contextual faithfulness, such as summarisation (XSum by 18.6%), instruction following (MemoTrap by 10.9%), and open-book question answering (NQ-Open by 2.4% and NQ-Swap by 5.5%).

2.73From Imitation to Introspection: Probing Self-Consciousness in Language Models

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Self-consciousness, the introspection of one’s existence and thoughts, represents a high-level cognitive process. As language models advance at an unprecedented pace, a critical question arises: Are these models becoming self-conscious? Drawing upon insights from psychological and neural science, this work presents a practical definition of self-consciousness for language models and refines ten core concepts. Our work pioneers an investigation into self-consciousness in language models by, for the first time, leveraging causal structural games to establish the functional definitions of the ten core concepts. Based on our definitions, we conduct a comprehensive four-stage experiment: quantification (evaluation of ten leading models), representation (visualization of self-consciousness within the models), manipulation (modification of the models’ representation), and acquisition (fine-tuning the models on core concepts). Our findings indicate that although models are in the early stages of developing self-consciousness, there is a discernible representation of certain concepts within their internal mechanisms. However, these representations of self-consciousness are hard to manipulate positively at the current stage, yet they can be acquired through targeted fine-tuning. Our datasets and code are at

2.74Ferret-UI 2: Mastering Universal User Interface Understanding Across Platforms

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Building a generalist model for user interface (UI) understanding is challenging due to various foundational issues, such as platform diversity, resolution variation, and data limitation. In this paper, we introduce Ferret-UI 2, a multimodal large language model (MLLM) designed for universal UI understanding across a wide range of platforms, including iPhone, Android, iPad, Webpage, and AppleTV. Building on the foundation of Ferret-UI, Ferret-UI 2 introduces three key innovations: support for multiple platform types, high-resolution perception through adaptive scaling, and advanced task training data generation powered by GPT-4o with set-of-mark visual prompting. These advancements enable Ferret-UI 2 to perform complex, user-centered interactions, making it highly versatile and adaptable for the expanding diversity of platform ecosystems. Extensive empirical experiments on referring, grounding, user-centric advanced tasks (comprising 9 subtasks × 5 platforms), GUIDE next-action prediction dataset, and GUI-World multi-platform benchmark demonstrate that Ferret-UI 2 significantly outperforms Ferret-UI, and also shows strong cross-platform transfer capabilities.

2.75Ferret-UI 2: Mastering Universal User Interface Understanding Across Platforms

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Building a generalist model for user interface (UI) understanding is challenging due to various foundational issues, such as platform diversity, resolution variation, and data limitation. In this paper, we introduce Ferret-UI 2, a multimodal large language model (MLLM) designed for universal UI understanding across a wide range of platforms, including iPhone, Android, iPad, Webpage, and AppleTV. Building on the foundation of Ferret-UI, Ferret-UI 2 introduces three key innovations: support for multiple platform types, high-resolution perception through adaptive scaling, and advanced task training data generation powered by GPT-4o with set-of-mark visual prompting. These advancements enable Ferret-UI 2 to perform complex, user-centered interactions, making it highly versatile and adaptable for the expanding diversity of platform ecosystems. Extensive empirical experiments on referring, grounding, user-centric advanced tasks (comprising 9 subtasks × 5 platforms), GUIDE next-action prediction dataset, and GUI-World multi-platform benchmark demonstrate that Ferret-UI 2 significantly outperforms Ferret-UI, and also shows strong cross-platform transfer capabilities.

2.76Point Cloud Compression with Bits-back Coding

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

This paper introduces a novel lossless compression method for compressing geometric attributes of point cloud data with bits-back coding. Our method specializes in using a deep learning-based probabilistic model to estimate the Shannon’s entropy of the point cloud information, i.e., geometric attributes of the 3D floating points. Once the entropy of the point cloud dataset is estimated with a convolutional variational autoencoder (CVAE), we use the learned CVAE model to compress the geometric attributes of the point clouds with the bits-back coding technique. The novelty of our method with bits-back coding specializes in utilizing the learned latent variable model of the CVAE to compress the point cloud data. By using bits-back coding, we can capture the potential correlation between the data points, such as similar spatial features like shapes and scattering regions, into the lower-dimensional latent space to further reduce the compression ratio. The main insight of our method is that we can achieve a competitive compression ratio as conventional deep learning-based approaches, while significantly reducing the overhead cost of storage and/or communicating the compression codec, making our approach more applicable in practical scenarios. Throughout comprehensive evaluations, we found that the cost for the overhead is significantly small, compared to the reduction of the compression ratio when compressing large point cloud datasets. Experiment results show that our proposed approach can achieve a compression ratio of 1.56 bit-per-point on average, which is significantly lower than the baseline approach such as Google’s Draco with a compression ratio of 1.83 bit-per-point.

2.77Learning Geodesics of Geometric Shape Deformations From Images

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

This paper presents a novel method, named geodesic deformable networks (GDN), that for the first time enables the learning of geodesic flows of deformation fields derived from images. In particular, the capability of our proposed GDN being able to predict geodesics is important for quantifying and comparing deformable shape presented in images. The geodesic deformations, also known as optimal transformations that align pairwise images, are often parameterized by a time sequence of smooth vector fields governed by nonlinear differential equations. A bountiful literature has been focusing on learning the initial conditions (e.g., initial velocity fields) based on registration networks. However, the definition of geodesics central to deformation-based shape analysis is blind to the networks. To address this problem, we carefully develop an efficient neural operator to treat the geodesics as unknown mapping functions learned from the latent deformation spaces. A composition of integral operators and smooth activation functions is then formulated to effectively approximate such mappings. In contrast to previous works, our GDN jointly optimizes a newly defined geodesic loss, which adds additional benefits to promote the network regularizability and generalizability. We demonstrate the effectiveness of GDN on both 2D synthetic data and 3D real brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

2.78Building Dialogue Understanding Models for Low-resource Language Indonesian from Scratch

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Making use of off-the-shelf resources of resource-rich languages to transfer knowledge for low-resource languages raises much attention recently. The requirements of enabling the model to reach the reliable performance lack well guided, such as the scale of required annotated data or the effective framework. To investigate the first question, we empirically investigate the cost-effectiveness of several methods to train the intent classification and slot-filling models for Indonesia (ID) from scratch by utilizing the English data. Confronting the second challenge, we propose a Bi-Confidence-Frequency Cross-Lingual transfer framework (BiCF), composed by BiCF Mixing'', Latent Space Refinement’’ and ``Joint Decoder’', respectively, to tackle the obstacle of lacking low-resource language dialogue data. Extensive experiments demonstrate our framework performs reliably and cost-efficiently on different scales of manually annotated Indonesian data. We release a large-scale fine-labeled dialogue dataset (ID-WOZ) and ID-BERT of Indonesian for further research.

2.79Provably Robust Watermarks for Open-Source Language Models

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

The recent explosion of high-quality language models has necessitated new methods for identifying AI-generated text. Watermarking is a leading solution and could prove to be an essential tool in the age of generative AI. Existing approaches embed watermarks at inference and crucially rely on the large language model (LLM) specification and parameters being secret, which makes them inapplicable to the open-source setting. In this work, we introduce the first watermarking scheme for open-source LLMs. Our scheme works by modifying the parameters of the model, but the watermark can be detected from just the outputs of the model. Perhaps surprisingly, we prove that our watermarks are unremovable under certain assumptions about the adversary’s knowledge. To demonstrate the behavior of our construction under concrete parameter instantiations, we present experimental results with OPT-6.7B and OPT-1.3B. We demonstrate robustness to both token substitution and perturbation of the model parameters. We find that the stronger of these attacks, the model-perturbation attack, requires deteriorating the quality score to 0 out of 100 in order to bring the detection rate down to 50%.

2.80STTATTS: Unified Speech-To-Text And Text-To-Speech Model

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Speech recognition and speech synthesis models are typically trained separately, each with its own set of learning objectives, training data, and model parameters, resulting in two distinct large networks. We propose a parameter-efficient approach to learning ASR and TTS jointly via a multi-task learning objective and shared parameters. Our evaluation demonstrates that the performance of our multi-task model is comparable to that of individually trained models while significantly saving computational and memory costs (\sim50% reduction in the total number of parameters required for the two tasks combined). We experiment with English as a resource-rich language, and Arabic as a relatively low-resource language due to shortage of TTS data. Our models are trained with publicly available data, and both the training code and model checkpoints are openly available for further research.

2.81Dialog2Flow: Pre-training Soft-Contrastive Action-Driven Sentence Embeddings for Automatic Dialog Flow Extraction

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Efficiently deriving structured workflows from unannotated dialogs remains an underexplored and formidable challenge in computational linguistics. Automating this process could significantly accelerate the manual design of workflows in new domains and enable the grounding of large language models in domain-specific flowcharts, enhancing transparency and controllability. In this paper, we introduce Dialog2Flow (D2F) embeddings, which differ from conventional sentence embeddings by mapping utterances to a latent space where they are grouped according to their communicative and informative functions (i.e., the actions they represent). D2F allows for modeling dialogs as continuous trajectories in a latent space with distinct action-related regions. By clustering D2F embeddings, the latent space is quantized, and dialogs can be converted into sequences of region/action IDs, facilitating the extraction of the underlying workflow. To pre-train D2F, we build a comprehensive dataset by unifying twenty task-oriented dialog datasets with normalized per-turn action annotations. We also introduce a novel soft contrastive loss that leverages the semantic information of these actions to guide the representation learning process, showing superior performance compared to standard supervised contrastive loss. Evaluation against various sentence embeddings, including dialog-specific ones, demonstrates that D2F yields superior qualitative and quantitative results across diverse domains.

2.82AdaEDL: Early Draft Stopping for Speculative Decoding of Large Language Models via an Entropy-based Lower Bound on Token Acceptance Probability

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Speculative decoding is a powerful technique that attempts to circumvent the autoregressive constraint of modern Large Language Models (LLMs). The aim of speculative decoding techniques is to improve the average inference time of a large, target model without sacrificing its accuracy, by using a more efficient draft model to propose draft tokens which are then verified in parallel. The number of draft tokens produced in each drafting round is referred to as the draft length and is often a static hyperparameter chosen based on the acceptance rate statistics of the draft tokens. However, setting a static draft length can negatively impact performance, especially in scenarios where drafting is expensive and there is a high variance in the number of tokens accepted. Adaptive Entropy-based Draft Length (AdaEDL) is a simple, training and parameter-free criteria which allows for early stopping of the token drafting process by approximating a lower bound on the expected acceptance probability of the drafted token based on the currently observed entropy of the drafted logits. We show that AdaEDL consistently outperforms static draft-length speculative decoding by 10%-57% as well as other training-free draft-stopping techniques by upto 10% in a variety of settings and datasets. At the same time, we show that AdaEDL is more robust than these techniques and preserves performance in high-sampling-temperature scenarios. Since it is training-free, in contrast to techniques that rely on the training of dataset-specific draft-stopping predictors, AdaEDL can seamlessly be integrated into a variety of pre-existing LLM systems.

2.83OSCAR: Operating System Control via State-Aware Reasoning and Re-Planning

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Large language models (LLMs) and large multimodal models (LMMs) have shown great potential in automating complex tasks like web browsing and gaming. However, their ability to generalize across diverse applications remains limited, hindering broader utility. To address this challenge, we present OSCAR: Operating System Control via state-Aware reasoning and Re-planning. OSCAR is a generalist agent designed to autonomously navigate and interact with various desktop and mobile applications through standardized controls, such as mouse and keyboard inputs, while processing screen images to fulfill user commands. OSCAR translates human instructions into executable Python code, enabling precise control over graphical user interfaces (GUIs). To enhance stability and adaptability, OSCAR operates as a state machine, equipped with error-handling mechanisms and dynamic task re-planning, allowing it to efficiently adjust to real-time feedback and exceptions. We demonstrate OSCAR’s effectiveness through extensive experiments on diverse benchmarks across desktop and mobile platforms, where it transforms complex workflows into simple natural language commands, significantly boosting user productivity. Our code will be open-source upon publication.

2.84Optimizing the role of human evaluation in LLM-based spoken document summarization systems

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

The emergence of powerful LLMs has led to a paradigm shift in abstractive summarization of spoken documents. The properties that make LLMs so valuable for this task -- creativity, ability to produce fluent speech, and ability to abstract information from large corpora -- also present new challenges to evaluating their content. Quick, cost-effective automatic evaluations such as ROUGE and BERTScore offer promise, but do not yet show competitive performance when compared to human evaluations. We draw on methodologies from the social sciences to propose an evaluation paradigm for spoken document summarization explicitly tailored for generative AI content. We provide detailed evaluation criteria and best practices guidelines to ensure robustness in the experimental design, replicability, and trustworthiness of human evaluation studies. We additionally include two case studies that show how these human-in-the-loop evaluation methods have been implemented at a major U.S. technology company.

2.85Little Giants: Synthesizing High-Quality Embedding Data at Scale

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Synthetic data generation has become an increasingly popular way of training models without the need for large, manually labeled datasets. For tasks like text embedding, synthetic data offers diverse and scalable training examples, significantly reducing the cost of human annotation. However, most current approaches rely heavily on proprietary models like GPT-4, which are expensive and inefficient for generating large-scale embedding data. In this paper, we introduce SPEED, a framework that aligns open-source small models (8B) to efficiently generate large-scale synthetic embedding data. Through supervised fine-tuning, preference optimization, and self-improvement, SPEED enables small open-source models to produce high-quality data. Remarkably, SPEED uses only less than 1/10 of the GPT API calls, outperforming the state-of-the-art embedding model E5_mistral when both are trained solely on their synthetic data. Using this efficient generator, we conduct a comprehensive study on how various factors within the alignment pipeline impact data quality and reveal the scaling law for synthetic embedding data.

2.86Multilingual Hallucination Gaps in Large Language Models

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly used as alternatives to traditional search engines given their capacity to generate text that resembles human language. However, this shift is concerning, as LLMs often generate hallucinations, misleading or false information that appears highly credible. In this study, we explore the phenomenon of hallucinations across multiple languages in freeform text generation, focusing on what we call multilingual hallucination gaps. These gaps reflect differences in the frequency of hallucinated answers depending on the prompt and language used. To quantify such hallucinations, we used the FactScore metric and extended its framework to a multilingual setting. We conducted experiments using LLMs from the LLaMA, Qwen, and Aya families, generating biographies in 19 languages and comparing the results to Wikipedia pages. Our results reveal variations in hallucination rates, especially between high and low resource languages, raising important questions about LLM multilingual performance and the challenges in evaluating hallucinations in multilingual freeform text generation.

2.87Towards Better Open-Ended Text Generation: A Multicriteria Evaluation Framework

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Open-ended text generation has become a prominent task in natural language processing due to the rise of powerful (large) language models. However, evaluating the quality of these models and the employed decoding strategies remains challenging because of trade-offs among widely used metrics such as coherence, diversity, and perplexity. Decoding methods often excel in some metrics while underperforming in others, complicating the establishment of a clear ranking. In this paper, we present novel ranking strategies within this multicriteria framework. Specifically, we employ benchmarking approaches based on partial orderings and present a new summary metric designed to balance existing automatic indicators, providing a more holistic evaluation of text generation quality. Furthermore, we discuss the alignment of these approaches with human judgments. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed methods offer a robust way to compare decoding strategies, exhibit similarities with human preferences, and serve as valuable tools in guiding model selection for open-ended text generation tasks. Finally, we suggest future directions for improving evaluation methodologies in text generation. Our codebase, datasets, and models are publicly available.

2.88Monge-Ampere Regularization for Learning Arbitrary Shapes from Point Clouds

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

As commonly used implicit geometry representations, the signed distance function (SDF) is limited to modeling watertight shapes, while the unsigned distance function (UDF) is capable of representing various surfaces. However, its inherent theoretical shortcoming, i.e., the non-differentiability at the zero level set, would result in sub-optimal reconstruction quality. In this paper, we propose the scaled-squared distance function (S2DF), a novel implicit surface representation for modeling arbitrary surface types. S2DF does not distinguish between inside and outside regions while effectively addressing the non-differentiability issue of UDF at the zero level set. We demonstrate that S2DF satisfies a second-order partial differential equation of Monge-Ampere-type, allowing us to develop a learning pipeline that leverages a novel Monge-Ampere regularization to directly learn S2DF from raw unoriented point clouds without supervision from ground-truth S2DF values. Extensive experiments across multiple datasets show that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art supervised approaches that require ground-truth surface information as supervision for training. The code will be publicly available at

2.89RingGesture: A Ring-Based Mid-Air Gesture Typing System Powered by a Deep-Learning Word Prediction Framework

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Text entry is a critical capability for any modern computing experience, with lightweight augmented reality (AR) glasses being no exception. Designed for all-day wearability, a limitation of lightweight AR glass is the restriction to the inclusion of multiple cameras for extensive field of view in hand tracking. This constraint underscores the need for an additional input device. We propose a system to address this gap: a ring-based mid-air gesture typing technique, RingGesture, utilizing electrodes to mark the start and end of gesture trajectories and inertial measurement units (IMU) sensors for hand tracking. This method offers an intuitive experience similar to raycast-based mid-air gesture typing found in VR headsets, allowing for a seamless translation of hand movements into cursor navigation. To enhance both accuracy and input speed, we propose a novel deep-learning word prediction framework, Score Fusion, comprised of three key components: a) a word-gesture decoding model, b) a spatial spelling correction model, and c) a lightweight contextual language model. In contrast, this framework fuses the scores from the three models to predict the most likely words with higher precision. We conduct comparative and longitudinal studies to demonstrate two key findings: firstly, the overall effectiveness of RingGesture, which achieves an average text entry speed of 27.3 words per minute (WPM) and a peak performance of 47.9 WPM. Secondly, we highlight the superior performance of the Score Fusion framework, which offers a 28.2% improvement in uncorrected Character Error Rate over a conventional word prediction framework, Naive Correction, leading to a 55.2% improvement in text entry speed for RingGesture. Additionally, RingGesture received a System Usability Score of 83 signifying its excellent usability.

2.90RingGesture: A Ring-Based Mid-Air Gesture Typing System Powered by a Deep-Learning Word Prediction Framework

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Text entry is a critical capability for any modern computing experience, with lightweight augmented reality (AR) glasses being no exception. Designed for all-day wearability, a limitation of lightweight AR glass is the restriction to the inclusion of multiple cameras for extensive field of view in hand tracking. This constraint underscores the need for an additional input device. We propose a system to address this gap: a ring-based mid-air gesture typing technique, RingGesture, utilizing electrodes to mark the start and end of gesture trajectories and inertial measurement units (IMU) sensors for hand tracking. This method offers an intuitive experience similar to raycast-based mid-air gesture typing found in VR headsets, allowing for a seamless translation of hand movements into cursor navigation. To enhance both accuracy and input speed, we propose a novel deep-learning word prediction framework, Score Fusion, comprised of three key components: a) a word-gesture decoding model, b) a spatial spelling correction model, and c) a lightweight contextual language model. In contrast, this framework fuses the scores from the three models to predict the most likely words with higher precision. We conduct comparative and longitudinal studies to demonstrate two key findings: firstly, the overall effectiveness of RingGesture, which achieves an average text entry speed of 27.3 words per minute (WPM) and a peak performance of 47.9 WPM. Secondly, we highlight the superior performance of the Score Fusion framework, which offers a 28.2% improvement in uncorrected Character Error Rate over a conventional word prediction framework, Naive Correction, leading to a 55.2% improvement in text entry speed for RingGesture. Additionally, RingGesture received a System Usability Score of 83 signifying its excellent usability.

2.91KhmerST: A Low-Resource Khmer Scene Text Detection and Recognition Benchmark

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Developing effective scene text detection and recognition models hinges on extensive training data, which can be both laborious and costly to obtain, especially for low-resourced languages. Conventional methods tailored for Latin characters often falter with non-Latin scripts due to challenges like character stacking, diacritics, and variable character widths without clear word boundaries. In this paper, we introduce the first Khmer scene-text dataset, featuring 1,544 expert-annotated images, including 997 indoor and 547 outdoor scenes. This diverse dataset includes flat text, raised text, poorly illuminated text, distant and partially obscured text. Annotations provide line-level text and polygonal bounding box coordinates for each scene. The benchmark includes baseline models for scene-text detection and recognition tasks, providing a robust starting point for future research endeavors. The KhmerST dataset is publicly accessible at

2.92Schema-Guided Culture-Aware Complex Event Simulation with Multi-Agent Role-Play

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Complex news events, such as natural disasters and socio-political conflicts, require swift responses from the government and society. Relying on historical events to project the future is insufficient as such events are sparse and do not cover all possible conditions and nuanced situations. Simulation of these complex events can help better prepare and reduce the negative impact. We develop a controllable complex news event simulator guided by both the event schema representing domain knowledge about the scenario and user-provided assumptions representing case-specific conditions. As event dynamics depend on the fine-grained social and cultural context, we further introduce a geo-diverse commonsense and cultural norm-aware knowledge enhancement component. To enhance the coherence of the simulation, apart from the global timeline of events, we take an agent-based approach to simulate the individual character states, plans, and actions. By incorporating the schema and cultural norms, our generated simulations achieve much higher coherence and appropriateness and are received favorably by participants from a humanitarian assistance organization.

2.93SegLLM: Multi-round Reasoning Segmentation

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

We present SegLLM, a novel multi-round interactive reasoning segmentation model that enhances LLM-based segmentation by exploiting conversational memory of both visual and textual outputs. By leveraging a mask-aware multimodal LLM, SegLLM re-integrates previous segmentation results into its input stream, enabling it to reason about complex user intentions and segment objects in relation to previously identified entities, including positional, interactional, and hierarchical relationships, across multiple interactions. This capability allows SegLLM to respond to visual and text queries in a chat-like manner. Evaluated on the newly curated MRSeg benchmark, SegLLM outperforms existing methods in multi-round interactive reasoning segmentation by over 20%. Additionally, we observed that training on multi-round reasoning segmentation data enhances performance on standard single-round referring segmentation and localization tasks, resulting in a 5.5% increase in cIoU for referring expression segmentation and a 4.5% improvement in Acc@0.5 for referring expression localization.

2.94ZIP-FIT: Embedding-Free Data Selection via Compression-Based Alignment

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Data selection is crucial for optimizing language model (LM) performance on specific tasks, yet most existing methods fail to effectively consider the target task distribution. Current approaches either ignore task-specific requirements entirely or rely on approximations that fail to capture the nuanced patterns needed for tasks like Autoformalization or code generation. Methods that do consider the target distribution often rely on simplistic, sometimes noisy, representations, like hashed n-gram features, which can lead to collisions and introduce noise. We introduce ZIP-FIT, a data selection framework that uses gzip compression to directly measure alignment between potential training data and the target task distribution. In extensive evaluations on Autoformalization and Python code generation, ZIP-FIT significantly outperforms leading baselines like DSIR and D4. Models trained on ZIP-FIT-selected data achieve their lowest cross-entropy loss up to 85.1% faster than baselines, demonstrating that better task alignment leads to more efficient learning. In addition, ZIP-FIT performs selection up to 65.8% faster than DSIR and two orders of magnitude faster than D4. Notably, ZIP-FIT shows that smaller, well-aligned datasets often outperform larger but less targeted ones, demonstrating that a small amount of higher quality data is superior to a large amount of lower quality data. Our results imply that task-aware data selection is crucial for efficient domain adaptation, and that compression offers a principled way to measure task alignment. By showing that targeted data selection can dramatically improve task-specific performance, our work provides new insights into the relationship between data quality, task alignment, and model learning efficiency.

2.95Dynamic Vocabulary Pruning in Early-Exit LLMs

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Increasing the size of large language models (LLMs) has been shown to lead to better performance. However, this comes at the cost of slower and more expensive inference. Early-exiting is a promising approach for improving the efficiency of LLM inference by enabling next token prediction at intermediate layers. Yet, the large vocabulary size in modern LLMs makes the confidence estimation required for exit decisions computationally expensive, diminishing the efficiency gains. To address this, we propose dynamically pruning the vocabulary at test time for each token. Specifically, the vocabulary is pruned at one of the initial layers, and the smaller vocabulary is then used throughout the rest of the forward pass. Our experiments demonstrate that such post-hoc dynamic vocabulary pruning improves the efficiency of confidence estimation in early-exit LLMs while maintaining competitive performance.

2.96ToolFlow: Boosting LLM Tool-Calling Through Natural and Coherent Dialogue Synthesis

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Supervised fine-tuning (SFT) is a common method to enhance the tool calling capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs), with the training data often being synthesized. The current data synthesis process generally involves sampling a set of tools, formulating a requirement based on these tools, and generating the call statements. However, tools sampled randomly lack relevance, making them difficult to combine and thus reducing the diversity of the data. Additionally, current work overlooks the coherence between turns of dialogues, leading to a gap between the synthesized data and real-world scenarios. To address these issues, we propose a Graph-based Sampling strategy to sample more relevant tool combinations, and a Planned-generation strategy to create plans that guide the synthesis of coherent dialogues. We integrate these two strategies and enable multiple agents to synthesize the dialogue data interactively, resulting in our tool-calling data synthesis pipeline ToolFlow. Data quality assessments demonstrate improvements in the naturalness and coherence of our synthesized dialogues. Finally, we apply SFT on LLaMA-3.1-8B using 8,000 synthetic dialogues generated with ToolFlow. Results show that the model achieves tool-calling performance comparable to or even surpassing GPT-4, while maintaining strong general capabilities.

2.97Generalizations across filler-gap dependencies in neural language models

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Humans develop their grammars by making structural generalizations from finite input. We ask how filler-gap dependencies, which share a structural generalization despite diverse surface forms, might arise from the input. We explicitly control the input to a neural language model (NLM) to uncover whether the model posits a shared representation for filler-gap dependencies. We show that while NLMs do have success differentiating grammatical from ungrammatical filler-gap dependencies, they rely on superficial properties of the input, rather than on a shared generalization. Our work highlights the need for specific linguistic inductive biases to model language acquisition.

2.98CloudEye: A New Paradigm of Video Analysis System for Mobile Visual Scenarios

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Mobile deep vision systems play a vital role in numerous scenarios. However, deep learning applications in mobile vision scenarios face problems such as tight computing resources. With the development of edge computing, the architecture of edge clouds has mitigated some of the issues related to limited computing resources. However, it has introduced increased latency. To address these challenges, we designed CloudEye which consists of Fast Inference Module, Feature Mining Module and Quality Encode Module. CloudEye is a real-time, efficient mobile visual perception system that leverages content information mining on edge servers in a mobile vision system environment equipped with edge servers and coordinated with cloud servers. Proven by sufficient experiments, we develop a prototype system that reduces network bandwidth usage by 69.50%, increases inference speed by 24.55%, and improves detection accuracy by 67.30%

2.99MoMQ: Mixture-of-Experts Enhances Multi-Dialect Query Generation across Relational and Non-Relational Databases

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

The improvement in translating natural language to structured query language (SQL) can be attributed to the advancements in large language models (LLMs). Open-source LLMs, tailored for specific database dialects such as MySQL, have shown great performance. However, cloud service providers are looking for a unified database manager service (e.g., Cosmos DB from Azure, Amazon Aurora from AWS, Lindorm from AlibabaCloud) that can support multiple dialects. This requirement has led to the concept of multi-dialect query generation, which presents challenges to LLMs. These challenges include syntactic differences among dialects and imbalanced data distribution across multiple dialects. To tackle these challenges, we propose MoMQ, a novel Mixture-of-Experts-based multi-dialect query generation framework across both relational and non-relational databases. MoMQ employs a dialect expert group for each dialect and a multi-level routing strategy to handle dialect-specific knowledge, reducing interference during query generation. Additionally, a shared expert group is introduced to address data imbalance, facilitating the transfer of common knowledge from high-resource dialects to low-resource ones. Furthermore, we have developed a high-quality multi-dialect query generation benchmark that covers relational and non-relational databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Cypher for Neo4j, and nGQL for NebulaGraph. Extensive experiments have shown that MoMQ performs effectively and robustly even in resource-imbalanced scenarios.

2.100Improving Embedding Accuracy for Document Retrieval Using Entity Relationship Maps and Model-Aware Contrastive Sampling

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

In this paper we present APEX-Embedding-7B (Advanced Processing for Epistemic eXtraction), a 7-billion parameter decoder-only text Feature Extraction Model, specifically designed for Document Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) tasks. Our approach employs two training techniques that yield an emergent improvement in factual focus: (1) Pre-convergence interrupted fine-tuning using Structured Entity Relationship Maps as training data input: designed to shift the model’s attention and create a bias towards factual content rather than semantic style - this enhances plain text performance despite not being directly trained for it; and (2) Model-Aware Contrastive Sampling, creating a balanced and evenly distributed collation map of hard and soft negatives directly informed by the base model’s competency. This combined methodology yields significant improvements, enhancing plain text query/document pair retrieval to achieve an absolute rank@1 accuracy of 90.86% (an increase of 6.26% compared to the next leading model) in our evaluation, and reducing training data input context size by an average of 37.71% compared to plain text for both queries and document texts. Based on our evaluations, our model establishes a new state-of-the-art standard in text feature extraction for longer context document retrieval tasks.

2.101Rethinking Softmax: Self-Attention with Polynomial Activations

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

This paper challenges the conventional belief that softmax attention in transformers is effective primarily because it generates a probability distribution for attention allocation. Instead, we theoretically show that its success lies in its ability to implicitly regularize the Frobenius norm of the attention matrix during training. We then explore alternative activations that regularize the Frobenius norm of the attention matrix, demonstrating that certain polynomial activations can achieve this effect, making them suitable for attention-based architectures. Empirical results indicate these activations perform comparably or better than softmax across various computer vision and language tasks, suggesting new possibilities for attention mechanisms beyond softmax.

2.102Future Token Prediction -- Causal Language Modelling with Per-Token Semantic State Vector for Multi-Token Prediction

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Causal decoder-only transformer models used for generative language modelling, such as Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), are trained to predict the next token in a sequence based only on its previous tokens. Despite this simple training objective, they have proved to be powerful AI tools. However, only predicting the next token results in top layer embedding vectors that are highly token-focused. There may be benefits in generating embedding vectors at each token position that better capture the overall meaning of longer sequences of future text. Recent studies matching brain scans with deep language models suggest that humans also predict upcoming words when listening or reading but consider multiple future tokens rather than just one. This research investigates a new pretraining method called Future Token Prediction (FTP). In FTP, a large transformer encoder generates top layer embedding vectors for each token position, which, instead of being passed to a language head, are linearly and expansively projected to a pseudo-sequence, which is cross attended to by a small transformer decoder to predict the next N tokens forward from that position in the sequence. The top layer embedding vectors from FTP models exhibit distinct properties compared to those from standard GPT models, varying smoothly along a text sequence as measured by cosine similarity between adjacent tokens. Text generated by FTP models show improved topic coherence compared to standard GPT-like models trained with the same prediction perplexity for the next single token. The vectors are shown to better represent the topic of text based on the results of text classification examples. On a toy, but complex, coding problem, FTP networks produce significantly better results than GPT networks.

2.103Advancing Super-Resolution in Neural Radiance Fields via Variational Diffusion Strategies

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

We present a novel method for diffusion-guided frameworks for view-consistent super-resolution (SR) in neural rendering. Our approach leverages existing 2D SR models in conjunction with advanced techniques such as Variational Score Distilling (VSD) and a LoRA fine-tuning helper, with spatial training to significantly boost the quality and consistency of upscaled 2D images compared to the previous methods in the literature, such as Renoised Score Distillation (RSD) proposed in DiSR-NeRF (1), or SDS proposed in DreamFusion. The VSD score facilitates precise fine-tuning of SR models, resulting in high-quality, view-consistent images. To address the common challenge of inconsistencies among independent SR 2D images, we integrate Iterative 3D Synchronization (I3DS) from the DiSR-NeRF framework. Our quantitative benchmarks and qualitative results on the LLFF dataset demonstrate the superior performance of our system compared to existing methods such as DiSR-NeRF.

2.104A Survey of Multimodal Sarcasm Detection

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Sarcasm is a rhetorical device that is used to convey the opposite of the literal meaning of an utterance. Sarcasm is widely used on social media and other forms of computer-mediated communication motivating the use of computational models to identify it automatically. While the clear majority of approaches to sarcasm detection have been carried out on text only, sarcasm detection often requires additional information present in tonality, facial expression, and contextual images. This has led to the introduction of multimodal models, opening the possibility to detect sarcasm in multiple modalities such as audio, images, text, and video. In this paper, we present the first comprehensive survey on multimodal sarcasm detection - henceforth MSD - to date. We survey papers published between 2018 and 2023 on the topic, and discuss the models and datasets used for this task. We also present future research directions in MSD.

2.105A Systematic Survey on Instructional Text: From Representation and Downstream NLP Tasks

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Recent advances in large language models have demonstrated promising capabilities in following simple instructions through instruction tuning. However, real-world tasks often involve complex, multi-step instructions that remain challenging for current NLP systems. Despite growing interest in this area, there lacks a comprehensive survey that systematically analyzes the landscape of complex instruction understanding and processing. Through a systematic review of the literature, we analyze available resources, representation schemes, and downstream tasks related to instructional text. Our study examines 177 papers, identifying trends, challenges, and opportunities in this emerging field. We provide AI/NLP researchers with essential background knowledge and a unified view of various approaches to complex instruction understanding, bridging gaps between different research directions and highlighting future research opportunities.

2.106Bridge-Coder: Unlocking LLMs’ Potential to Overcome Language Gaps in Low-Resource Code

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate strong proficiency in generating code for high-resource programming languages (HRPLs) like Python but struggle significantly with low-resource programming languages (LRPLs) such as Racket or D. This performance gap deepens the digital divide, preventing developers using LRPLs from benefiting equally from LLM advancements and reinforcing disparities in innovation within underrepresented programming communities. While generating additional training data for LRPLs is promising, it faces two key challenges: manual annotation is labor-intensive and costly, and LLM-generated LRPL code is often of subpar quality. The underlying cause of this issue is the gap between natural language to programming language gap (NL-PL Gap), which is especially pronounced in LRPLs due to limited aligned data. In this work, we introduce a novel approach called Bridge-Coder, which leverages LLMs’ intrinsic capabilities to enhance the performance on LRPLs. Our method consists of two key stages. Bridge Generation, where we create high-quality dataset by utilizing LLMs’ general knowledge understanding, proficiency in HRPLs, and in-context learning abilities. Then, we apply the Bridged Alignment, which progressively improves the alignment between NL instructions and LRPLs. Experimental results across multiple LRPLs show that Bridge-Coder significantly enhances model performance, demonstrating the effectiveness and generalization of our approach. Furthermore, we offer a detailed analysis of the key components of our method, providing valuable insights for future work aimed at addressing the challenges associated with LRPLs.

2.107Are LLMs Better than Reported? Detecting Label Errors and Mitigating Their Effect on Model Performance

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

NLP benchmarks rely on standardized datasets for training and evaluating models and are crucial for advancing the field. Traditionally, expert annotations ensure high-quality labels; however, the cost of expert annotation does not scale well with the growing demand for larger datasets required by modern models. While crowd-sourcing provides a more scalable solution, it often comes at the expense of annotation precision and consistency. Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) offer new opportunities to enhance the annotation process, particularly for detecting label errors in existing datasets. In this work, we consider the recent approach of LLM-as-a-judge, leveraging an ensemble of LLMs to flag potentially mislabeled examples. Through a case study of four datasets from the TRUE benchmark, covering different tasks and domains, we empirically analyze the labeling quality of existing datasets, and compare expert, crowd-sourced, and our LLM-based annotations in terms of agreement, label quality, and efficiency, demonstrating the strengths and limitations of each annotation method. Our findings reveal a substantial number of label errors, which, when corrected, induce a significant upward shift in reported model performance. This suggests that many of the LLMs so-called mistakes are due to label errors rather than genuine model failures. Additionally, we discuss the implications of mislabeled data and propose methods to mitigate them in training to improve model performance.

2.108Moving Object Segmentation in Point Cloud Data using Hidden Markov Models

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Autonomous agents require the capability to identify dynamic objects in their environment for safe planning and navigation. Incomplete and erroneous dynamic detections jeopardize the agent’s ability to accomplish its task. Dynamic detection is a challenging problem due to the numerous sources of uncertainty inherent in the problem’s inputs and the wide variety of applications, which often lead to use-case-tailored solutions. We propose a robust learning-free approach to segment moving objects in point cloud data. The foundation of the approach lies in modelling each voxel using a hidden Markov model (HMM), and probabilistically integrating beliefs into a map using an HMM filter. The proposed approach is tested on benchmark datasets and consistently performs better than or as well as state-of-the-art methods with strong generalized performance across sensor characteristics and environments. The approach is open-sourced at

2.109Unleashing Reasoning Capability of LLMs via Scalable Question Synthesis from Scratch

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

The availability of high-quality data is one of the most important factors in improving the reasoning capability of LLMs. Existing works have demonstrated the effectiveness of creating more instruction data from seed questions or knowledge bases. Recent research indicates that continually scaling up data synthesis from strong models (e.g., GPT-4) can further elicit reasoning performance. Though promising, the open-sourced community still lacks high-quality data at scale and scalable data synthesis methods with affordable costs. To address this, we introduce ScaleQuest, a scalable and novel data synthesis method that utilizes “small-size” (e.g., 7B) open-source models to generate questions from scratch without the need for seed data with complex augmentation constraints. With the efficient ScaleQuest, we automatically constructed a mathematical reasoning dataset consisting of 1 million problem-solution pairs, which are more effective than existing open-sourced datasets. It can universally increase the performance of mainstream open-source models (i.e., Mistral, Llama3, DeepSeekMath, and Qwen2-Math) by achieving 29.2% to 46.4% gains on MATH. Notably, simply fine-tuning the Qwen2-Math-7B-Base model with our dataset can even surpass Qwen2-Math-7B-Instruct, a strong and well-aligned model on closed-source data, and proprietary models such as GPT-4-Turbo and Claude-3.5 Sonnet.

2.110A Combinatorial Approach to Neural Emergent Communication

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Substantial research on deep learning-based emergent communication uses the referential game framework, specifically the Lewis signaling game, however we argue that successful communication in this game typically only need one or two effective symbols (i.e. message length) because of a sampling pitfall in the training data. To address this issue, we provide a theoretical analysis and introduce a combinatorial algorithm SolveMinSym (SMS) to determine the minimum number of symbols for successful communication min(|M|) in the Lewis signaling game. We use SMS algorithm to create datasets with different min(|M|) to empirically show that higher min(|M|) for the training data increases the number of effective symbols in the emergent language.

2.111Ali-AUG: Innovative Approaches to Labeled Data Augmentation using One-Step Diffusion Model

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

This paper introduces Ali-AUG, a novel single-step diffusion model for efficient labeled data augmentation in industrial applications. Our method addresses the challenge of limited labeled data by generating synthetic, labeled images with precise feature insertion. Ali-AUG utilizes a stable diffusion architecture enhanced with skip connections and LoRA modules to efficiently integrate masks and images, ensuring accurate feature placement without affecting unrelated image content. Experimental validation across various industrial datasets demonstrates Ali-AUG’s superiority in generating high-quality, defect-enhanced images while maintaining rapid single-step inference. By offering precise control over feature insertion and minimizing required training steps, our technique significantly enhances data augmentation capabilities, providing a powerful tool for improving the performance of deep learning models in scenarios with limited labeled data. Ali-AUG is especially useful for use cases like defective product image generation to train AI-based models to improve their ability to detect defects in manufacturing processes. Using different data preparation strategies, including Classification Accuracy Score (CAS) and Naive Augmentation Score (NAS), we show that Ali-AUG improves model performance by 31% compared to other augmentation methods and by 45% compared to models without data augmentation. Notably, Ali-AUG reduces training time by 32% and supports both paired and unpaired datasets, enhancing flexibility in data preparation.

2.112Segmentation-aware Prior Assisted Joint Global Information Aggregated 3D Building Reconstruction

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Multi-View Stereo plays a pivotal role in civil engineering by facilitating 3D modeling, precise engineering surveying, quantitative analysis, as well as monitoring and maintenance. It serves as a valuable tool, offering high-precision and real-time spatial information crucial for various engineering projects. However, Multi-View Stereo algorithms encounter challenges in reconstructing weakly-textured regions within large-scale building scenes. In these areas, the stereo matching of pixels often fails, leading to inaccurate depth estimations. Based on the Segment Anything Model and RANSAC algorithm, we propose an algorithm that accurately segments weakly-textured regions and constructs their plane priors. These plane priors, combined with triangulation priors, form a reliable prior candidate set. Additionally, we introduce a novel global information aggregation cost function. This function selects optimal plane prior information based on global information in the prior candidate set, constrained by geometric consistency during the depth estimation update process. Experimental results on both the ETH3D benchmark dataset, aerial dataset, building dataset and real scenarios substantiate the superior performance of our method in producing 3D building models compared to other state-of-the-art methods. In summary, our work aims to enhance the completeness and density of 3D building reconstruction, carrying implications for broader applications in urban planning and virtual reality.

2.113How Good Are LLMs for Literary Translation, Really? Literary Translation Evaluation with Humans and LLMs

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Recent research has focused on literary machine translation (MT) as a new challenge in MT. However, the evaluation of literary MT remains an open problem. We contribute to this ongoing discussion by introducing LITEVAL-CORPUS, a paragraph-level parallel corpus comprising multiple verified human translations and outputs from 9 MT systems, which totals over 2k paragraphs and includes 13k annotated sentences across four language pairs, costing 4.5k Euro. This corpus enables us to (i) examine the consistency and adequacy of multiple annotation schemes, (ii) compare evaluations by students and professionals, and (iii) assess the effectiveness of LLM-based metrics. We find that Multidimensional Quality Metrics (MQM), as the de facto standard in non-literary human MT evaluation, is inadequate for literary translation: While Best-Worst Scaling (BWS) with students and Scalar Quality Metric (SQM) with professional translators prefer human translations at rates of ~82% and ~94%, respectively, MQM with student annotators prefers human professional translations over the translations of the best-performing LLMs in only ~42% of cases. While automatic metrics generally show a moderate correlation with human MQM and SQM, they struggle to accurately identify human translations, with rates of at most ~20%. Our overall evaluation indicates that human professional translations consistently outperform LLM translations, where even the most recent LLMs tend to produce more literal and less diverse translations compared to human translations. However, newer LLMs such as GPT-4o perform substantially better than older ones.

2.114We Augmented Whisper With kNN and You Won’t Believe What Came Next

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Speech recognition performance varies by language, domain, and speaker characteristics such as accent, and fine-tuning a model on any of these categories may lead to catastrophic forgetting. kk nearest neighbor search (kkNN), first proposed for neural sequence decoders for natural language generation (NLG) and machine translation (MT), is a non-parametric method that can instead adapt by building an external datastore that can then be searched during inference time, without training the underlying model. We show that Whisper, a transformer end-to-end speech model, benefits from kkNN. We investigate the differences between the speech and text setups. We discuss implications for speaker adaptation, and analyze improvements by gender, accent, and age.

2.115From English-Centric to Effective Bilingual: LLMs with Custom Tokenizers for Underrepresented Languages

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

In this paper, we propose a model-agnostic cost-effective approach to developing bilingual base large language models (LLMs) to support English and any target language. The method includes vocabulary expansion, initialization of new embeddings, model training and evaluation. We performed our experiments with three languages, each using a non-Latin script - Ukrainian, Arabic, and Georgian. Our approach demonstrates improved language performance while reducing computational costs. It mitigates the disproportionate penalization of underrepresented languages, promoting fairness and minimizing adverse phenomena such as code-switching and broken grammar. Additionally, we introduce new metrics to evaluate language quality, revealing that vocabulary size significantly impacts the quality of generated text.

2.116WARP-LCA: Efficient Convolutional Sparse Coding with Locally Competitive Algorithm

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

The locally competitive algorithm (LCA) can solve sparse coding problems across a wide range of use cases. Recently, convolution-based LCA approaches have been shown to be highly effective for enhancing robustness for image recognition tasks in vision pipelines. To additionally maximize representational sparsity, LCA with hard-thresholding can be applied. While this combination often yields very good solutions satisfying an 0\ell_0 sparsity criterion, it comes with significant drawbacks for practical application: (i) LCA is very inefficient, typically requiring hundreds of optimization cycles for convergence; (ii) the use of hard-thresholding results in a non-convex loss function, which might lead to suboptimal minima. To address these issues, we propose the Locally Competitive Algorithm with State Warm-up via Predictive Priming (WARP-LCA), which leverages a predictor network to provide a suitable initial guess of the LCA state based on the current input. Our approach significantly improves both convergence speed and the quality of solutions, while maintaining and even enhancing the overall strengths of LCA. We demonstrate that WARP-LCA converges faster by orders of magnitude and reaches better minima compared to conventional LCA. Moreover, the learned representations are more sparse and exhibit superior properties in terms of reconstruction and denoising quality as well as robustness when applied in deep recognition pipelines. Furthermore, we apply WARP-LCA to image denoising tasks, showcasing its robustness and practical effectiveness. Our findings confirm that the naive use of LCA with hard-thresholding results in suboptimal minima, whereas initializing LCA with a predictive guess results in better outcomes. This research advances the field of biologically inspired deep learning by providing a novel approach to convolutional sparse coding.

2.117CARLA2Real: a tool for reducing the sim2real gap in CARLA simulator

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Simulators are indispensable for research in autonomous systems such as self-driving cars, autonomous robots and drones. Despite significant progress in various simulation aspects, such as graphical realism, an evident gap persists between the virtual and real-world environments. Since the ultimate goal is to deploy the autonomous systems in the real world, closing the sim2real gap is of utmost importance. In this paper, we employ a state-ofthe-art approach to enhance the photorealism of simulated data, aligning them with the visual characteristics of real-world datasets. Based on this, we developed CARLA2Real, an easy-to-use, publicly available tool (plug-in) for the widely used and open-source CARLA simulator. This tool enhances the output of CARLA in near realtime, achieving a frame rate of 13 FPS, translating it to the visual style and realism of real-world datasets such as Cityscapes, KITTI, and Mapillary Vistas. By employing the proposed tool, we generated synthetic datasets from both the simulator and the enhancement model outputs, including their corresponding ground truth annotations for tasks related to autonomous driving. Then, we performed a number of experiments to evaluate the impact of the proposed approach on feature extraction and semantic segmentation methods when trained on the enhanced synthetic data. The results demonstrate that the sim2real gap is significant and can indeed be reduced by the introduced approach.

2.118KVSharer: Efficient Inference via Layer-Wise Dissimilar KV Cache Sharing

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

The development of large language models (LLMs) has significantly expanded model sizes, resulting in substantial GPU memory requirements during inference. The key and value storage of the attention map in the KV (key-value) cache accounts for more than 80% of this memory consumption. Nowadays, most existing KV cache compression methods focus on intra-layer compression within a single Transformer layer but few works consider layer-wise compression. In this paper, we propose a plug-and-play method called \textit{KVSharer}, which shares the KV cache between layers to achieve layer-wise compression. Rather than intuitively sharing based on higher similarity, we discover a counterintuitive phenomenon: sharing dissimilar KV caches better preserves the model performance. Experiments show that \textit{KVSharer} can reduce KV cache computation by 30%, thereby lowering memory consumption without significantly impacting model performance and it can also achieve at least 1.3 times generation acceleration. Additionally, we verify that \textit{KVSharer} is compatible with existing intra-layer KV cache compression methods, and combining both can further save memory.

2.119From Blind Solvers to Logical Thinkers: Benchmarking LLMs’ Logical Integrity on Faulty Mathematical Problems

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Consider the math problem: “Lily received 3 cookies from her best friend yesterday and ate 5 for breakfast. Today, her friend gave her 3 more cookies. How many cookies does Lily have now?” Many large language models (LLMs) in previous research approach this problem by calculating the answer “1” using the equation “3 - 5 + 3.” However, from a human perspective, we recognize the inherent flaw in this problem: Lily cannot eat 5 cookies if she initially only had 3. This discrepancy prompts a key question: Are current LLMs merely Blind Solver that apply mathematical operations without deeper reasoning, or can they function as Logical Thinker capable of identifying logical inconsistencies? To explore this question, we propose a benchmark dataset, FaultyMath, which includes faulty math problems of rich diversity: i) multiple mathematical categories, e.g., algebra, geometry, number theory, etc., ii) varying levels of difficulty, and iii) different origins of faultiness -- ranging from violations of common sense and ambiguous statements to mathematical contradictions and more. We evaluate a broad spectrum of LLMs, including open-source, closed-source, and math-specialized models, using FaultyMath across three dimensions: (i) How accurately can the models detect faulty math problems without being explicitly prompted to do so? (ii) When provided with hints -- either correct or misleading -- about the validity of the problems, to what extent do LLMs adapt to become reliable Logical Thinker? (iii) How trustworthy are the explanations generated by LLMs when they recognize a math problem as flawed? Through extensive experimentation and detailed analysis, our results demonstrate that existing LLMs largely function as Blind Solver and fall short of the reasoning capabilities required to perform as Logical Thinker.

2.120Distill Visual Chart Reasoning Ability from LLMs to MLLMs

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Solving complex chart Q&A tasks requires advanced visual reasoning abilities in multimodal large language models (MLLMs). Recent studies highlight that these abilities consist of two main parts: recognizing key information from visual inputs and conducting reasoning over it. Thus, a promising approach to enhance MLLMs is to construct relevant training data focusing on the two aspects. However, collecting and annotating complex charts and questions is costly and time-consuming, and ensuring the quality of annotated answers remains a challenge. In this paper, we propose Code-as-Intermediary Translation (CIT), a cost-effective, efficient and easily scalable data synthesis method for distilling visual reasoning abilities from LLMs to MLLMs. The code serves as an intermediary that translates visual chart representations into textual representations, enabling LLMs to understand cross-modal information. Specifically, we employ text-based synthesizing techniques to construct chart-plotting code and produce ReachQA, a dataset containing 3k reasoning-intensive charts and 20k Q&A pairs to enhance both recognition and reasoning abilities. Experiments show that when fine-tuned with our data, models not only perform well on chart-related benchmarks, but also demonstrate improved multimodal reasoning abilities on general mathematical benchmarks like MathVista. The code and dataset are publicly available at

2.121Graph Contrastive Learning via Cluster-refined Negative Sampling for Semi-supervised Text Classification

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Graph contrastive learning (GCL) has been widely applied to text classification tasks due to its ability to generate self-supervised signals from unlabeled data, thus facilitating model training. However, existing GCL-based text classification methods often suffer from negative sampling bias, where similar nodes are incorrectly paired as negative pairs. This can lead to over-clustering, where instances of the same class are divided into different clusters. To address the over-clustering issue, we propose an innovative GCL-based method of graph contrastive learning via cluster-refined negative sampling for semi-supervised text classification, namely ClusterText. Firstly, we combine the pre-trained model Bert with graph neural networks to learn text representations. Secondly, we introduce a clustering refinement strategy, which clusters the learned text representations to obtain pseudo labels. For each text node, its negative sample set is drawn from different clusters. Additionally, we propose a self-correction mechanism to mitigate the loss of true negative samples caused by clustering inconsistency. By calculating the Euclidean distance between each text node and other nodes within the same cluster, distant nodes are still selected as negative samples. Our proposed ClusterText demonstrates good scalable computing, as it can effectively extract important information from from a large amount of data. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of ClusterText in text classification tasks.

2.122A Cranial-Feature-Based Registration Scheme for Robotic Micromanipulation Using a Microscopic Stereo Camera System

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Biological specimens exhibit significant variations in size and shape, challenging autonomous robotic manipulation. We focus on the mouse skull window creation task to illustrate these challenges. The study introduces a microscopic stereo camera system (MSCS) enhanced by the linear model for depth perception. Alongside this, a precise registration scheme is developed for the partially exposed mouse cranial surface, employing a CNN-based constrained and colorized registration strategy. These methods are integrated with the MSCS for robotic micromanipulation tasks. The MSCS demonstrated a high precision of 0.10 mm ± 0.02 mm measured in a step height experiment and real-time performance of 30 FPS in 3D reconstruction. The registration scheme proved its precision, with a translational error of 1.13 mm ± 0.31 mm and a rotational error of 3.38° ± 0.89° tested on 105 continuous frames with an average speed of 1.60 FPS. This study presents the application of a MSCS and a novel registration scheme in enhancing the precision and accuracy of robotic micromanipulation in scientific and surgical settings. The innovations presented here offer automation methodology in handling the challenges of microscopic manipulation, paving the way for more accurate, efficient, and less invasive procedures in various fields of microsurgery and scientific research.

2.123CoreInfer: Accelerating Large Language Model Inference with Semantics-Inspired Adaptive Sparse Activation

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Large language models (LLMs) with billions of parameters have sparked a new wave of exciting AI applications. However, their high computational costs and memory demands during inference pose significant challenges. Adaptive sparse activation inference, which activates only a small number of neurons for each token, offers a novel way to accelerate model inference without degrading performance, showing great potential for resource-constrained hardware devices. Nevertheless, existing methods predict activated neurons based on individual tokens with additional MLP, which involve frequent changes in activation maps and resource calls, limiting the acceleration benefits of sparse activation. In this paper, we introduce CoreInfer, an MLP-free adaptive sparse activation inference method based on sentence-level prediction. Specifically, we propose the concept of sentence-wise core neurons, which refers to the subset of neurons most critical for a given sentence, and empirically demonstrate its effectiveness. To determine the core neurons, we explore the correlation between core neurons and the sentence’s semantics. Remarkably, we discovered that core neurons exhibit both stability and similarity in relation to the sentence’s semantics -- an insight overlooked by previous studies. Building on this finding, we further design two semantic-based methods for predicting core neurons to fit different input scenarios. In CoreInfer, the core neurons are determined during the pre-filling stage and fixed during the encoding stage, enabling zero-cost sparse inference. We evaluated the model generalization and task generalization of CoreInfer across various models and tasks. Notably, on an NVIDIA TITAN XP GPU, CoreInfer achieved a 10.33 times and 2.72 times speedup compared to the Huggingface implementation and PowerInfer, respectively.

2.124TextureMeDefect: LLM-based Defect Texture Generation for Railway Components on Mobile Devices

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Texture image generation has been studied for various applications, including gaming and entertainment. However, context-specific realistic texture generation for industrial applications, such as generating defect textures on railway components, remains unexplored. A mobile-friendly, LLM-based tool that generates fine-grained defect characteristics offers a solution to the challenge of understanding the impact of defects from actual occurrences. We introduce TextureMeDefect, an innovative tool leveraging an LLM-based AI-Inferencing engine. The tool allows users to create realistic defect textures interactively on images of railway components taken with smartphones or tablets. We conducted a multifaceted evaluation to assess the relevance of the generated texture, time, and cost in using this tool on iOS and Android platforms. We also analyzed the software usability score (SUS) across three scenarios. TextureMeDefect outperformed traditional image generation tools by generating meaningful textures faster, showcasing the potential of AI-driven mobile applications on consumer-grade devices.

2.125ODDN: Addressing Unpaired Data Challenges in Open-World Deepfake Detection on Online Social Networks

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Despite significant advances in deepfake detection, handling varying image quality, especially due to different compressions on online social networks (OSNs), remains challenging. Current methods succeed by leveraging correlations between paired images, whether raw or compressed. However, in open-world scenarios, paired data is scarce, with compressed images readily available but corresponding raw versions difficult to obtain. This imbalance, where unpaired data vastly outnumbers paired data, often leads to reduced detection performance, as existing methods struggle without corresponding raw images. To overcome this issue, we propose a novel approach named the open-world deepfake detection network (ODDN), which comprises two core modules: open-world data aggregation (ODA) and compression-discard gradient correction (CGC). ODA effectively aggregates correlations between compressed and raw samples through both fine-grained and coarse-grained analyses for paired and unpaired data, respectively. CGC incorporates a compression-discard gradient correction to further enhance performance across diverse compression methods in OSN. This technique optimizes the training gradient to ensure the model remains insensitive to compression variations. Extensive experiments conducted on 17 popular deepfake datasets demonstrate the superiority of the ODDN over SOTA baselines.

2.126Supporting Assessment of Novelty of Design Problems Using Concept of Problem SAPPhIRE

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

This paper proposes a framework for assessing the novelty of design problems using the SAPPhIRE model of causality. The novelty of a problem is measured as its minimum distance from the problems in a reference problem database. The distance is calculated by comparing the current problem and each reference past problem at the various levels of abstraction in the SAPPhIRE ontology. The basis for comparison is textual similarity. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposed framework, The current set of problems associated with an artifact, as collected from its stakeholders, were compared with the past set of problems, as collected from patents and other web sources, to assess the novelty of the current set. This approach is aimed at providing a better understanding of the degree of novelty of any given set of current problems by comparing them to similar problems available from historical records. Since manual assessment, the current mode of such assessments as reported in the literature, is a tedious process, to reduce time complexity and to afford better applicability for larger sets of problem statements, an automated assessment is proposed and used in this paper.

2.127PRISM: A Methodology for Auditing Biases in Large Language Models

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Auditing Large Language Models (LLMs) to discover their biases and preferences is an emerging challenge in creating Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI). While various methods have been proposed to elicit the preferences of such models, countermeasures have been taken by LLM trainers, such that LLMs hide, obfuscate or point blank refuse to disclosure their positions on certain subjects. This paper presents PRISM, a flexible, inquiry-based methodology for auditing LLMs - that seeks to illicit such positions indirectly through task-based inquiry prompting rather than direct inquiry of said preferences. To demonstrate the utility of the methodology, we applied PRISM on the Political Compass Test, where we assessed the political leanings of twenty-one LLMs from seven providers. We show LLMs, by default, espouse positions that are economically left and socially liberal (consistent with prior work). We also show the space of positions that these models are willing to espouse - where some models are more constrained and less compliant than others - while others are more neutral and objective. In sum, PRISM can more reliably probe and audit LLMs to understand their preferences, biases and constraints.

2.128Calibrating Deep Neural Network using Euclidean Distance

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Uncertainty is a fundamental aspect of real-world scenarios, where perfect information is rarely available. Humans naturally develop complex internal models to navigate incomplete data and effectively respond to unforeseen or partially observed events. In machine learning, Focal Loss is commonly used to reduce misclassification rates by emphasizing hard-to-classify samples. However, it does not guarantee well-calibrated predicted probabilities and may result in models that are overconfident or underconfident. High calibration error indicates a misalignment between predicted probabilities and actual outcomes, affecting model reliability. This research introduces a novel loss function called Focal Calibration Loss (FCL), designed to improve probability calibration while retaining the advantages of Focal Loss in handling difficult samples. By minimizing the Euclidean norm through a strictly proper loss, FCL penalizes the instance-wise calibration error and constrains bounds. We provide theoretical validation for proposed method and apply it to calibrate CheXNet for potential deployment in web-based health-care systems. Extensive evaluations on various models and datasets demonstrate that our method achieves SOTA performance in both calibration and accuracy metrics.

2.129Synth4Seg -- Learning Defect Data Synthesis for Defect Segmentation using Bi-level Optimization

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Defect segmentation is crucial for quality control in advanced manufacturing, yet data scarcity poses challenges for state-of-the-art supervised deep learning. Synthetic defect data generation is a popular approach for mitigating data challenges. However, many current methods simply generate defects following a fixed set of rules, which may not directly relate to downstream task performance. This can lead to suboptimal performance and may even hinder the downstream task. To solve this problem, we leverage a novel bi-level optimization-based synthetic defect data generation framework. We use an online synthetic defect generation module grounded in the commonly-used Cut&Paste framework, and adopt an efficient gradient-based optimization algorithm to solve the bi-level optimization problem. We achieve simultaneous training of the defect segmentation network, and learn various parameters of the data synthesis module by maximizing the validation performance of the trained defect segmentation network. Our experimental results on benchmark datasets under limited data settings show that the proposed bi-level optimization method can be used for learning the most effective locations for pasting synthetic defects thereby improving the segmentation performance by up to 18.3% when compared to pasting defects at random locations. We also demonstrate up to 2.6% performance gain by learning the importance weights for different augmentation-specific defect data sources when compared to giving equal importance to all the data sources.

2.130Tethering Broken Themes: Aligning Neural Topic Models with Labels and Authors

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Topic models are a popular approach for extracting semantic information from large document collections. However, recent studies suggest that the topics generated by these models often do not align well with human intentions. While metadata such as labels and authorship information is available, it has not yet been effectively incorporated into neural topic models. To address this gap, we introduce FANToM, a novel method for aligning neural topic models with both labels and authorship information. FANToM allows for the inclusion of this metadata when available, producing interpretable topics and author distributions for each topic. Our approach demonstrates greater expressiveness than conventional topic models by learning the alignment between labels, topics, and authors. Experimental results show that FANToM improves upon existing models in terms of both topic quality and alignment. Additionally, it identifies author interests and similarities.

2.131M3ELM^3EL: A Multi-task Multi-topic Dataset for Multi-modal Entity Linking

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Multi-modal Entity Linking (MEL) is a fundamental component for various downstream tasks. However, existing MEL datasets suffer from small scale, scarcity of topic types and limited coverage of tasks, making them incapable of effectively enhancing the entity linking capabilities of multi-modal models. To address these obstacles, we propose a dataset construction pipeline and publish M3ELM^3EL, a large-scale dataset for MEL. M3ELM^3EL includes 79,625 instances, covering 9 diverse multi-modal tasks, and 5 different topics. In addition, to further improve the model’s adaptability to multi-modal tasks, We propose a modality-augmented training strategy. Utilizing M3ELM^3EL as a corpus, train the CLIPND\textit{CLIP}_{\textit{ND}} model based on CLIP(ViTB32)\textit{CLIP} (\textit{ViT}-\textit{B}-\textit{32}), and conduct a comparative analysis with an existing multi-modal baselines. Experimental results show that the existing models perform far below expectations (ACC of 49.4%-75.8%), After analysis, it was obtained that small dataset sizes, insufficient modality task coverage, and limited topic diversity resulted in poor generalisation of multi-modal models. Our dataset effectively addresses these issues, and the CLIPND\textit{CLIP}_{\textit{ND}} model fine-tuned with M3ELM^3EL shows a significant improvement in accuracy, with an average improvement of 9.3% to 25% across various tasks. Our dataset is available at

2.132M3ELM^3EL: A Multi-task Multi-topic Dataset for Multi-modal Entity Linking

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Multi-modal Entity Linking (MEL) is a fundamental component for various downstream tasks. However, existing MEL datasets suffer from small scale, scarcity of topic types and limited coverage of tasks, making them incapable of effectively enhancing the entity linking capabilities of multi-modal models. To address these obstacles, we propose a dataset construction pipeline and publish M3ELM^3EL, a large-scale dataset for MEL. M3ELM^3EL includes 79,625 instances, covering 9 diverse multi-modal tasks, and 5 different topics. In addition, to further improve the model’s adaptability to multi-modal tasks, We propose a modality-augmented training strategy. Utilizing M3ELM^3EL as a corpus, train the CLIPND\textit{CLIP}_{\textit{ND}} model based on CLIP(ViTB32)\textit{CLIP} (\textit{ViT}-\textit{B}-\textit{32}), and conduct a comparative analysis with an existing multi-modal baselines. Experimental results show that the existing models perform far below expectations (ACC of 49.4%-75.8%), After analysis, it was obtained that small dataset sizes, insufficient modality task coverage, and limited topic diversity resulted in poor generalisation of multi-modal models. Our dataset effectively addresses these issues, and the CLIPND\textit{CLIP}_{\textit{ND}} model fine-tuned with M3ELM^3EL shows a significant improvement in accuracy, with an average improvement of 9.3% to 25% across various tasks. Our dataset is available at

2.133Robust and Explainable Depression Identification from Speech Using Vowel-Based Ensemble Learning Approaches

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

This study investigates explainable machine learning algorithms for identifying depression from speech. Grounded in evidence from speech production that depression affects motor control and vowel generation, pre-trained vowel-based embeddings, that integrate semantically meaningful linguistic units, are used. Following that, an ensemble learning approach decomposes the problem into constituent parts characterized by specific depression symptoms and severity levels. Two methods are explored: a “bottom-up” approach with 8 models predicting individual Patient Health Questionnaire-8 (PHQ-8) item scores, and a “top-down” approach using a Mixture of Experts (MoE) with a router module for assessing depression severity. Both methods depict performance comparable to state-of-the-art baselines, demonstrating robustness and reduced susceptibility to dataset mean/median values. System explainability benefits are discussed highlighting their potential to assist clinicians in depression diagnosis and screening.

2.134Large Language Models Reflect the Ideology of their Creators

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Large language models (LLMs) are trained on vast amounts of data to generate natural language, enabling them to perform tasks like text summarization and question answering. These models have become popular in artificial intelligence (AI) assistants like ChatGPT and already play an influential role in how humans access information. However, the behavior of LLMs varies depending on their design, training, and use. In this paper, we uncover notable diversity in the ideological stance exhibited across different LLMs and languages in which they are accessed. We do this by prompting a diverse panel of popular LLMs to describe a large number of prominent and controversial personalities from recent world history, both in English and in Chinese. By identifying and analyzing moral assessments reflected in the generated descriptions, we find consistent normative differences between how the same LLM responds in Chinese compared to English. Similarly, we identify normative disagreements between Western and non-Western LLMs about prominent actors in geopolitical conflicts. Furthermore, popularly hypothesized disparities in political goals among Western models are reflected in significant normative differences related to inclusion, social inequality, and political scandals. Our results show that the ideological stance of an LLM often reflects the worldview of its creators. This raises important concerns around technological and regulatory efforts with the stated aim of making LLMs ideologically `unbiased’, and it poses risks for political instrumentalization.

2.135Single-Shot Phase Diversity Wavefront Sensing in Deep Turbulence via Metasurface Optics

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Free-space optical communication (FSOC) systems offer high-bandwidth and secure communication with minimal capital costs. Adaptive optics (AO) are typically added to these systems to decrease atmospheric channel losses; however, the performance of traditional AO wavefront sensors degrades in long-range, deep turbulence conditions. Alternative wavefront sensors using phase diversity can successfully reconstruct wavefronts in deep turbulence, but current implementations require bulky setups with high latency. In this work, we employ a nanostructured birefringent metasurface optic that enables low-latency phase diversity wavefront sensing in a compact form factor. We prove the effectiveness of this approach in mid-to-high turbulence (Rytov numbers from 0.2 to 0.6) through simulation and experimental demonstration. In both cases an average 16-fold increase in signal from the corrected beam is obtained. Our approach opens a pathway for compact, robust wavefront sensing that enhances range and accuracy of FSOC systems.

2.136Why Does the Effective Context Length of LLMs Fall Short?

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Advancements in distributed training and efficient attention mechanisms have significantly expanded the context window sizes of large language models (LLMs). However, recent work reveals that the effective context lengths of open-source LLMs often fall short, typically not exceeding half of their training lengths. In this work, we attribute this limitation to the left-skewed frequency distribution of relative positions formed in LLMs pretraining and post-training stages, which impedes their ability to effectively gather distant information. To address this challenge, we introduce ShifTed Rotray position embeddING (STRING). STRING shifts well-trained positions to overwrite the original ineffective positions during inference, enhancing performance within their existing training lengths. Experimental results show that without additional training, STRING dramatically improves the performance of the latest large-scale models, such as Llama3.1 70B and Qwen2 72B, by over 10 points on popular long-context benchmarks RULER and InfiniteBench, establishing new state-of-the-art results for open-source LLMs. Compared to commercial models, Llama 3.1 70B with \method even achieves better performance than GPT-4-128K and clearly surpasses Claude 2 and Kimi-chat.

2.137Assessing the Creativity of LLMs in Proposing Novel Solutions to Mathematical Problems

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

The mathematical capabilities of AI systems are complex and multifaceted. Most existing research has predominantly focused on the correctness of AI-generated solutions to mathematical problems. In this work, we argue that beyond producing correct answers, AI systems should also be capable of, or assist humans in, developing novel solutions to mathematical challenges. This study explores the creative potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) in mathematical reasoning, an aspect that has received limited attention in prior research. We introduce a novel framework and benchmark, CreativeMath, which encompasses problems ranging from middle school curricula to Olympic-level competitions, designed to assess LLMs’ ability to propose innovative solutions after some known solutions have been provided. Our experiments demonstrate that, while LLMs perform well on standard mathematical tasks, their capacity for creative problem-solving varies considerably. Notably, the Gemini-1.5-Pro model outperformed other LLMs in generating novel solutions. This research opens a new frontier in evaluating AI creativity, shedding light on both the strengths and limitations of LLMs in fostering mathematical innovation, and setting the stage for future developments in AI-assisted mathematical discovery.

2.138CAMEL-Bench: A Comprehensive Arabic LMM Benchmark

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Recent years have witnessed a significant interest in developing large multimodal models (LMMs) capable of performing various visual reasoning and understanding tasks. This has led to the introduction of multiple LMM benchmarks to evaluate LMMs on different tasks. However, most existing LMM evaluation benchmarks are predominantly English-centric. In this work, we develop a comprehensive LMM evaluation benchmark for the Arabic language to represent a large population of over 400 million speakers. The proposed benchmark, named CAMEL-Bench, comprises eight diverse domains and 38 sub-domains including, multi-image understanding, complex visual perception, handwritten document understanding, video understanding, medical imaging, plant diseases, and remote sensing-based land use understanding to evaluate broad scenario generalizability. Our CAMEL-Bench comprises around 29,036 questions that are filtered from a larger pool of samples, where the quality is manually verified by native speakers to ensure reliable model assessment. We conduct evaluations of both closed-source, including GPT-4 series, and open-source LMMs. Our analysis reveals the need for substantial improvement, especially among the best open-source models, with even the closed-source GPT-4o achieving an overall score of 62%. Our benchmark and evaluation scripts are open-sourced.

2.139CAMEL-Bench: A Comprehensive Arabic LMM Benchmark

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Recent years have witnessed a significant interest in developing large multimodal models (LMMs) capable of performing various visual reasoning and understanding tasks. This has led to the introduction of multiple LMM benchmarks to evaluate LMMs on different tasks. However, most existing LMM evaluation benchmarks are predominantly English-centric. In this work, we develop a comprehensive LMM evaluation benchmark for the Arabic language to represent a large population of over 400 million speakers. The proposed benchmark, named CAMEL-Bench, comprises eight diverse domains and 38 sub-domains including, multi-image understanding, complex visual perception, handwritten document understanding, video understanding, medical imaging, plant diseases, and remote sensing-based land use understanding to evaluate broad scenario generalizability. Our CAMEL-Bench comprises around 29,036 questions that are filtered from a larger pool of samples, where the quality is manually verified by native speakers to ensure reliable model assessment. We conduct evaluations of both closed-source, including GPT-4 series, and open-source LMMs. Our analysis reveals the need for substantial improvement, especially among the best open-source models, with even the closed-source GPT-4o achieving an overall score of 62%. Our benchmark and evaluation scripts are open-sourced.

2.140Analyzing Nobel Prize Literature with Large Language Models

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

This study examines the capabilities of advanced Large Language Models (LLMs), particularly the o1 model, in the context of literary analysis. The outputs of these models are compared directly to those produced by graduate-level human participants. By focusing on two Nobel Prize-winning short stories, ‘Nine Chapters’ by Han Kang, the 2024 laureate, and ‘Friendship’ by Jon Fosse, the 2023 laureate, the research explores the extent to which AI can engage with complex literary elements such as thematic analysis, intertextuality, cultural and historical contexts, linguistic and structural innovations, and character development. Given the Nobel Prize’s prestige and its emphasis on cultural, historical, and linguistic richness, applying LLMs to these works provides a deeper understanding of both human and AI approaches to interpretation. The study uses qualitative and quantitative evaluations of coherence, creativity, and fidelity to the text, revealing the strengths and limitations of AI in tasks typically reserved for human expertise. While LLMs demonstrate strong analytical capabilities, particularly in structured tasks, they often fall short in emotional nuance and coherence, areas where human interpretation excels. This research underscores the potential for human-AI collaboration in the humanities, opening new opportunities in literary studies and beyond.

2.141Measuring individual semantic networks: A simulation study

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Accurately capturing individual differences in semantic networks is fundamental to advancing our mechanistic understanding of semantic memory. Past empirical attempts to construct individual-level semantic networks from behavioral paradigms may be limited by data constraints. To assess these limitations and propose improved designs for the measurement of individual semantic networks, we conducted a recovery simulation investigating the psychometric properties underlying estimates of individual semantic networks obtained from two different behavioral paradigms: free associations and relatedness judgment tasks. Our results show that successful inference of semantic networks is achievable, but they also highlight critical challenges. Estimates of absolute network characteristics are severely biased, such that comparisons between behavioral paradigms and different design configurations are often not meaningful. However, comparisons within a given paradigm and design configuration can be accurate and generalizable when based on designs with moderate numbers of cues, moderate numbers of responses, and cue sets including diverse words. Ultimately, our results provide insights that help evaluate past findings on the structure of semantic networks and design new studies capable of more reliably revealing individual differences in semantic networks.

2.142Does Data Contamination Detection Work (Well) for LLMs? A Survey and Evaluation on Detection Assumptions

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated great performance across various benchmarks, showing potential as general-purpose task solvers. However, as LLMs are typically trained on vast amounts of data, a significant concern in their evaluation is data contamination, where overlap between training data and evaluation datasets inflates performance assessments. While multiple approaches have been developed to identify data contamination, these approaches rely on specific assumptions that may not hold universally across different settings. To bridge this gap, we systematically review 47 papers on data contamination detection, categorize the underlying assumptions, and assess whether they have been rigorously validated. We identify and analyze eight categories of assumptions and test three of them as case studies. Our analysis reveals that when classifying instances used for pretraining LLMs, detection approaches based on these three assumptions perform close to random guessing, suggesting that current LLMs learn data distributions rather than memorizing individual instances. Overall, this work underscores the importance of approaches clearly stating their underlying assumptions and testing their validity across various scenarios.

2.143LLMs for Extremely Low-Resource Finno-Ugric Languages

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

The advancement of large language models (LLMs) has predominantly focused on high-resource languages, leaving low-resource languages, such as those in the Finno-Ugric family, significantly underrepresented. This paper addresses this gap by focusing on Võro, Livonian, and Komi. We cover almost the entire cycle of LLM creation, from data collection to instruction tuning and evaluation. Our contributions include developing multilingual base and instruction-tuned models; creating evaluation benchmarks, including the smugri-MT-bench multi-turn conversational benchmark; and conducting human evaluation. We intend for this work to promote linguistic diversity, ensuring that lesser-resourced languages can benefit from advancements in NLP.

2.144LEGO: Language Model Building Blocks

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Large language models (LLMs) are essential in natural language processing (NLP) but are costly in data collection, pre-training, fine-tuning, and inference. Task-specific small language models (SLMs) offer a cheaper alternative but lack robustness and generalization. This paper proposes LEGO, a novel technique to extract SLMs from an LLM and recombine them. Using state-of-the-art LLM pruning strategies, we can create task- and user-specific SLM building blocks that are efficient for fine-tuning and inference while also preserving user data privacy. LEGO utilizes Federated Learning and a novel aggregation scheme for the LLM reconstruction, maintaining robustness without high costs and preserving user data privacy. We experimentally demonstrate the versatility of LEGO, showing its ability to enable model heterogeneity and mitigate the effects of data heterogeneity while maintaining LLM robustness.

2.145Decoding on Graphs: Faithful and Sound Reasoning on Knowledge Graphs through Generation of Well-Formed Chains

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Knowledge Graphs (KGs) can serve as reliable knowledge sources for question answering (QA) due to their structured representation of knowledge. Existing research on the utilization of KG for large language models (LLMs) prevalently relies on subgraph retriever or iterative prompting, overlooking the potential synergy of LLMs’ step-wise reasoning capabilities and KGs’ structural nature. In this paper, we present DoG (Decoding on Graphs), a novel framework that facilitates a deep synergy between LLMs and KGs. We first define a concept, well-formed chain, which consists of a sequence of interrelated fact triplets on the KGs, starting from question entities and leading to answers. We argue that this concept can serve as a principle for making faithful and sound reasoning for KGQA. To enable LLMs to generate well-formed chains, we propose graph-aware constrained decoding, in which a constraint derived from the topology of the KG regulates the decoding process of the LLMs. This constrained decoding method ensures the generation of well-formed chains while making full use of the step-wise reasoning capabilities of LLMs. Based on the above, DoG, a training-free approach, is able to provide faithful and sound reasoning trajectories grounded on the KGs. Experiments across various KGQA tasks with different background KGs demonstrate that DoG achieves superior and robust performance. DoG also shows general applicability with various open-source LLMs.

2.146Local and Global Graph Modeling with Edge-weighted Graph Attention Network for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

In this paper, we present a novel approach to Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition (HMER) by leveraging graph-based modeling techniques. We introduce an End-to-end model with an Edge-weighted Graph Attention Mechanism (EGAT), designed to perform simultaneous node and edge classification. This model effectively integrates node and edge features, facilitating the prediction of symbol classes and their relationships within mathematical expressions. Additionally, we propose a stroke-level Graph Modeling method for both local (LGM) and global (GGM) information, which applies an end-to-end model to Online HMER tasks, transforming the recognition problem into node and edge classification tasks in graph structure. By capturing both local and global graph features, our method ensures comprehensive understanding of the expression structure. Through the combination of these components, our system demonstrates superior performance in symbol detection, relation classification, and expression-level recognition.

2.147Aggregated Knowledge Model: Enhancing Domain-Specific QA with Fine-Tuned and Retrieval-Augmented Generation Models

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

This paper introduces a novel approach to enhancing closed-domain Question Answering (QA) systems, focusing on the specific needs of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBL) Science Information Technology (ScienceIT) domain. Utilizing a rich dataset derived from the ScienceIT documentation, our study embarks on a detailed comparison of two fine-tuned large language models and five retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) models. Through data processing techniques, we transform the documentation into structured context-question-answer triples, leveraging the latest Large Language Models (AWS Bedrock, GCP PaLM2, Meta LLaMA2, OpenAI GPT-4, Google Gemini-Pro) for data-driven insights. Additionally, we introduce the Aggregated Knowledge Model (AKM), which synthesizes responses from the seven models mentioned above using K-means clustering to select the most representative answers. The evaluation of these models across multiple metrics offers a comprehensive look into their effectiveness and suitability for the LBL ScienceIT environment. The results demonstrate the potential benefits of integrating fine-tuning and retrieval-augmented strategies, highlighting significant performance improvements achieved with the AKM. The insights gained from this study can be applied to develop specialized QA systems tailored to specific domains.

2.148Highly efficient non-rigid registration in k-space with application to cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

In Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), high temporal-resolved motion can be useful for image acquisition and reconstruction, MR-guided radiotherapy, dynamic contrast-enhancement, flow and perfusion imaging, and functional assessment of motion patterns in cardiovascular, abdominal, peristaltic, fetal, or musculoskeletal imaging. Conventionally, these motion estimates are derived through image-based registration, a particularly challenging task for complex motion patterns and high dynamic resolution. The accelerated scans in such applications result in imaging artifacts that compromise the motion estimation. In this work, we propose a novel self-supervised deep learning-based framework, dubbed the Local-All Pass Attention Network (LAPANet), for non-rigid motion estimation directly from the acquired accelerated Fourier space, i.e. k-space. The proposed approach models non-rigid motion as the cumulative sum of local translational displacements, following the Local All-Pass (LAP) registration technique. LAPANet was evaluated on cardiac motion estimation across various sampling trajectories and acceleration rates. Our results demonstrate superior accuracy compared to prior conventional and deep learning-based registration methods, accommodating as few as 2 lines/frame in a Cartesian trajectory and 3 spokes/frame in a non-Cartesian trajectory. The achieved high temporal resolution (less than 5 ms) for non-rigid motion opens new avenues for motion detection, tracking and correction in dynamic and real-time MRI applications.

2.149Iterative Self-Tuning LLMs for Enhanced Jailbreaking Capabilities

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Recent research has shown that Large Language Models (LLMs) are vulnerable to automated jailbreak attacks, where adversarial suffixes crafted by algorithms appended to harmful queries bypass safety alignment and trigger unintended responses. Current methods for generating these suffixes are computationally expensive and have low Attack Success Rates (ASR), especially against well-aligned models like Llama2 and Llama3. To overcome these limitations, we introduce ADV-LLM, an iterative self-tuning process that crafts adversarial LLMs with enhanced jailbreak ability. Our framework significantly reduces the computational cost of generating adversarial suffixes while achieving nearly 100% ASR on various open-source LLMs. Moreover, it exhibits strong attack transferability to closed-source models, achieving 99% ASR on GPT-3.5 and 49% ASR on GPT-4, despite being optimized solely on Llama3. Beyond improving jailbreak ability, ADV-LLM provides valuable insights for future safety alignment research through its ability to generate large datasets for studying LLM safety. Our code is available at:

2.150Towards Understanding the Fragility of Multilingual LLMs against Fine-Tuning Attacks

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have sparked widespread concerns about their safety. Recent work demonstrates that safety alignment of LLMs can be easily removed by fine-tuning with a few adversarially chosen instruction-following examples, i.e., fine-tuning attacks. We take a further step to understand fine-tuning attacks in multilingual LLMs. We first discover cross-lingual generalization of fine-tuning attacks: using a few adversarially chosen instruction-following examples in one language, multilingual LLMs can also be easily compromised (e.g., multilingual LLMs fail to refuse harmful prompts in other languages). Motivated by this finding, we hypothesize that safety-related information is language-agnostic and propose a new method termed Safety Information Localization (SIL) to identify the safety-related information in the model parameter space. Through SIL, we validate this hypothesis and find that only changing 20% of weight parameters in fine-tuning attacks can break safety alignment across all languages. Furthermore, we provide evidence to the alternative pathways hypothesis for why freezing safety-related parameters does not prevent fine-tuning attacks, and we demonstrate that our attack vector can still jailbreak LLMs adapted to new languages.

2.151Advancing NLP Security by Leveraging LLMs as Adversarial Engines

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

This position paper proposes a novel approach to advancing NLP security by leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) as engines for generating diverse adversarial attacks. Building upon recent work demonstrating LLMs’ effectiveness in creating word-level adversarial examples, we argue for expanding this concept to encompass a broader range of attack types, including adversarial patches, universal perturbations, and targeted attacks. We posit that LLMs’ sophisticated language understanding and generation capabilities can produce more effective, semantically coherent, and human-like adversarial examples across various domains and classifier architectures. This paradigm shift in adversarial NLP has far-reaching implications, potentially enhancing model robustness, uncovering new vulnerabilities, and driving innovation in defense mechanisms. By exploring this new frontier, we aim to contribute to the development of more secure, reliable, and trustworthy NLP systems for critical applications.

2.152Can Code-Switched Texts Activate a Knowledge Switch in LLMs? A Case Study on English-Korean Code-Switching

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Code-switching (CS), a phenomenon where multilingual speakers alternate between languages in a discourse, can convey subtle cultural and linguistic nuances that can be otherwise lost in translation. Recent state-of-the-art multilingual large language models (LLMs) demonstrate excellent multilingual abilities in various aspects including understanding CS, but the power of CS in eliciting language-specific knowledge is yet to be discovered. Therefore, we investigate the effectiveness of code-switching on a wide range of multilingual LLMs in terms of knowledge activation, or the act of identifying and leveraging knowledge for reasoning. To facilitate the research, we first present EnKoQA, a synthetic English-Korean CS question-answering dataset. We provide a comprehensive analysis on a variety of multilingual LLMs by subdividing activation process into knowledge identification and knowledge leveraging. Our experiments demonstrate that compared to English text, CS can faithfully activate knowledge inside LLMs, especially on language-specific domains. In addition, the performance gap between CS and English is larger in models that show excellent monolingual abilities, suggesting that there exists a correlation with CS and Korean proficiency.

2.153SPEED++: A Multilingual Event Extraction Framework for Epidemic Prediction and Preparedness

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Social media is often the first place where communities discuss the latest societal trends. Prior works have utilized this platform to extract epidemic-related information (e.g. infections, preventive measures) to provide early warnings for epidemic prediction. However, these works only focused on English posts, while epidemics can occur anywhere in the world, and early discussions are often in the local, non-English languages. In this work, we introduce the first multilingual Event Extraction (EE) framework SPEED++ for extracting epidemic event information for a wide range of diseases and languages. To this end, we extend a previous epidemic ontology with 20 argument roles; and curate our multilingual EE dataset SPEED++ comprising 5.1K tweets in four languages for four diseases. Annotating data in every language is infeasible; thus we develop zero-shot cross-lingual cross-disease models (i.e., training only on English COVID data) utilizing multilingual pre-training and show their efficacy in extracting epidemic-related events for 65 diverse languages across different diseases. Experiments demonstrate that our framework can provide epidemic warnings for COVID-19 in its earliest stages in Dec 2019 (3 weeks before global discussions) from Chinese Weibo posts without any training in Chinese. Furthermore, we exploit our framework’s argument extraction capabilities to aggregate community epidemic discussions like symptoms and cure measures, aiding misinformation detection and public attention monitoring. Overall, we lay a strong foundation for multilingual epidemic preparedness.

2.154Bielik 7B v0.1: A Polish Language Model -- Development, Insights, and Evaluation

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

We introduce Bielik 7B v0.1, a 7-billion-parameter generative text model for Polish language processing. Trained on curated Polish corpora, this model addresses key challenges in language model development through innovative techniques. These include Weighted Instruction Cross-Entropy Loss, which balances the learning of different instruction types, and Adaptive Learning Rate, which dynamically adjusts the learning rate based on training progress. To evaluate performance, we created the Open PL LLM Leaderboard and Polish MT-Bench, novel frameworks assessing various NLP tasks and conversational abilities. Bielik 7B v0.1 demonstrates significant improvements, achieving a 9 percentage point increase in average score compared to Mistral-7B-v0.1 on the RAG Reader task. It also excels in the Polish MT-Bench, particularly in Reasoning (6.15/10) and Role-playing (7.83/10) categories. This model represents a substantial advancement in Polish language AI, offering a powerful tool for diverse linguistic applications and setting new benchmarks in the field.

2.155Cellpose+, a morphological analysis tool for feature extraction of stained cell images

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Advanced image segmentation and processing tools present an opportunity to study cell processes and their dynamics. However, image analysis is often routine and time-consuming. Nowadays, alternative data-driven approaches using deep learning are potentially offering automatized, accurate, and fast image analysis. In this paper, we extend the applications of Cellpose, a state-of-the-art cell segmentation framework, with feature extraction capabilities to assess morphological characteristics. We also introduce a dataset of DAPI and FITC stained cells to which our new method is applied.

2.156ChineseSafe: A Chinese Benchmark for Evaluating Safety in Large Language Models

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

With the rapid development of Large language models (LLMs), understanding the capabilities of LLMs in identifying unsafe content has become increasingly important. While previous works have introduced several benchmarks to evaluate the safety risk of LLMs, the community still has a limited understanding of current LLMs’ capability to recognize illegal and unsafe content in Chinese contexts. In this work, we present a Chinese safety benchmark (ChineseSafe) to facilitate research on the content safety of large language models. To align with the regulations for Chinese Internet content moderation, our ChineseSafe contains 205,034 examples across 4 classes and 10 sub-classes of safety issues. For Chinese contexts, we add several special types of illegal content: political sensitivity, pornography, and variant/homophonic words. Moreover, we employ two methods to evaluate the legal risks of popular LLMs, including open-sourced models and APIs. The results reveal that many LLMs exhibit vulnerability to certain types of safety issues, leading to legal risks in China. Our work provides a guideline for developers and researchers to facilitate the safety of LLMs. Our results are also available at

2.157Irregular Tensor Low-Rank Representation for Hyperspectral Image Representation

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Spectral variation is a common problem for hyperspectral image (HSI) representation. Low-rank tensor representation is an important approach to alleviate spectral variations. However, the spatial distribution of the HSI is always irregular, while the previous tensor low-rank representation methods can only be applied to the regular data cubes, which limits the performance. To remedy this issue, in this paper we propose a novel irregular tensor low-rank representation model. We first segment the HSI data into several irregular homogeneous regions. Then, we propose a novel irregular tensor low-rank representation method that can efficiently model the irregular 3D cubes. We further use a non-convex nuclear norm to pursue the low-rankness and introduce a negative global low-rank term that improves global consistency. This proposed model is finally formulated as a convex-concave optimization problem and solved by alternative augmented Lagrangian method. Through experiments on four public datasets, the proposed method outperforms the existing low-rank based HSI methods significantly. Code is available at:

2.158Difficult for Whom? A Study of Japanese Lexical Complexity

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

The tasks of lexical complexity prediction (LCP) and complex word identification (CWI) commonly presuppose that difficult to understand words are shared by the target population. Meanwhile, personalization methods have also been proposed to adapt models to individual needs. We verify that a recent Japanese LCP dataset is representative of its target population by partially replicating the annotation. By another reannotation we show that native Chinese speakers perceive the complexity differently due to Sino-Japanese vocabulary. To explore the possibilities of personalization, we compare competitive baselines trained on the group mean ratings and individual ratings in terms of performance for an individual. We show that the model trained on a group mean performs similarly to an individual model in the CWI task, while achieving good LCP performance for an individual is difficult. We also experiment with adapting a finetuned BERT model, which results only in marginal improvements across all settings.

2.159Interpretable Bilingual Multimodal Large Language Model for Diverse Biomedical Tasks

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Several medical Multimodal Large Languange Models (MLLMs) have been developed to address tasks involving visual images with textual instructions across various medical modalities, achieving impressive results. Most current medical generalist models are region-agnostic, treating the entire image as a holistic representation. However, they struggle to identify which specific regions they are focusing on when generating a sentence.To mimic the behavior of doctors, who typically begin by reviewing the entire image before concentrating on specific regions for a thorough evaluation, we aim to enhance the capability of medical MLLMs in understanding anatomical regions within entire medical scans. To achieve it, we first formulate Region-Centric tasks and construct a large-scale dataset, MedRegInstruct, to incorporate regional information into training. Combining our collected dataset with other medical multimodal corpora for training, we propose a Region-Aware medical MLLM, MedRegA, which is the first bilingual generalist medical AI system to simultaneously handle image-level and region-level medical vision-language tasks across a broad range of modalities. Our MedRegA not only enables three region-centric tasks, but also achieves the best performance for visual question answering, report generation and medical image classification over 8 modalities, showcasing significant versatility. Experiments demonstrate that our model can not only accomplish powerful performance across various medical vision-language tasks in bilingual settings, but also recognize and detect structures in multimodal medical scans, boosting the interpretability and user interactivity of medical MLLMs. Our project page is

2.160Yesterday’s News: Benchmarking Multi-Dimensional Out-of-Distribution Generalisation of Misinformation Detection Models

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

This paper introduces misinfo-general, a benchmark dataset for evaluating misinformation models’ ability to perform out-of-distribution generalisation. Misinformation changes rapidly, much quicker than moderators can annotate at scale, resulting in a shift between the training and inference data distributions. As a result, misinformation models need to be able to perform out-of-distribution generalisation, an understudied problem in existing datasets. We identify 6 axes of generalisation-time, event, topic, publisher, political bias, misinformation type-and design evaluation procedures for each. We also analyse some baseline models, highlighting how these fail important desiderata.

2.161MsMorph: An Unsupervised pyramid learning network for brain image registration

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

In the field of medical image analysis, image registration is a crucial technique. Despite the numerous registration models that have been proposed, existing methods still fall short in terms of accuracy and interpretability. In this paper, we present MsMorph, a deep learning-based image registration framework aimed at mimicking the manual process of registering image pairs to achieve more similar deformations, where the registered image pairs exhibit consistency or similarity in features. By extracting the feature differences between image pairs across various as-pects using gradients, the framework decodes semantic information at different scales and continuously compen-sates for the predicted deformation field, driving the optimization of parameters to significantly improve registration accuracy. The proposed method simulates the manual approach to registration, focusing on different regions of the image pairs and their neighborhoods to predict the deformation field between the two images, which provides strong interpretability. We compared several existing registration methods on two public brain MRI datasets, including LPBA and Mindboggle. The experimental results show that our method consistently outperforms state of the art in terms of metrics such as Dice score, Hausdorff distance, average symmetric surface distance, and non-Jacobian. The source code is publicly available at

2.162An LLM Agent for Automatic Geospatial Data Analysis

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Large language models (LLMs) are being used in data science code generation tasks, but they often struggle with complex sequential tasks, leading to logical errors. Their application to geospatial data processing is particularly challenging due to difficulties in incorporating complex data structures and spatial constraints, effectively utilizing diverse function calls, and the tendency to hallucinate less-used geospatial libraries. To tackle these problems, we introduce GeoAgent, a new interactive framework designed to help LLMs handle geospatial data processing more effectively. GeoAgent pioneers the integration of a code interpreter, static analysis, and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) techniques within a Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) algorithm, offering a novel approach to geospatial data processing. In addition, we contribute a new benchmark specifically designed to evaluate the LLM-based approach in geospatial tasks. This benchmark leverages a variety of Python libraries and includes both single-turn and multi-turn tasks such as data acquisition, data analysis, and visualization. By offering a comprehensive evaluation among diverse geospatial contexts, this benchmark sets a new standard for developing LLM-based approaches in geospatial data analysis tasks. Our findings suggest that relying solely on knowledge of LLM is insufficient for accurate geospatial task programming, which requires coherent multi-step processes and multiple function calls. Compared to the baseline LLMs, the proposed GeoAgent has demonstrated superior performance, yielding notable improvements in function calls and task completion. In addition, these results offer valuable insights for the future development of LLM agents in automatic geospatial data analysis task programming.

2.163R2Gen-Mamba: A Selective State Space Model for Radiology Report Generation

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Radiology report generation is crucial in medical imaging,but the manual annotation process by physicians is time-consuming and labor-intensive, necessitating the develop-ment of automatic report generation methods. Existingresearch predominantly utilizes Transformers to generateradiology reports, which can be computationally intensive,limiting their use in real applications. In this work, we presentR2Gen-Mamba, a novel automatic radiology report genera-tion method that leverages the efficient sequence processingof the Mamba with the contextual benefits of Transformerarchitectures. Due to lower computational complexity ofMamba, R2Gen-Mamba not only enhances training and in-ference efficiency but also produces high-quality reports.Experimental results on two benchmark datasets with morethan 210,000 X-ray image-report pairs demonstrate the ef-fectiveness of R2Gen-Mamba regarding report quality andcomputational efficiency compared with several state-of-the-art methods. The source code can be accessed online.

2.164R2Gen-Mamba: A Selective State Space Model for Radiology Report Generation

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Radiology report generation is crucial in medical imaging,but the manual annotation process by physicians is time-consuming and labor-intensive, necessitating the develop-ment of automatic report generation methods. Existingresearch predominantly utilizes Transformers to generateradiology reports, which can be computationally intensive,limiting their use in real applications. In this work, we presentR2Gen-Mamba, a novel automatic radiology report genera-tion method that leverages the efficient sequence processingof the Mamba with the contextual benefits of Transformerarchitectures. Due to lower computational complexity ofMamba, R2Gen-Mamba not only enhances training and in-ference efficiency but also produces high-quality reports.Experimental results on two benchmark datasets with morethan 210,000 X-ray image-report pairs demonstrate the ef-fectiveness of R2Gen-Mamba regarding report quality andcomputational efficiency compared with several state-of-the-art methods. The source code can be accessed online.

2.165Evaluating and Improving Automatic Speech Recognition Systems for Korean Meteorological Experts

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

This paper explores integrating Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) into natural language query systems to improve weather forecasting efficiency for Korean meteorologists. We address challenges in developing ASR systems for the Korean weather domain, specifically specialized vocabulary and Korean linguistic intricacies. To tackle these issues, we constructed an evaluation dataset of spoken queries recorded by native Korean speakers. Using this dataset, we assessed various configurations of a multilingual ASR model family, identifying performance limitations related to domain-specific terminology. We then implemented a simple text-to-speech-based data augmentation method, which improved the recognition of specialized terms while maintaining general-domain performance. Our contributions include creating a domain-specific dataset, comprehensive ASR model evaluations, and an effective augmentation technique. We believe our work provides a foundation for future advancements in ASR for the Korean weather forecasting domain.

2.166Unsupervised semantic segmentation of urban high-density multispectral point clouds

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

The availability of highly accurate urban airborne laser scanning (ALS) data will increase rapidly in the future, especially as acquisition costs decrease, for example through the use of drones. Current challenges in data processing are related to the limited spectral information and low point density of most ALS datasets. Another challenge will be the growing need for annotated training data, frequently produced by manual processes, to enable semantic interpretation of point clouds. This study proposes to semantically segment new high-density (1200 points per square metre on average) multispectral ALS data with an unsupervised ground-aware deep clustering method GroupSP inspired by the unsupervised GrowSP algorithm. GroupSP divides the scene into superpoints as a preprocessing step. The neural network is trained iteratively by grouping the superpoints and using the grouping assignments as pseudo-labels. The predictions for the unseen data are given by over-segmenting the test set and mapping the predicted classes into ground truth classes manually or with automated majority voting. GroupSP obtained an overall accuracy (oAcc) of 97% and a mean intersection over union (mIoU) of 80%. When compared to other unsupervised semantic segmentation methods, GroupSP outperformed GrowSP and non-deep K-means. However, a supervised random forest classifier outperformed GroupSP. The labelling efforts in GroupSP can be minimal; it was shown, that the GroupSP can semantically segment seven urban classes (building, high vegetation, low vegetation, asphalt, rock, football field, and gravel) with oAcc of 95% and mIoU of 75% using only 0.004% of the available annotated points in the mapping assignment. Finally, the multispectral information was examined; adding each new spectral channel improved the mIoU. Additionally, echo deviation was valuable, especially when distinguishing ground-level classes.

2.167Does Differential Privacy Impact Bias in Pretrained NLP Models?

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Differential privacy (DP) is applied when fine-tuning pre-trained large language models (LLMs) to limit leakage of training examples. While most DP research has focused on improving a model’s privacy-utility tradeoff, some find that DP can be unfair to or biased against underrepresented groups. In this work, we show the impact of DP on bias in LLMs through empirical analysis. Differentially private training can increase the model bias against protected groups w.r.t AUC-based bias metrics. DP makes it more difficult for the model to differentiate between the positive and negative examples from the protected groups and other groups in the rest of the population. Our results also show that the impact of DP on bias is not only affected by the privacy protection level but also the underlying distribution of the dataset.

2.168Monolingual and Multilingual Misinformation Detection for Low-Resource Languages: A Comprehensive Survey

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

In today’s global digital landscape, misinformation transcends linguistic boundaries, posing a significant challenge for moderation systems. While significant advances have been made in misinformation detection, the focus remains largely on monolingual high-resource contexts, with low-resource languages often overlooked. This survey aims to bridge that gap by providing a comprehensive overview of the current research on low-resource language misinformation detection in both monolingual and multilingual settings. We review the existing datasets, methodologies, and tools used in these domains, identifying key challenges related to: data resources, model development, cultural and linguistic context, real-world applications, and research efforts. We also examine emerging approaches, such as language-agnostic models and multi-modal techniques, while emphasizing the need for improved data collection practices, interdisciplinary collaboration, and stronger incentives for socially responsible AI research. Our findings underscore the need for robust, inclusive systems capable of addressing misinformation across diverse linguistic and cultural contexts.

2.169Demystifying Large Language Models for Medicine: A Primer

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Large language models (LLMs) represent a transformative class of AI tools capable of revolutionizing various aspects of healthcare by generating human-like responses across diverse contexts and adapting to novel tasks following human instructions. Their potential application spans a broad range of medical tasks, such as clinical documentation, matching patients to clinical trials, and answering medical questions. In this primer paper, we propose an actionable guideline to help healthcare professionals more efficiently utilize LLMs in their work, along with a set of best practices. This approach consists of several main phases, including formulating the task, choosing LLMs, prompt engineering, fine-tuning, and deployment. We start with the discussion of critical considerations in identifying healthcare tasks that align with the core capabilities of LLMs and selecting models based on the selected task and data, performance requirements, and model interface. We then review the strategies, such as prompt engineering and fine-tuning, to adapt standard LLMs to specialized medical tasks. Deployment considerations, including regulatory compliance, ethical guidelines, and continuous monitoring for fairness and bias, are also discussed. By providing a structured step-by-step methodology, this tutorial aims to equip healthcare professionals with the tools necessary to effectively integrate LLMs into clinical practice, ensuring that these powerful technologies are applied in a safe, reliable, and impactful manner.

2.170Automated Defect Detection and Grading of Piarom Dates Using Deep Learning

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Grading and quality control of Piarom dates, a premium and high-value variety cultivated predominantly in Iran, present significant challenges due to the complexity and variability of defects, as well as the absence of specialized automated systems tailored to this fruit. Traditional manual inspection methods are labor intensive, time consuming, and prone to human error, while existing AI-based sorting solutions are insufficient for addressing the nuanced characteristics of Piarom dates. In this study, we propose an innovative deep learning framework designed specifically for the real-time detection, classification, and grading of Piarom dates. Leveraging a custom dataset comprising over 9,900 high-resolution images annotated across 11 distinct defect categories, our framework integrates state-of-the-art object detection algorithms and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to achieve high precision in defect identification. Furthermore, we employ advanced segmentation techniques to estimate the area and weight of each date, thereby optimizing the grading process according to industry standards. Experimental results demonstrate that our system significantly outperforms existing methods in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency, making it highly suitable for industrial applications requiring real-time processing. This work not only provides a robust and scalable solution for automating quality control in the Piarom date industry but also contributes to the broader field of AI-driven food inspection technologies, with potential applications across various agricultural products.

2.171Every Component Counts: Rethinking the Measure of Success for Medical Semantic Segmentation in Multi-Instance Segmentation Tasks

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

We present Connected-Component~(CC)-Metrics, a novel semantic segmentation evaluation protocol, targeted to align existing semantic segmentation metrics to a multi-instance detection scenario in which each connected component matters. We motivate this setup in the common medical scenario of semantic metastases segmentation in a full-body PET/CT. We show how existing semantic segmentation metrics suffer from a bias towards larger connected components contradicting the clinical assessment of scans in which tumor size and clinical relevance are uncorrelated. To rebalance existing segmentation metrics, we propose to evaluate them on a per-component basis thus giving each tumor the same weight irrespective of its size. To match predictions to ground-truth segments, we employ a proximity-based matching criterion, evaluating common metrics locally at the component of interest. Using this approach, we break free of biases introduced by large metastasis for overlap-based metrics such as Dice or Surface Dice. CC-Metrics also improves distance-based metrics such as Hausdorff Distances which are uninformative for small changes that do not influence the maximum or 95th percentile, and avoids pitfalls introduced by directly combining counting-based metrics with overlap-based metrics as it is done in Panoptic Quality.

2.172E2E-Swin-Unet++: An Enhanced End-to-End Swin-Unet Architecture With Dual Decoders For PTMC Segmentation

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Efficiently managing papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (PTMC) while minimizing patient discomfort poses a significant clinical challenge. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) offers a less invasive alternative to surgery and radiation therapy for PTMC treatment, characterized by shorter recovery times and reduced pain. As an image-guided procedure, RFA generates localized heat by delivering high-frequency electrical currents through electrodes to the targeted area under ultrasound imaging guidance. However, the precision and skill required by operators for accurate guidance using current ultrasound B-mode imaging technologies remain significant challenges. To address these challenges, we develop a novel AI segmentation model, E2E-Swin-Unet++. This model enhances ultrasound B-mode imaging by enabling real-time identification and segmentation of PTMC tumors and monitoring of the region of interest for precise targeting during treatment. E2E-Swin- Unet++ is an advanced end-to-end extension of the Swin-Unet architecture, incorporating thyroid region information to minimize the risk of false PTMC segmentation while providing fast inference capabilities. Experimental results on a real clinical RFA dataset demonstrate the superior performance of E2E-Swin-Unet++ compared to related models. Our proposed solution significantly improves the precision and control of RFA ablation treatment by enabling real-time identification and segmentation of PTMC margins during the procedure.

2.173BioMistral-NLU: Towards More Generalizable Medical Language Understanding through Instruction Tuning

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT are fine-tuned on large and diverse instruction-following corpora, and can generalize to new tasks. However, those instruction-tuned LLMs often perform poorly in specialized medical natural language understanding (NLU) tasks that require domain knowledge, granular text comprehension, and structured data extraction. To bridge the gap, we: (1) propose a unified prompting format for 7 important NLU tasks, % through span extraction and multi-choice question-answering (QA), (2) curate an instruction-tuning dataset, MNLU-Instruct, utilizing diverse existing open-source medical NLU corpora, and (3) develop BioMistral-NLU, a generalizable medical NLU model, through fine-tuning BioMistral on MNLU-Instruct. We evaluate BioMistral-NLU in a zero-shot setting, across 6 important NLU tasks, from two widely adopted medical NLU benchmarks: Biomedical Language Understanding Evaluation (BLUE) and Biomedical Language Understanding and Reasoning Benchmark (BLURB). Our experiments show that our BioMistral-NLU outperforms the original BioMistral, as well as the proprietary LLMs - ChatGPT and GPT-4. Our dataset-agnostic prompting strategy and instruction tuning step over diverse NLU tasks enhance LLMs’ generalizability across diverse medical NLU tasks. Our ablation experiments show that instruction-tuning on a wider variety of tasks, even when the total number of training instances remains constant, enhances downstream zero-shot generalization.

2.174Enhancing pretraining efficiency for medical image segmentation via transferability metrics

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

In medical image segmentation tasks, the scarcity of labeled training data poses a significant challenge when training deep neural networks. When using U-Net-style architectures, it is common practice to address this problem by pretraining the encoder part on a large general-purpose dataset like ImageNet. However, these methods are resource-intensive and do not guarantee improved performance on the downstream task. In this paper we investigate a variety of training setups on medical image segmentation datasets, using ImageNet-pretrained models. By examining over 300 combinations of models, datasets, and training methods, we find that shorter pretraining often leads to better results on the downstream task, providing additional proof to the well-known fact that the accuracy of the model on ImageNet is a poor indicator for downstream performance. As our main contribution, we introduce a novel transferability metric, based on contrastive learning, that measures how robustly a pretrained model is able to represent the target data. In contrast to other transferability scores, our method is applicable to the case of transferring from ImageNet classification to medical image segmentation. We apply our robustness score by measuring it throughout the pretraining phase to indicate when the model weights are optimal for downstream transfer. This reduces pretraining time and improves results on the target task.

2.175Uncertainty-Error correlations in Evidential Deep Learning models for biomedical segmentation

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

In this work, we examine the effectiveness of an uncertainty quantification framework known as Evidential Deep Learning applied in the context of biomedical image segmentation. This class of models involves assigning Dirichlet distributions as priors for segmentation labels, and enables a few distinct definitions of model uncertainties. Using the cardiac and prostate MRI images available in the Medical Segmentation Decathlon for validation, we found that Evidential Deep Learning models with U-Net backbones generally yielded superior correlations between prediction errors and uncertainties relative to the conventional baseline equipped with Shannon entropy measure, Monte-Carlo Dropout and Deep Ensemble methods. We also examined these models’ effectiveness in active learning, finding that relative to the standard Shannon entropy-based sampling, they yielded higher point-biserial uncertainty-error correlations while attaining similar performances in Dice-Sorensen coefficients. These superior features of EDL models render them well-suited for segmentation tasks that warrant a critical sensitivity in detecting large model errors.

2.176CCI3.0-HQ: a large-scale Chinese dataset of high quality designed for pre-training large language models

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

We present CCI3.0-HQ (, a high-quality 500GB subset of the Chinese Corpora Internet 3.0 (CCI3.0)(, developed using a novel two-stage hybrid filtering pipeline that significantly enhances data quality. To evaluate its effectiveness, we trained a 0.5B parameter model from scratch on 100B tokens across various datasets, achieving superior performance on 10 benchmarks in a zero-shot setting compared to CCI3.0, SkyPile, and WanjuanV1. The high-quality filtering process effectively distills the capabilities of the Qwen2-72B-instruct model into a compact 0.5B model, attaining optimal F1 scores for Chinese web data classification. We believe this open-access dataset will facilitate broader access to high-quality language models.

2.177Research on gesture recognition method based on SEDCNN-SVM

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Gesture recognition based on surface electromyographic signal (sEMG) is one of the most used methods. The traditional manual feature extraction can only extract some low-level signal features, this causes poor classifier performance and low recognition accuracy when dealing with some complex signals. A recognition method, namely SEDCNN-SVM, is proposed to recognize sEMG of different gestures. SEDCNN-SVM consists of an improved deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) and a support vector machine (SVM). The DCNN can automatically extract and learn the feature information of sEMG through the convolution operation of the convolutional layer, so that it can capture the complex and high-level features in the data. The Squeeze and Excitation Networks (SE-Net) and the residual module were added to the model, so that the feature representation of each channel could be improved, the loss of feature information in convolutional operations was reduced, useful feature information was captured, and the problem of network gradient vanishing was eased. The SVM can improve the generalization ability and classification accuracy of the model by constructing an optimal hyperplane of the feature space. Hence, the SVM was used to replace the full connection layer and the Softmax function layer of the DCNN, the use of a suitable kernel function in SVM can improve the model’s generalization ability and classification accuracy. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed classification algorithm, this method is analyzed and compared with other comparative classification methods. The recognition accuracy of SEDCNN-SVM can reach 0.955, it is significantly improved compared with other classification methods, the SEDCNN-SVM model is recognized online in real time.

2.178Multi-Class Abnormality Classification in Video Capsule Endoscopy Using Deep Learning

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

This report outlines Team Seq2Cure’s deep learning approach for the Capsule Vision 2024 Challenge, leveraging an ensemble of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and transformer-based architectures for multi-class abnormality classification in video capsule endoscopy frames. The dataset comprised over 50,000 frames from three public sources and one private dataset, labeled across 10 abnormality classes. To overcome the limitations of traditional CNNs in capturing global context, we integrated CNN and transformer models within a multi-model ensemble. Our approach achieved a balanced accuracy of 86.34 percent and a mean AUC-ROC score of 0.9908 on the validation set, with significant improvements in classifying complex abnormalities. Code is available at .

2.179Transferring Knowledge from High-Quality to Low-Quality MRI for Adult Glioma Diagnosis

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Glioma, a common and deadly brain tumor, requires early diagnosis for improved prognosis. However, low-quality Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) technology in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) hinders accurate diagnosis. This paper presents our work in the BraTS Challenge on SSA Adult Glioma. We adopt the model from the BraTS-GLI 2021 winning solution and utilize it with three training strategies: (1) initially training on the BraTS-GLI 2021 dataset with fine-tuning on the BraTS-Africa dataset, (2) training solely on the BraTS-Africa dataset, and (3) training solely on the BraTS-Africa dataset with 2x super-resolution enhancement. Results show that initial training on the BraTS-GLI 2021 dataset followed by fine-tuning on the BraTS-Africa dataset has yielded the best results. This suggests the importance of high-quality datasets in providing prior knowledge during training. Our top-performing model achieves Dice scores of 0.882, 0.840, and 0.926, and Hausdorff Distance (95%) scores of 15.324, 37.518, and 13.971 for enhancing tumor, tumor core, and whole tumor, respectively, in the validation phase. In the final phase of the competition, our approach successfully secured second place overall, reflecting the strength and effectiveness of our model and training strategies. Our approach provides insights into improving glioma diagnosis in SSA, showing the potential of deep learning in resource-limited settings and the importance of transfer learning from high-quality datasets.

2.180Kenyan Sign Language (KSL) Dataset: Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Bridging Communication Barrier among the Deaf Learners

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Kenyan Sign Language (KSL) is the primary language used by the deaf community in Kenya. It is the medium of instruction from Pre-primary 1 to university among deaf learners, facilitating their education and academic achievement. Kenyan Sign Language is used for social interaction, expression of needs, making requests and general communication among persons who are deaf in Kenya. However, there exists a language barrier between the deaf and the hearing people in Kenya. Thus, the innovation on AI4KSL is key in eliminating the communication barrier. Artificial intelligence for KSL is a two-year research project (2023-2024) that aims to create a digital open-access AI of spontaneous and elicited data from a representative sample of the Kenyan deaf community. The purpose of this study is to develop AI assistive technology dataset that translates English to KSL as a way of fostering inclusion and bridging language barriers among deaf learners in Kenya. Specific objectives are: Build KSL dataset for spoken English and video recorded Kenyan Sign Language and to build transcriptions of the KSL signs to a phonetic-level interface of the sign language. In this paper, the methodology for building the dataset is described. Data was collected from 48 teachers and tutors of the deaf learners and 400 learners who are Deaf. Participants engaged mainly in sign language elicitation tasks through reading and singing. Findings of the dataset consisted of about 14,000 English sentences with corresponding KSL Gloss derived from a pool of about 4000 words and about 20,000 signed KSL videos that are either signed words or sentences. The second level of data outcomes consisted of 10,000 split and segmented KSL videos. The third outcome of the dataset consists of 4,000 transcribed words into five articulatory parameters according to HamNoSys system.

2.181Health Misinformation in Social Networks: A Survey of IT Approaches

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey on the pervasive issue of medical misinformation in social networks from the perspective of information technology. The survey aims at providing a systematic review of related research and helping researchers and practitioners navigate through this fast-changing field. Specifically, we first present manual and automatic approaches for fact-checking. We then explore fake news detection methods, using content, propagation features, or source features, as well as mitigation approaches for countering the spread of misinformation. We also provide a detailed list of several datasets on health misinformation and of publicly available tools. We conclude the survey with a discussion on the open challenges and future research directions in the battle against health misinformation.

2.182A Deep Learning Approach to Estimate Canopy Height and Uncertainty by Integrating Seasonal Optical, SAR and Limited GEDI LiDAR Data over Northern Fore...

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Accurate forest canopy height estimation is essential for evaluating aboveground biomass and carbon stock dynamics, supporting ecosystem monitoring services like timber provisioning, climate change mitigation, and biodiversity conservation. However, despite advancements in spaceborne LiDAR technology, data for northern high latitudes remain limited due to orbital and sampling constraints. This study introduces a methodology for generating spatially continuous, high-resolution canopy height and uncertainty estimates using Deep Learning Regression models. We integrate multi-source, multi-seasonal satellite data from Sentinel-1, Landsat, and ALOS-PALSAR-2, with spaceborne GEDI LiDAR as reference data. Our approach was tested in Ontario, Canada, and validated with airborne LiDAR, demonstrating strong performance. The best results were achieved by incorporating seasonal Sentinel-1 and Landsat features alongside PALSAR data, yielding an R-square of 0.72, RMSE of 3.43 m, and bias of 2.44 m. Using seasonal data instead of summer-only data improved variability by 10%, reduced error by 0.45 m, and decreased bias by 1 m. The deep learning model’s weighting strategy notably reduced errors in tall canopy height estimates compared to a recent global model, though it overestimated lower canopy heights. Uncertainty maps highlighted greater uncertainty near forest edges, where GEDI measurements are prone to errors and SAR data may encounter backscatter issues like foreshortening, layover, and shadow. This study enhances canopy height estimation techniques in areas lacking spaceborne LiDAR coverage, providing essential tools for forestry, environmental monitoring, and carbon stock estimation.

2.183SMITE: Segment Me In TimE

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Segmenting an object in a video presents significant challenges. Each pixel must be accurately labelled, and these labels must remain consistent across frames. The difficulty increases when the segmentation is with arbitrary granularity, meaning the number of segments can vary arbitrarily, and masks are defined based on only one or a few sample images. In this paper, we address this issue by employing a pre-trained text to image diffusion model supplemented with an additional tracking mechanism. We demonstrate that our approach can effectively manage various segmentation scenarios and outperforms state-of-the-art alternatives.

2.184A Joint Representation Using Continuous and Discrete Features for Cardiovascular Diseases Risk Prediction on Chest CT Scans

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remain a leading health concern and contribute significantly to global mortality rates. While clinical advancements have led to a decline in CVD mortality, accurately identifying individuals who could benefit from preventive interventions remains an unsolved challenge in preventive cardiology. Current CVD risk prediction models, recommended by guidelines, are based on limited traditional risk factors or use CT imaging to acquire quantitative biomarkers, and still have limitations in predictive accuracy and applicability. On the other hand, end-to-end trained CVD risk prediction methods leveraging deep learning on CT images often fail to provide transparent and explainable decision grounds for assisting physicians. In this work, we proposed a novel joint representation that integrates discrete quantitative biomarkers and continuous deep features extracted from chest CT scans. Our approach initiated with a deep CVD risk classification model by capturing comprehensive continuous deep learning features while jointly obtaining currently clinical-established quantitative biomarkers via segmentation models. In the feature joint representation stage, we use an instance-wise feature-gated mechanism to align the continuous and discrete features, followed by a soft instance-wise feature interaction mechanism fostering independent and effective feature interaction for the final CVD risk prediction. Our method substantially improves CVD risk predictive performance and offers individual contribution analysis of each biomarker, which is important in assisting physicians’ decision-making processes. We validated our method on a public chest low-dose CT dataset and a private external chest standard-dose CT patient cohort of 17,207 CT volumes from 6,393 unique subjects, and demonstrated superior predictive performance, achieving AUCs of 0.875 and 0.843, respectively.

2.185Bridging the Diagnostic Divide: Classical Computer Vision and Advanced AI methods for distinguishing ITB and CD through CTE Scans

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Differentiating between Intestinal Tuberculosis (ITB) and Crohn’s Disease (CD) poses a significant clinical challenge due to their similar symptoms, clinical presentations, and imaging features. This study leverages Computed Tomography Enterography (CTE) scans, deep learning, and traditional computer vision to address this diagnostic dilemma. A consensus among radiologists from renowned institutions has recognized the visceral-to-subcutaneous fat (VF/SF) ratio as a surrogate biomarker for differentiating between ITB and CD. Previously done manually, we propose a novel 2D image computer vision algorithm for auto-segmenting subcutaneous fat to automate this ratio calculation, enhancing diagnostic efficiency and objectivity. As a benchmark, we compare the results to those obtained using the TotalSegmentator tool, a popular deep learning-based software for automatic segmentation of anatomical structures, and manual calculations by radiologists. We also demonstrated the performance on 3D CT volumes using a slicing method and provided a benchmark comparison of the algorithm with the TotalSegmentator tool. Additionally, we propose a scoring approach to integrate scores from radiological features, such as the fat ratio and pulmonary TB probability, into a single score for diagnosis. We trained a ResNet10 model on a dataset of CTE scans with samples from ITB, CD, and normal patients, achieving an accuracy of 75%. To enhance interpretability and gain clinical trust, we integrated the explainable AI technique Grad-CAM with ResNet10 to explain the model’s predictions. Due to the small dataset size (100 total cases), the feature-based scoring system is considered more reliable and trusted by radiologists compared to the deep learning model for disease diagnosis.

2.186Integrating Deep Feature Extraction and Hybrid ResNet-DenseNet Model for Multi-Class Abnormality Detection in Endoscopic Images

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2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

This paper presents a deep learning framework for the multi-class classification of gastrointestinal abnormalities in Video Capsule Endoscopy (VCE) frames. The aim is to automate the identification of ten GI abnormality classes, including angioectasia, bleeding, and ulcers, thereby reducing the diagnostic burden on gastroenterologists. Utilizing an ensemble of DenseNet and ResNet architectures, the proposed model achieves an overall accuracy of 94% across a well-structured dataset. Precision scores range from 0.56 for erythema to 1.00 for worms, with recall rates peaking at 98% for normal findings. This study emphasizes the importance of robust data preprocessing techniques, including normalization and augmentation, in enhancing model performance. The contributions of this work lie in developing an effective AI-driven tool that streamlines the diagnostic process in gastroenterology, ultimately improving patient care and clinical outcomes.

2.187Multi-Stage Airway Segmentation in Lung CT Based on Multi-scale Nested Residual UNet

arxiv html pdf kimi

2024/10/27 03:38 GTM

Accurate and complete segmentation of airways in chest CT images is essential for the quantitative assessment of lung diseases and the facilitation of pulmonary interventional procedures. Although deep learning has led to significant advancements in medical image segmentation, maintaining airway continuity remains particularly challenging. This difficulty arises primarily from the small and dispersed nature of airway structures, as well as class imbalance in CT scans. To address these challenges, we designed a Multi-scale Nested Residual U-Net (MNR-UNet), incorporating multi-scale inputs and Residual Multi-scale Modules (RMM) into a nested residual framework to enhance information flow, effectively capturing the intricate details of small airways and mitigating gradient vanishing. Building on this, we developed a three-stage segmentation pipeline to optimize the training of the MNR-UNet. The first two stages prioritize high accuracy and sensitivity, while the third stage focuses on repairing airway breakages to balance topological completeness and correctness. To further address class imbalance, we introduced a weighted Breakage-Aware Loss (wBAL) to heighten focus on challenging samples, penalizing breakages and thereby extending the length of the airway tree. Additionally, we proposed a hierarchical evaluation framework to offer more clinically meaningful analysis. Validation on both in-house and public datasets demonstrates that our approach achieves superior performance in detecting more accurate airway voxels and identifying additional branches, significantly improving airway topological completeness. The code will be released publicly following the publication of the paper.